Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2687502 2687499 2687491 (You are one evil person :pinkiecrazy:)
As Raging was walking in the market with the other survivors, she heard people talking, she was preparing a FireBall when she saw them. She sighed before turning toward the others and telling them to hurry up.

2687516 Seeing the mare from earlier Blue smiles underneath his helm. "Ah you! Good, and you've found some more civs very good, never got your name by the way."

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(TIME WARPING BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Approaching the library doors Dim sticks his horn into the hole opening the door. As he begins to walk in fifty blades are angled towards him all glowing a different color. "Hey you guys are the research division arn't you?'
The Brigade members lowered thier weapons and allow us to enter
(You can finish your talk first btw)

Following in behind the group, Star chuckles. "I should have just stayed here and saved myself the trouble."

2687522 2687524>>2687525
"I'm Raging Fire." When she heard that they were going back to the library, she facehoofed "At least I saved a few ponies..."

2687527 "Nice meet you Raging, we can use some fir right about now." (Annnnd time warp) Wiping some gore from his blade Blue looks around as the civs funnel into the library, joining a large collection of roughly under 600 other ponies already there.

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2687527 (Damnit I can't think of a good way to undo Greens amnesia)
2687522 Dim talks to the injured pony wearing the DawnBrigades sergeant patch
After about ten minutes Dim returns over to blue " He says he and his boys will watch over the civilians while we clear a path to the rune room." Dim then pulls out a scroll "If I can't activate my scroll for whatever reason activate that when we have cleared the path, It'll signal them to come to the castle"

"So that is the civilians I suppose. We ready to start a bit of killing? I haven't reached my daily quota yet."

2687527 2687532 Taking the scroll Blue nods. "Will do sir. Now lets go die heroically like idiots." He says with a grin. (What about the power of love?)

2687525 (I doubt the power of love can save us. Even if it would be hilarious to see dim and Greenwall or Blue and heaven blast the griffins like the team rocket.)
"Great, now we can go on a suicide mission to save a bunch of civilian. I call first debt on dying with a big boom to let you continue while a swarm of griffins try to eat me." she said, sarcastically.

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2687542 (Yeah I'm going to avoid cliches if I can help it, but first Dim needs to know she has amnesia and isn't just ignoring him lol (I wonder if anyone can guess how Dim and her a related anyways)

2687538 Alright lets move it out men.
Five minutes of complete bordeum is the best way to describe the walk to the castle nothing happened. It was getting to the point Dim was yelling out "HERE GRIPHY GRIPHY GRIPHY". They approached the castle doors. "Alright the summoning circle should be at the end of the throne room (The one we are entering btw)" Dim says as he pushes open the door.
Dim didn't really know what he expected, but he expected somthing to happen. Slightly disappointed Dim walks over to the summoning circle and begins to fix the lines

"I'm disappointed for some reason." Star actually appears to be pouting.

2687538 His ears perking up under his helm Blue feels a tingle run down his spine as years of instinct kick in. "We are not alone in here." He says as he empowers himself, sword at the ready as he scans the room's walls and ceiling.

2687551 (BBBFF?)
2687554 2687556 (You made it a few seconds before me...)
Raging walked around the throne room, nervous. She began to look for the enters and put fire runes on them, just to be safe. "If you are disappointed, help me secure the area. I don't like it, it feels like a trap." When she heard blue she turned toward him. "You feel it too?"

"it is. It's always a trap." Sets to helping Raging set up fire runes. (Just ask our friendly Admiral Ackbar.)

2687567 (Exactly what I thought :rainbowlaugh:)

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"And Done" Dim Proclaims as loudly as he can. Several moments pass before Dim sits on the ground and pouts "Oh come on the monster is always suppose to come when someone is oblivious and loud and obnoxious"
The ground began to rumble at the very moment Dim finished talking. "Oh yeah stuff in books really do happen in real life" Then the rumbling stopped
"IDK who you are, but your'e an idiot" Greenwall tells him as she throws a rock at him

2687562 (And so reality trolls Dim once more.) Keeping his eyes on the walls and watching the ceiling Blue spreads his telekinesis out in a wave. (Think physical sonar.)

2687570 "Hey! Don't throw a rock at my boss! That classify you as a bad guy. And a wonderful pony."

"You know, I prefer fighting with minotaur. They have a proper sense to charge blindly in and get slaughtered. These griffons are starting to piss me off."

2687570 Ignoring the others Blues keeps focused on maintaining the semi physical pulses going through the room. (He's tooootally not using this an opportunity to grope the female cast memebers vis his mind powers:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:)

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The thing haunting us finnally shows itself in all its glory by bursting out of the ground in the middle of the room. Dim noticed it had Bright purple scales and yello--"SHIT" Dim yells before he throws the brightest ball of light he can muster into the air. "Don't look at it it's a basilisk!"
Boss stats
magic level- 1000 (Gaze = death)
Strength- 1000 (It can tunnel through rock)
Speed 1 (It's slow)
Blinded Greenwall backs into a beam before slipping behind it

(Molestia trained Blue, eh?)

2687586 (Eeeyup) Closing his eyes Blue uses the telekinetic web to construct a 3D picture of the world around him. (Like Daredevil) Lunging out of the way of strike as a claw slams down on his position, shattering the ground where he was standing.

"Right then." Some of Star's magic reaches into this reconstructed robes pulling out a reflective set of shades even as he backs behind a pillar. "Why would they have a basilisk?" A set of playing cards is next removed from one of the pockets in his robes.

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2687588 Listening to the sound of a strike Dim shoots a paralysis spell at the basilisk just to have it fly back at him. thankfully his own magic does not paralyze him

2687594 (Blue can't teleport while he's maintaining the spell.) Sprinting around to the backside the giant lizard Blue takes a running jump at it, landing on top of the beast.

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2687598 bucking wildly the beast runs at a low lying ceiling that it can barely fit through (This is on big mofo)

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While it is distracted Dim and Green both charge the beast and plunge thier blades under its scales. Hissing in pain the basilisk rolls over onto its back taking the swords with it. The two ponies retreat to the relative safty of the pillars

Star's magic tosses a card around the pillar toward one of the basilisk's legs. If it makes contact it should burst into an acidic concoction.

2687593 Raging closed her eyes and listen what was happening, she teleported behind the basilisk and empowered before launching a flame dart to the beast. trying to shot the head.

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2687603 as the beast roles over it squishes one of the cards weakening its scales (Do you even have that enchant?)

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2687604 (Damn our unicorns are learning new spells on the spot:ajbemused::rainbowlaugh:) The flame misses the creature and singes Blue

2687603 As the beast rolls over Blue slides down it's front, ramming his sword into it's exposed joints as it topples.

(Eh, I don't know if I've used it before but if not we can just ignore it and say it was an electrical pulse instead.)

"Drive it toward the entrances that we've already set up with fire runes. That'll help us take it down quicker."

2687607 (Blue is very creative with telekinesis.)

(Well Burning and I were in the library. Knowledge is power and all that.)

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2687603 The creature screams in pain as the the blade slices several tendons in it's right leg. retaliating the best slams blew in the chest throwing him across the room.
Taking this oppurtunity Green jams two daggers into its eyes effectively crippling it
The beast is not in a frenzy thrashing it's tail around destroying pillars and anything else it touches

2687603 (She is almost an expert of fire magic, and it was most of a blink than a teleport here.)
Raging prepared a blast toward one of the leg of the beast, she released the spell before blinking toward the voice of Star. "The fire rune will annoy it more than anything."

Jumping away from the now smashed pillar he was behind, Star turns and fires two electrified arrows toward the back of the creature. "One of you with a sword take out its tail if you can."

"Every extra bit helps."

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2687604 The beast slams its tail into one of the entrances setting off a flame trap blackening it's scales causing it to attack even more aggressively but damaging its tail even more

2687615 Hearing the scream of pain Blue grins moments before a scaled arms sends him flying, smashing through a pillar and leaving a large crack in the wall as he slides down, a trail of blood following him. His magic blinking out, Blue opens his eyes, his vision swimming before he pushes him self to his hooves, grasping his sword in his magic before shaking his head and charging the beast.

Smirking at Burning. "See. Woops." Ducks a swinging bit of tail and backs off a bit. He fires another arrow at the basilisk this time aiming for the tail.

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2687619 I'm thinking we finish it with hellfire if we have anymore Dim yells over the beasts roaring.
Dim charges the creature and jumps on its back before shooting another paralyis spell through a gap in its scales. The beast collapses, but is still twitching
"So does anyone have some still, but do hurry I doubt this will hold but a few more seconds"

2687613 (The blast is burning or exploding?)
Raging had to avoid a swing of the tail and launched a blast that missed the Basilisk and explodes a pillar.
" I can't really touch it. If it could stop moving I could try to launch a more powerful blast, but here I will end up missing it." As soon as she said it she head the beast fall and looked at it. She grinned before blinking on it and preparing a blast to launch through it's scales.

2687619 A trail of blood following him as it drips from his armor Blue blinks onto it's underside and rams his sword underneath it's chin with a roar, putting all the magical strength he can muster without blacking out into the stab.

"Stand back then. I've still got all three pots from earlier." He pulls one of them out from wherever he had stored it and making sure everyone is clear tosses it into the back of the basilisk. Of course, he wasn't as far away as he should have been so winds up knocked flat on his back from the results. ((Or not. Seems everyone got in on it before I tossed so I suppose we can count this as an undone action. Really up to our supreme overlord on this one.))

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