Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Nods at the approaching Raging while considering. "Yeah, I can work on those I suppose without the magic. You got something I can mark them with to repair them? Amazingly enough the only thing I don't have on me is ink or a brush/quill. ... I'll be fixing that while we are here in town."

2658504 2658527 "I'm hungry, and I spend an unknown amount of time KO because I made a spell to resurrect someone, so I want to know what happened while I was out, and eat some bacons. I suppose you can help me on the first one, while I do the last one." she said while examining them.

"No, actually I don't." She sighed, shaking her head. "Usually was my brother that repaired my stuff..." She smiled before turning to Raging. "That's illegal you know..."

"Hm... well I can see what I can find then shortly after I eat I suppose." Turning to Burning. "The usual war time stuff. Death, dismemberment, lamentations of the women, roasting griffon carcasses, clothes in need of cleansing of blood, and me being a few coins poorer. I understand that they managed to ambush the sword grouping while some of us were outside of the city and had to work our way back too late to help."

2658684 "Bacon is illegal in this country? Then I understand that the gryphon's want to burn it." said Raging, shaking her head with disappointment. "Then I guess I'll order a cake. Can't go wrong with cake."

2658718 "Sounds fun, me, I had to spend my time sleeping. I hope that it was worth it."

"You wouldn't happen to have any ink and something to use it with on you, would you? As for the sleeping through it, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure there will be plenty of killing left to go around."

2658756 "Nice, and unfortunately I don't have any ink, but I'm sure that we got a lot of gryphon's quills now. Even if some of them may be in a bad shape. So you know how to make sigils? I've always wanted to learn how to make them, but I couldn't find any one willing to teach me. Is it hard?" she asked, leaning toward the other unicorn, trying to look as charming as possible.

((Be back soon, eating.))
"No, raising the dead." Heaven sighed, shaking her head. "Well, after a certain time dead that is..." She chuckled, looking around sighing. "And we lost plenty of people..."

2658929 (ok)
"Don't worry, it was still legal, we barely made it, but in the end, we made it. That's what matters, as for the others dead, well they are dead, so it doesn't matter anymore." she said as she turned toward Heaven.

"I know enough to help repair these and probably give a basic course on it. Only reason I know it though is it was more common back in my time. Good point on the quills." Notes his food coming back and prepares to eat. "I apologize in advance if my table manners are terrible but I'm hungry and in severe need of refueling. I would imagine you are as well uhm... oh yeah. Name is Star Craving by the way."

2659167 "Yeah right, I'll take the same thing than you, I'm Raging Fire, formerly member of the Solar Brigade and now member of the Dawn Brigade. I find it better here, it was boring."

Group Admin

2659284 (Sweet Jesus a lot of our members are from the solar brigade dang, oh well I guess you guys are tougher than the average recruit so it is a believable reason)

2659349 (But the fact that we all got expelled means that we might cause more trouble than anything)

(Heh, this just makes me that much more original with the whole temporally displaced enchanter. Also, it helps cement our group as a collection of violent sociopaths/raving lunatics.)

2659447 2659349 2658929 (I'm going to sleep, don't know when I'll be on again.)


((Don't forget, Heaven is a ninja that isn't a part of any military.))
"I'm Heaven Star." She said to Raging, nodding at Blue. "Well, if you could do it soon." She sighed, shaking her head. "I'd like them back, and we may never know when they may attack again."

"Aye aye." Rapidly eats his food before standing up. "I'll be back in a moment. I'll fetch me some ink and a brush and be right back." Star dashes out of the room and off to a nearby shop to get the supplies and comes back in roughly 10 minutes. "There we go. Now then, lets see which ones need touching up and repair, yes?" ((I'm assuming that was aimed at me.))

((Yes, it was.))

"Thank you." She said as he returned. "Make it quick can you?" She smiled, sighing. She then softly chuckled as She looked around. "There really isn't much to do around here is there?"

"Well once you finish eating I think there are some weapon shops and stuff. Might want to see if they got anything new for you or whatever. Me, I'm going back to the archives once this is all done. One can never know too much."

((And because I'm an idiot and forgot to post this earlier.))
"Nice to meet you. I'm guessing you are with the mage troops too, eh?"

Heaven nodded at Star. "I guess I could try that." She smiled, looking around. "Perhaps I could find a sparing partner as well." She chuckled. Once she finished her food, she paid the waiter and got up. "Well, nice meeting you Mr Star Craving." She said, before going off to look for either a weapon shop, or a sparring partner.

Having finished up with the repairs just in time he waves to the leaving Heaven. "Oh waiter, I'm going to need another plate of my order. I really overdid it earlier."

Heaven saw Star waving and returned to him. "Did you finish?" She asked, looking at her cloak. "If you have, I thank you."

"Yeah, I think that is all of it. I would recommend trying them out somewhere safe to make sure they are all up to snuff but if sigils haven't changed how they function in all these years those should all be correct."

((Pleaseworkforonce isn't on...))
Heaven nodded again, putting her cloak back on. "I thank you again." She said before walking out of the cafe. She chuckled to herself before going to look around the city, a soft smile on her face.

2660312 (On for a couple hours between uni courses) Looking around from the massive piles of dishes on his table Blue spots Heaven and a disheveled unicorn leave the cafe. Good for her, guy looks abit raggedy but each to our own Rising up he throws a bag of bits at a bewildered waiter and chases after them. "Hey Star!"

"Yes, Blue? How can I help?"

2661320 Looking at the Stallion Blue tilts his head in confusion. "How did..." Ah she must have told him about me... (Our dudes haven't interacted at all, Blue was calling for heaven star :trollestia: "Nice to meet a you sir, Star wanted to ask me something earlier bit I was busy at the time and need some food."

((Wait, Heaven left alone...))
Heaven sighed as she wandered the city, hoping to find something of interest.

2661320 (Ah can still salvage it!) Looking past the raggedy unicorn Blue excises himself from the conversation before running out the door. Damn where did she get too Looking around Blue takes off in a random direction.

(No worries. I was a bit confused there myself.)
Finishes up his second round of food.

Heaven sighed as she sat on one of the roof-tops. She saw Blue running past where she was looking for something. "Wonder what he's looking for" she mumbled. Having all but forgotten what she wanted to ask him was.

2661624 (Why does that icon remind me of wacky wasteland?) Slowing to a trott Blue grits his teeth, "Damn lost her."

((Don't know?"))
heaven chuckled, as she jumped down next to Blue. "Her who?" She said, unaware he was referring to her. "Looking for your marefriend?" She chuckled, a soft smile on her face.

2661724 Snapping his head around Blue jumps slightly. "Ah! Ahhh nope." He says, poorly covering for his yelp. "Actually I was looking for you."

Heaven giggles lightly at his reaction. "Wait..." She said then, hearing what he said. "Me? And why would you be looking for me?"

2661916 "You wanted to talker earlier about the Sargent? You looked serious."

"Oh right..." Heaven sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "I... You saw what he did back then to Greenwall right?" Heaven asked him, sighing again. "She was dead for almost an hour... I just want to know, what magics does he know?"

2662061 Blue shrugs. "Heal spells, I don't know. I haven't exactly asked him, why what are you thinking?"

"It... It's nothing." She shook her head sighing. "I just... wanted to know."

2662197 "Alright then." Blue shrugs as he brings his pack of cigarettes to his mouth and pulls on out before lighting it. He offers Heaven the pack. "Smoke?"

Heaven shook her head at the offer. "No," She said sighing again. "I don't smoke. Never have, and don't plan on starting. I need to be in perfect condition in order to do my job."

2662282 (Real sorry about that, uni course.) Shrugging his shoulders again Blue puts the pack away. "Your choice, don't plan on living long enough to let it hurt me."

2663516 (I am currently on my phone and have no idea of when I will be able to be on my computer again, so don't count on me)
Raging didn't pay attention to what was going around her until she finished her meal, after that she looked around and saw that the other two had left. I don't care about this boring pegasus, but the Star was funny, if I got time I should speak to him. Well let's try to find Dim. He is probably sill at the hospital.

((On now.))
Heaven shook her head, sighing. "And why is that?" She asked, looking at him. "Planning on getting killed?"

2665356 "Ha!" He barks. "Plan? No, more like know. Ponies like me don't make old folk, we just windup in a ditch somewhere after pushing our luck to far one to many times." Shaking his head as he continues to chuckle Blue looks back in the direction of the hospital. "Wonder how Greenwood's coping?"

Heaven nodded a soft chuckle escaping her. "Well then I'll make it my mission to keep as many ponies alive." She said, putting her hoof on his shoulder. "That includes you Blue. We're going to make it out of this. I promise."

2665852 "Yeah...tell me that again when I'm stuffing my self down a dragons throat for the second time." Stull chuckling Blue looks around. "So what now?"

((Replies'll be slow I'm trying Star Trek Online))
Heaven shakes her head sighing. "I do not know." She said a soft smile on her face. "I was going to look for a sparring partner..." She chuckled, looking around. "Know of anypony?"

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