Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2671639 Lighting his smoke Blue looks over table. "Yeah, I guess so. Tartarrus knows I've seen crazy before...doesn't take much more than a push." Shrugging his shoulders Blue takes a pull of his smoke. "Eh but you don't want to hear about my old work stories."

2671642 (I have to leave, I'll get back in three hours.)
"I have nothing better to do anyway. And I like your story."

2671644 (Be asleep by then.) "It's a long one, but hey if wanna her me ramble on by all means."

2671644(Been on in three hours)

2673665 (On, stuck at uni till bus arrives but yay smart phones!) Blue clears his throat.
" Well just so you know where I'm coming from I'll give you the condensed version of my childhood. I was born in Manehattan, a second child, older brother. My mother worked as an escort father was a road worker, he was a unicorn ma an earth pony. Pa had mental troubles, when I was six took the quick way down from the sixth floor. After that things got bad with the recession, brother went to a bad place, got hooked on red sand, robbed the family, guards found him OD in some slum. News broke my mother and not long after she threw herself off the dock with a cinder block round her neck. I went to military school joined the solar guard, was good at cracking heads, not so good at detective work so I got moved to H.R.T, spent the next ten years sliding up and down the rank ladder. Shouted at some incompetent fuck wits, made friends lost friends, earned myself a reputation for being a pony you could rely on in a pinch. That's the short version." Blue takes a drink of his coffee . "Any questions?"

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2673665 Waking with a start Greenwall looks around at the room. It was an odd room, but seems as if this was a second home to her. "what the heck is this place" Greenwalls mutters as she pulls out the IVs and slips out of the bed onto the tile. Cursing herself for not realizing how slick the floor is she falls to the ground smacking her head on the edge of the bed . As she is finally able to stand she falls into a fit of coughing. Noticing the blood she coughed up she begins to feel sick and half dragging, half walking herself to the window and opens it up. When the frozen air rushes into the room she can't hold back the vomit anymore and lets loose a bloody mix of bile and blood. After several minutes she begins to cry and puts her back to the wall sliding into the fetal position. (My amazing scene of drama isn't the writing just superb... *Insert sarcasm*)

2675977 (eh, better than some other stuff I've read. At least your back in.)

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2676339 (Well this one time in high school I was able to make my writing teacher cry:rainbowlaugh: I think I have to stay up for 37.5 hours for my creativity to kick in, Aka I have to get high off the chemicals my brain releases while I'm awake)

((I'm sort of the same way... Longer I'm awake, the more demented and psychotic my mind becomes. Which is when I do my best stuff.))

"And I told you." Sebastian said, as he and Heaven walked into the hospital. "I do not care for the regulations and procedures of any of the nations." Heaven blinked, almost running to keep up with her brother. "I told you..." Heaven sighed, shaking her head. "I don't even know if that i what was used. It could even have been something completely innocent!" Sebastian shook his head, before looking back at Heaven. "We can not afford to take the chance Sister. If blood magic indeed is being used, we need to find out why."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 24th, 2014
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2676534 (ooh do I get to kill Sebastian!?:pinkiecrazy:)

2676414 (Dopamine! You get some Dopamine! And you get some Dopamine! Everyone gets Dopamine !)

((You might... Haven't really decided how I'm going to play Sebastian yet... [AKA if he's good, bad, or just plain nuts.]))

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2676534 (BTW Balancer when you get a chance we need to get the side affects written for some of these spells. The more powerful the spell the more damaging the side affects are. So the hand of God has some pretty bad side affects you are about to see, and considering she was five minutes from having to travel through the void alone, :pinkiegasp:which the more I think about it I've decided we are so going to once ____ dies:yay::yay:)
2676339 Slightly sniffling Greenwall stood up from her haven from the outside world. Taking a tentative step forward Greenwall began to edge towards the door. When the door began to crack open Greenwall gasped and began to back up. Realizing the patient was up the nurse quickly walked in to calm the patient. To put it lightly this was a mistake. Screaming Greenwall dived out the window falling three stories scrapping the edge of a crystal bush. Yelling out in pain Greenwall landed with a crack. Now sporting a nasty gash Greenwall began to limp away.

((Let me clarify, 'Hand of God' is not blood magic? Or is it?))

2676697 (Damn, Greenwood seems a bit out of it.)

Comment posted by Balancer deleted Jan 24th, 2014
Group Admin

2676794 (it's complex but legal, not blood magic)

((Ah, okay.))
"No blood magic you say?" Sebastian said, looking over at Greenwall. "No, that's not blood magic. It's hand of god... How interesting." (Heaven's brother is a unicorn remember...) "Hand of god?" Heaven asked, confused. "What's that?"

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2677071 (Shit thanks for just staring at me while I run around like a maniac bleeding to death)

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2676858 "Run" That was all that Greenwall could think, so run she did. several minutes later the hospitals staff were on full alert actively looking for Greenwall, but they have not found the blood trail she has left behind.
Greenwall sees a wall up a head and makes a break for it hoping there will be somewhere safe for her on the other side
(So who thinks they know what greenwall is suffering from right now)
(Btw if she gets over the wall there's a very high possibility of her being captured by the griffons, and tbe griffons are quite medieval in many aspects of their culture)

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2677132 (Nope, well kinda, but I'm talking more physical than pysco)

2677140 (Can't think of anything aside from some confusion and shock.)

((Why did that appear now?))

Heaven looked over at her brother, as he nodded. She then, flapped her wings, as she bounded after Greenwall. Once, if, she caught up to her before she got over the wall Heaven stood infront of her. "Please stop. You're injured." She said, worry in her voice. "At least allow them to heal you... you almost died."

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2677192 (It'll be more obvious once you or heaven sees her)

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2677210 Staring at the pegasus Green backs up before she lights her horn. Seconds pass before Green screams out in pain her horn flickering out and collapses to the ground. Looking up at heaven she begins to say "Who a--" before she passes out from the pain.
(Note magical abilities will be impaired based on how powerful the Hand of God spell is)

2677213 (Arrgh, I'm stuck in a conversation with Raging though....any chance Greenwood will wander past?)

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2677265 (She just screamed in pain)

Heaven blinked at Greenwalls actions. "What?" She mumbled, looking around. "Why would she..."

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2677309 (She tried to kill you but you don't know that)

2673665 As Blue opens his mouth to continue speaking a scream rings out over the plaza. "The buck..." Rising from the table Blue leaves a tip for the waiter as he breaks out into a trot, heading in the direction of the scream.

((I know that. Heaven doesn't.))
Looking around still Heaven get's a worried look on her face. "What is happening here..." She sighed, sitting down next to Greenwall. "What is Hand of God... why would she pass out..."

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2677424 (yeah btw I'm letting you guys do whatever this is not the plot significant)

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2677411 (Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo
:raritycry::raritydespair::raritydespair: I"M ALL ALONEEEEEEEEEEEE)

2677669 (I'm waiting for a que. :fluttercry:)

Group Admin

2677696 (I'm passed out I can't do anything:fluttershbad:
504 ftw)

((I was moving my laptop.))

2677794 (Then I shall take it upon myself!) Breaking into a sprint Blue rounds a corner Blue sees a most peculiar sight. Sargent Greenwood was lying passed out o. The ground, Heaven standing infront of her and from the looks of things Greenwood had left a rather long blood trail. "Greenwood!?" He yells as he runs forward, skidding to stop next to her. "What happened here?" He asks out loud.

Group Admin

2677794 ( goodnight whenever you get her to the hospital just have them take her away and a nurse say they'll let you know when there's an update)

((Night, and can do.))
"She... I don't know." Heaven said, shaking her head. "Brother is back at the hospital, and she broke out... well, fell out is more like it... as we were arriving." She repeated, looking around. "I followed her from the hospital. When I reached her she was trying to get over the wall."

2678361 (All righty.) "Damn." Blue says as he gently lifts Greenwood up on to his back. "Lets get her back to the hospital."
As the approach the hospital a commotion can be seen as a pair of guards talk to a doctor and a distressed nurse. "...umped out of the window!" Blue hears the nurse say as he comes withing earshot. As he approaches the doctor looks over towards him, his eyes widening as he sees the still form of Greenwood on Blue's back.
"Get a crash cart." He tells the nurse as he and the guards run over. "What happened here?" He asks as he examines the Sargent's prone form.

2678173 2678361 2678573 (It seems that I missed the action. That's annoying.)
Raging going to answer to Blue when they heard the scream. While Blue ran outside, she took time to finish her drink and pay before going outside, she looked around, sighed and began to search for a place where she could sleep.

((That it does.))
Heaven sighed as she repeated all that she said to Blue, to the guard. "...And that is when Blue arrived." She sighed, looking down. "And no pony answered my question. What is hand of god?"

2681378 (I'm back, sorry I'm playing WoW with a friend)
Raging was near the hospital when she saw a group with Blue and the Pegasus that was with Star earlier. When she approached them she heard the pegasus asked what was Hand of God.
"Hand of God is one of the hardest healing spell that you can perform. It can be used to revive someone dead, as long as it's not been one hour since he died, otherwise we might bring back some... unpleasant guest."

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