Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2971773 "So can I assume you're becoming one of those wackos who reject their nature and try to become a different pony?" Greenwall giggles as she teases Blue

(I'm still not doing it Pleaseworkforonce. Now, I'm going to get a boll of cereal, and lay on my couch while watching WWE on Netflix. Because I need sleep, and I like falling asleep to big, brawly men fighting each other while wearing spandex. [Them wearing spandex. I don't have spandex to wear.])

2971781 "Nah." Blue says as he taps his horn. "Got my nerve cut yesterday."

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2971813 "Huh sounds fun."

2971816 "Yeah, courtesy guy who took you your spot yesterday. Guy had a hard on for combat or something."

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2971824 She smacks Blue with he blunt of her sword "Watch your mouth soldier" After that she begins to chuckle "but yeah that does sound like something he would do, I take it you weren't paying attention?"

2971836 "No no." Blue says, ignoring the slap. "He hit me with enough sedative to kill a dragon then snipped me when I kept going."

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2971844 "Ah he's never liked stubborn ponies, but anyway I'm bored with this conversation now my magically crippled friend"

2971855 Blue laughs. "Hey only for a day an' a bit, so whats with the slapping anyway? That your kink?" He asks in a joking voice.

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2971864 "No it's just what I do before I start cutting, I usually start cutting the tongue first btw"

2971871 Raising an eye brow Blue just grins his shit eating grin. "Eh, wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me."

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2971878 "Oh good that means that I can just skip to the last thing I cut off and it doesn't grow back, and trust me, you dont want to lose it." Greenwall twirls her dagger to prove her point

2971895 "I've had pretty much every limb and organ replaced at least twice, EVERY organ. Only thing original is my head, and even then not all of it." Blue says with a shrug, unphased.

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2971912 Smirking Greenwall says "Ah so you're not a real stallion anymore?"

2971915 "Oh ha." Blue says with a roll of the eyes. "All of my work was done by the finest zerbican flesh shapers i'll have you know, all 100% organic and derived from my genetics. So i'm more like a walking clone."

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2971926 Trotting away Greenwall calls back "Still not real" in a sing song voice

2971930 Gritting his teeth as he catches up Blue mumbles something under his breath. "So since it's the day off have you got anything planned?" He says.

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2971940 "no not really"

2971942 "There's a nice place in the city, how about a morning coffee. My shout as thanks."

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2971947 Shrugging "Sure"

2971949 (Timeskip!) "And that's how you kill a Sand Lion with only a pocket knife, some string and a hoof mirror." Blue finishes as they walk inside the cafe.

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2971957 Rolling her eyes Greenwall sits down at one of the tables

2971961 As they sit down Blue orders a couple of coffee's. "Your turn, what's the most bizarre way you've ever escaped a situation?" He says, settling into his chair.

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2971968 Looking up Greenwall begins "Well about thirty years ago me and the rest of my squad were assigned to deal with a buffalo uprising. It was pretty straight forward until their shaman came along. He completely caught us off guard by casting an enchantment that turned all our weapons into cacti. Well Dim had his old bow draped across his back while he was casting a spell and he ended up being stabbed by 80 hooked barbs. So anyways after we raised an eyebrow at the shaman we proceeded to bludgeon the buffalo into submission. Albeit we later found out that the cacti had an antimagical poison on it that put any unicorns that got stabbed by it out of commission for at least a month."

2971993 (So that's where the catus hate comes from.) "Hahaha, I can imagine his face when you found that out." Blue says with a laugh.

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2971998 "Oh after the fight he passed out from the poison. It put the poor guy into a comma for several months, and he couldn't use magic for 7 months. Thankfully we had someone who could pump all the poison out of him before it did anything permanent." Greenwall shakes her head thinking back to those days

2972022 "Huh, well..." Blue says as his brain races to extract his hooves from his mouth. Come on Blue, you can do this. "I..." Shit shit shit!

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2972032 (:unsuresweetie:)
"Well I'm going to grab some coffee." Stepping away from her chair she walks up to the counter and starts to talk with the bartender

2972037 (:twilightblush:) Mentally slapping himself as she walks away Blue can't but be reminded of a similar situation. Well wouldn't she be laughing now aye. He thinks as he sits back in his chair.

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Calling back she asks "Want something?"

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Mar 1st, 2014

2972049 "Just a coffee." He calls back, the shout rousing him from his thoughts.

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2972052 Grabbing the drinks she walks back to the table and hands him his drink.

2972054 Staring at the cup for a second Blue moves his head around a bit before settling on wrapping both hooves around it and raising it to his mouth. "Ah crap, how do they do this again?" He mumbles aloud.
(By the end of this I wonder how many times Greenwall will have smacked him?)

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2972057 (Craps fine its only the crude ones that get you hit)
Rolling her eyes she smirks and asks "Need a straw?"

2972058 Blue looks up at her, a coffee mustache on his lip. "I think I've got the hang of it." He says.

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2972060 (I'm hitting the hay seea)

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