Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Waking with a start Greenwall looks around at the room. This room was the same room as before, but it was different at the same time. Carefully Greenwall slides out of her bed and walks over to the window. Looking out at the city Greenwall was mesmerized by the sight of the sun cresting over the mountains it was beautiful.

An explosion at one of the walls breaks Greenwall out of her daze, then all Hell breaks loose. Griffons fly in from the east dropping pots onto the city, each one exploding into a brilliant green flame. Staring at a griffon flying towards the hospital one word escapes her lips before the griffon drops the vase. "Hellfire"

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(I will clearly tell you if you lose a life btw)

2686015 Hearing the explosion outside the hospital room Blue rushes inside, throwing up a shield around the window. "Sarge, we have to go!" He yells. (Fyi, Blue has been sleeping outside Greenwood's room to make sure she doesn't run again.)

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2686056 (Yeah we probably should have gone back and did that month of training so you wouldn't seem like a total creeper there)
Staring at the hellfire Wall slowly backs up and runs into the room next to hers. She runs up to the stallion laying comatose and puts him on her back. Looking up at blue she says "I don't know who you are but thank you"
(I have to let my dogs out, just fight some griffons on the way to the ground floor)

2686096 "Damn it. Blue whispers to himself as his horn flashes, his characteristic full plate and weapons appearing by his side. "Let's get you and Sargent Dim to safety ma'm. Name's Blue." He says as he extends a hoof.

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2686190 Walking to his side Green nods and begins to leave through the hallway

((Sorry, Youtube again. And I'm eating gum so... I'll be awake for awhile.))
Heaven had been sitting in the ground floor as the Griffins began their attack. "Hellfire..." Sebastian sighed, as he looked out a window at the green fire. "Listen Heaven, I want you to stay alive." He said, turning to look at his sister. "Above all else, stay alive. I don't care for anything else." He said before vanishing, just as a few Griffons charged into the hospital.

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2686224 Seeing the ninja the griffons charge at heaven aiming to kill her quickly

2686214 Taking point Blue leads Greenwood down the hall, his crossbow loaded and ready, his great sword in position to strike.

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2686324 Screeching a griffon crashes through a side window sword flashing, murder in its eyes

Twisting around their initial attack, Heaven vanished to appear on one of their backs. "I'll be taking this." She said, taking it's weapon and stabbing it's neck. "It's about time you got here..." Heaven said at Blue and Greenwall's arrival. "Are you sure she's fit to fight?" She asked, turing to Blue.

2686361 (We're on a different story of the building i think.)

2686344 The crossbow swivels in the air as it fires, the griffons chest collapsing as it falls back out the window. "Come on, we have to get you to the castle, it's the safest place in the city." He tells Greenwood as he loads the bow again, breaking into a trot.

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2686361 Nodding green follows the strange stallion downstairs, but grabs the griffons sword on the way

2686400 Catching sight of Green picking up the sword Blue looks back at her. "You sure you can use that?"

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2686410 "Better than having to rely on strangers" She mutters under her breath before continuing down the stairs

2686429 "Watch the stairs." Blue says as he rounds a bend coming to the door of the ground level. Cracking it open Blue watches as a nurse crawls along the ground, a deep gash along her side where a griffon's sword has cut. Standing over her a large Griffon stands, his blade raised to strike, only for a bolt to sprout form his throat.

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2686460 (I got nothing specific until we are out of the hospital btw)

2686361 (Yup just on it) Checking to make sure the coast is clear Blue slinks out of the door. Flashing a series of combat signs in the door way Way Clear. Check Hostiles 4. Distracted Move Softly. he makes his way to the reception desk, hiding behind it as he reloads the crossbow.

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2686520 Greenwall gives Blue a blank look(:ajbemused:) before nodding at the stallion that easily weighs twice as much as her resting on her back

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 25th, 2014

2686544 Good she can understand combat signs, might still be some of her left in there. Blue thinks as he pulls Dim over with his magic, making sure to keep him low.

Standing outside as the city burned a small squad of four griffons sit around with there backs to the reception "Ahh, love the smell of hellfire in the air, smells like victory." One of them quips as he fires a crossbow into the back of a fleeing filly. "Hey lads! I bagged a young one!"

((that was for when they got to her... And I'll be going to sleep soon.))

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Staring at the griffons something in greenwall snapped. Grabbing her sword she charges forward jumping into a somersault and gutting the Griffon who killed the filly. Continuing in her roll greenwall jumps up and onto another griffon before cutting its head off. The other griffons had gotten over thier shock and moved in to revenge their falling. One of them was rewarded with a sword in his eye and the other with a crazy mare jumping at forcing it into a melee before it could draw its sword

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2686657 (Well she just saw greenwall kill three birds on the other side of the hospital (Its a U shape btw)

2686667 Seeing Greenwood sprint forward and kill three of the Griffons Blue snaps off a shot, killing the forth with bolt to the neck. "Nice work Greenwood, good to see you can still handle your self. Come on let's get moving before their friends come looking." Placing Dim on his back Blue takes off down the street, sticking to any back alleyways he can, heading for the castle.

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2686685 staring at the stallion confused Greenwall shrugs her shoulders and continues on (Typing battle stats)

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Griffon Soldiers
8,000 Attacking 200 dead 40 injured
1,200 defending 500 dead 324 injured
10,000 fighting 20,000 hiding 8900 Dead 14000 injured
28 Solar 2 Lunar 15 Dawn 12 dead 3 injured 2 uninjured sergeants 1 fighting injured sergeant

Statistically we are losing

2686703 As they wander down a side alley Blue stops, holding up a hoof as voices waft through he air.
"Please stop!"
"Father!" The sound of a crossbow being friend sounds, along with a thump, shortly followed by a wailing screech.

Popping his head around the corner Blue sees mare, not much older than a filly backing away from a bloody stallion wielding a crossbow, remains of guard armour clinging to him, the body an elder stallion lying in the gutter. Deserter Blue thinks as he narrows is eyes.

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2686753 (What the buck, I thought deserters got the heck out of dodge this guy seems more like a traitor)

2686773 (Blue don't know that)

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2686806 *twang* The sound of Blue's crossbow sounds as a bolt sprouts from the traitors head. Stifling a gasp the mare looks over in Blue and Green's direction, fear in her eyes. Placing a hoof to the front of his helm Blue slowly walks out into the open, "Clear." He whispers to Greenwood.

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2686824 Greenwood runs up to the mare and begins to comfort her. Looking up at Blue Greenwood announces" I dont know what the buck is going on ,but I'm not going to that castle until this fighting is over!"
(System Message: Your response will vastly affect the future of FoE)

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 25th, 2014

2686857 Blue looks over Greenwood and the terrified citizen."....There's a gymnasium nearby, it was built to be a secondary shelter in case of emergency, chances are everypony in this city is heading there. If we make our way there we can do our best to help any pony we find but chances are high that we'll encounter heavy resistance along the way."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 25th, 2014
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Nodding Greenwall picks up her sword and begins to walk to the gymnasium
(Wow you're making it a lot easier to put out plot devices. Btw you've made a positive choice by allowing Green to assist the population)
As they leave the ally way the full force of the griffon assault become apparent. Crouching down Greenwall sneaks behind an overturned carriage. Looking over it she notices five griffon foot soldiers and official looking griffon. Two of the griffons are are leaned against a crystal wall with thier CO standing in between them. By the edge of the carriage is a lone griffon while the other two are farther down the street.
Looking at Blue Green wall flashes a signal to hit the leader in the head once she was in position to become engaged the two griffons down the street.
Quietly Greenwall throws a bottle near the captain and while they are distracted she grabs the griffon by the carriage and slits his throat. Once she sees they have not seen her she sneaks off towards the other two griffons

2686968 (Thanks.) Taking position against an up turned cart Blue lines up a shot on one of the Griffons. (Blue will strike as soon as Greenwood kills the other one, like in Tom Clancy's Future solider Ghost Recon games.) Flashing a symbol he rests the bow on his leg in a sniping position. Ready.

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Greenwall kills both griffons with a clean swipe of her sword

2687042 Raising his crossbow slightly Blue moves out into the open, the civ clinging close to his side. "Nice job sarg." He says looking around, as he turns his head he spots a trio of Griffons flying over in a search pattern. "Get down!" He whispers to the civ as he slides into cover, dragging her with him.

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2687054 As they fly over head Greenwall signals to Blue to move over the wall. She then proceeds to slide through a crack formed by the hellfire. As Greenwall slipped into the other side the sight horrified her to the point she almost threw up... again

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jun 14th, 2014

2687108 Rushing over, taking care to keep low, Blue looks over the wall gritting his teeth at the sight but moving on nonetheless. "We have to keep moving." He says quietly as he pulls Greenwood along, the civ sticking close behind them. (what did they see????)

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2687121 (Griffons like to eat ponies, I'll let your imagination do the rest) Hurrying past the site Greenwall reaches the enxt street she gasps as she realizes the "Gymnasium" is nothing but a pile of rubbly created by the hell fire. Shaking her head she sneaks across the street to see if there was any surivors. She found nothing. Dejactly she began to walk back towards the group when she heard a scream and the twang of a crossbow. Running over to the wall she notices a large caravan of pony slaves and griffons.
28 griffons was the total amount she counted all flying around.

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Griffon Soldiers
7,000 Attacking 1,200 dead 40 injured
200 defending 1500 dead 324 injured
2,000 fighting 10,000 hiding 26,900Dead 14000 injured
20 Solar 2 Lunar 12 Dawn 17 dead 5 injured 1uninjured sergeants 1 fighting injured sergeant

2687144 Spinning on his hooves, ignoring the devastation Blue sights in on the group. Quickly scanning the bunch he sights the leader siting atop the caravan, his large size and heavier armor giving him away. taking a moment to steady himself and line the shot, Blue gives the Griffin a sunroof for his forehead, the loud *crack* signaling the bolt's passing.

(Just for note, when his bow make a thump, it's when he isn't empowering it.)

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2687156 using the shot as a signal Greenwall slips across the street slitting two griffons throats as she proceeds to hid underneath the caravan. Looking at blue she points up at the airborn griffons searching for him. She signals 4 before she goes back to stealth killing these griffons

2687168 Seeing Green's signal Blue looks up, seeing the quartet of Griffons searching for him as the rest on the ground take up positions. Let's see what we can do... Blue thinks to himself as he slips another steel tip bolt into the grove before the loud *crack* ringings out, reducing the quartet above to a trio.

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