Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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((That's fine. And did you know the amount of players in WoW has been decreasing by around 5% each year since 2005? And before you ask, it's because people can't afford the monthly fee.))

2681784 (I didn't know that, but in the same time it's still one of the most played mmorpg and they are still making extension... They should try something else. At least Hearstone is really fun.)

((The only way they'll stop loosing people is if they go free to play, or if they remove the subscription. And here is what Blizzard has to say about that. "We will not turn World of Warcraft into a Free to play game. Nor will we remove the subscription, we are making to much money to actually think about doing something that stupid." ERGO, they only care about the money.))

2681993 (Yup, but in the same time I understand them, when you get something that all alone can keep your company running, and get extra money, making it free would really hurt. At least Heartstone and Heroes of the Storm are free. And apparently the arcade of SC2 is free. But in the end, I guess I'll just pay for 2 month and maybe play again at the last expansion and stop it. It's getting old.)

2682057 (Or play planetside 2, it's free to play and super fun.)

2682236 (I already play to it, unfortunately, some of my friends have a hard time running it. That and I need to find a way to fly with a plane without dying :twilightblush:)

((I'll be eating dinner soon so... I may not reply...))

Heaven turned to Raging as she spoke. "I see..." She mumbled, shaking her head. "Reminds me of blood magic... though that can be used to control people... beyond maybe raising them."

Group Admin

2682300 (Yeah I got bored of Wow a few months ago. Now this planet side sounds interesting)
2682321 (Btw blood magic in this universe is pretty much using your own life force to amplify the power of your magic, which would make mind control much easier. Pretty much if a normal unicorn was to use enough blood magic to pass out and possibly die then they would be eight times as powerful as Dim who is about four more times powerful than one of you guys who are about ten times more powerful than the average unicorn.( Has to make you wonder how much magic The hand of God spell takes to cast huh.)
(I'm making a power chart for magic and strength so you can understand the relations a bit more)

2682321 (Okay)
Raging looked at Heaven for a few seconds, interested, before asking :
"So, you have met blood magic users before? I've fought a few of them, but usually I make sure that they can't cast any spell. Where did you met one?"

2682433 (Cool, so the blood magic is like the one in Dragon Age? As for Planetside 2 is a good mmofps, I particularly like the vehicles.)

Group Admin

2682509 (Exactly like Dragon Age)

2682537 (So a blood mage can use the blood of others to buff his magic? That can make them really hard to kill :trixieshiftright: )

Group Admin

2682540 (They're not quite that Op but you'll see one reason it's illegal when I add the power chart)

((She's talking about the older blood magic, the one that uses sigils...))
"One of the jobs I was on." She said, looking away. "I don't like talking about it." She sighed before shaking her head. "And I've met plenty of Sigil users in my time as an assassin." She chuckled, looking over at Raging. "I can use some myself."

2682540 "I've killed plenty of blood magic users in my day." Blue pipes up.

2682669 2682694 (going to sleep)
"I'm sure you will have to use those a lot in the upcoming days." she said before turning toward Blue "So, what happened here? The dead woke up and tried to bite you? Anyway, I still need to recuperate from the spell, I'll see you later." she said before leaving.

Group Admin

2682669 (You guys disappear a lot lol let me know when you're on)

2683973 (Real sorry, on a smart phone.)

Group Admin

2684012 (Eh I don't really mind its just funny how you guys will be in the middle of a conversation and just stop. Anyways when you and zeir are ready we can start the next mission, Fersian had to drop out btw)

2684031 (Goof whenever you are, suck to hear about Ferisan)

Group Admin

2682669 (Pst... You there? Your conversation needs to end so I can time warp a day ahead)

((Yeah, sorry... I was watching Youtube...))

Heaven shook her head sighing. "Well good for you." She said, half sarcastically. "What, do you want a medal?" She asked, sighing as she turned to leave. "What ever..." She mumbled, as she looked around. "I'm going to go wander."

2684933What's her problem? As he watches her walk away Blue grumbles under his breath. "Already got a medal..."

((If you've read at least book one of A New Equestria, you'd know that her problem would be Green Hunter used blood magic on her and Sebastian, then took over their minds. Then again... Blue wouldn't know that would he. :) ))
Heaven sighed, shaking her head as she wandered the city. She mostly stayed on roofs and alleyways, to avoid other people.

2685025 (Ahhhh, makes sense.)

Group Admin

2684950 (Yeah you just won an internet or two)

2685025 (Let me finish running and we can get this show on the road)

((No, he won two. And your running?))

Group Admin

2685610 (Workout thing I got five minutes left)

((Oh, cool. So intermission done then?))

Group Admin

2685787 Yeah I'm writing the intro for the next mission now. Just a heads up death is possible in the next mission, but more details in the intro ( it is very unlikely you will die this early in the saga, but I want to get the group used to these mechanics for when we are in hard zones like the void)

((Well, I don't know when I'll be able to get on after I go to sleep...))

2685868 (Void...SPAACCCEEE!!! Also totally ready.)

Group Admin

2685923 (Kinda sucks you guys didn't go to the library today I had some major spoilers there. Oh well you guys will have to wait now)

((NOOOO I MISSED THE SPOILING SPOILERS!!! Can we hear them anyway?please?))

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2686040 (Well long story short the researchers found a few books describing ways magical energy could be stored for practical use and even one describing a way to make magic without a unicorn)

((So, something alone the lines of the sigils Heaven uses?))

Group Admin

2686286 (no those use latent magic they discovered something that may create new, "pure" magic)

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 25th, 2014

((No, no... Magic can't be created, only accessed. Me being a pagan I know. It's not created.))

Group Admin

(There's no way to make it naturally, yes, but If tampered with enough certain materials will change from matter into energy aka magic)

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