Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2915874 Blue laughs as a smile splits his face. "Oh and I assume you just happened to pick up those moves from watching to many action movies?"

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2915885 Greenwall scoffs before she gets a snobbish tone "How dare you insinuate that I watch those barbarish movies. A proper lady only watches movies about romance and necrophilia and bestiality." Dropping character Greenwall shivers before she starts to snicker again

2915981 Blue laughs, shaking his head slightly. "Nice to know." He says, chuckling. "So Sargent was it?" He asks.

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Looking at her patch she says "Huh, that would explain why everyone is calling me sergeant"

2916464 Blue gives his head a slight shake. "Suppose it would, so how come you're taking the rookies? Surely you're needed elsewhere?"

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2916478 Shrugging her shoulders she says "If they used me in combat they would get one great soldier, but if they have me training recruits they get a continuous stream of good soldiers. However the main thing is that the Dawn brigade does not get that many missions that require my skills outside of wartime." Leaning back in her chair she says "So on the off years I get to train the noobs"

2916512 "I suppose someone has to do it, so why not send your best." Blue says as he leans back, his coffee finished as he lights a smoke.

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2916539 In a flash greenwall cuts the end of the fag off. "No smoking in the officers lounge." With that said she sits back down

2916550 Blue raises an eyebrow but buts the smoke away. "What's all that about?" He asks. "No cussing and no smoking? I am-was a Solar and even I find that a bit excessive."

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2916564 She points at the sign that says no smoking before she smirks and says"I just like showing off, but if I ever hear you cuss again you are going to wish you were dead:twilightsmile:"
(and Im off to bed)

2916577 Blue shrugs, grinning. "Then you would have to get in line, already have my fair share of people who would happily see me 6 feet under. As for showing off, what else can you do?"

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2916596 ( I'm so tempted to say something dirty but I'm on my phone in bed so until then)

2916627 (HA, cya then. Blue wouldn't be interested anyway.)

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2916637 "Well that's for me to know and you to find out" Greenwall giggles before she stands and looks out the window "Oh looks like it's time for me to see Dimmy"
(I'm totally going to screw with the fact noone knows they're related yet)

2921994 Blue nods, "Cya then." He says as he gives her a wave. As soon as she leaves he looks around ans lights another smoke, a grin on his face.

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2922022 Greenwall walks out of the officers quarters before she realizes she left Dims coffee. Shrugging she walks back and sees blue smoking. Smirking she throws a knife at him slicing the fag in half before it imbeds itself in the wall. "No smoking"

2922057 Blue frowns for a moment before walking outside to smoke, grumbling about how expensive tabacoo was.

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Satisfied Greenwall grabs the coffee and goes to the hospital.

The next day.
Dim stands at the training grounds propped up on his sword. He looks down and admires the purple hue that comes off the sword. He glances at the recruits coming early as usual. Why did she have to go off and get sick, uhg. Oh well it's time to teach these recruits how to use a sword

2922148 Whistling a tune as he finishes the last lap of his early morning jog Blue makes his way to the training grounds. Raising an eyebrow as he spots Dim instead if Greenwall Blue stops for a moment before he shrugs and trots over.

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2922307 Instead of the usual training dummies Dim was setting up either dead ponies, or really good replicas, most of the ponies could not tell which. Dim Finishes setting up the last training pony before he turns back to class. Taking a swig from his flask he hears someone yell out their being taught by a drunk. Smirking Dim says "Alright class today I will be teaching you how and where to stab a pony. Of course acquiring these dummis is not easy so..." he lets the last word draw out before he grins and walks over to a platform he had set up so the ponies could see him easier.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014

2922354 Blue stands slightly to the side, easily knowing which were the replica's and which were dead bodies (!:pinkiegasp:), he didn't take part in the exercise but instead went back to assisting some of the younger students.

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2922437 (Btw the bodies are really just a plant that takes the form what ever dna it gets its claws on. Aka no corpses were actually mutilated)
Dim looks at Blue before saying "Care to explain why you're not paying attention soldier"
(I'm also lecturing right now)

2922491 (That's freak stuff right there, like a plant version of Xenomorphs.) Blue ignores Dim as he notices something about the 'corpse', looking intently he see's something in the eyes, something very familiar. "Shit, some of these and Xeno-Thallids." He says.

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2922556 Dim smirks as he channels magic into the Dummy in front of Blue. Instead of standing still as it had been walks up to blue and lets loose a high pitched screech. Several of the soldiers fold their ears or put their hooves on their heads as the sound washes over them. Inside the screech you could hear it say "PAY ATTENTION MAGGOT OR YOU WILL BE TAKING MY PLACE AS A TEST DUMMY" Dim bursts out laughing at the scared looks on the soldiers faces
(I really need a new room mate)

2922950 (Ha ha:rainbowlaugh:) As it moves Blue reacts on instinct, running it through with his sword. "Yeah heard you the first time." He says, wiping the gunk from his blade as he turns to face Dim.

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2923053 Dim smirks at him before saying "And that is 200 bits deducted from your paycheck for killing the test dummy. Oh how I love managing the finances." Turning back towards the crowd he teleports one of the dummies up to him and channels magic into it. Slowly the stallion dummy begins to get a slightly stronger build. "Lesson one the earth pony. While an untrained earthpony could decimate an untrained pegasus and go toe to toe with an untrained unicorn their abilities do have limits." Pointing at the ponies neck then hooves he says "The earth ponies strength will typically lay within his neck or leg muscles so staying out of their reach is the key to defeating one." Dim turns the pony over and bends it hoof towards the crowd. "Of course when you have to capture an earth pony, but can't injure them permanently you can cut the nerve bundle that runs parallel to the achilles tendon. This will prevent them from being able to cause anything to stick to their hooves forcing them to use their mouth to pick anything up, which can be solved by a muzzle."
(I'll make a thread later using this an a lesson of the creatures we face so you know what you can do to them)

2923152 (Cool stuff.) Blue zones out as Dim talks on, having heard all this before ages ago even having taught it a few times. I wonder what's being served for dinner tonight? Probably slop...damn I miss my rank, forgot how crap that stuff tasted.

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2923230 Once again Dim notices Blue is zoning out. "Alright you're really starting to tick me off pretty boy" Dim walks down and steps in front of blue staring him straight in the eye. Dims annoyed frown turns to a smirk as he looks at his scars "So how about we have a duel, ending when one pony submits or is unable to continue no other rules." Dim pulls out his flask and takes a chug before setting it on the stage "If you lose I get to remove half of those beauty scars you got going on, but if you win I'll go without drinking for a week."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014

2923388 Blue groans, stretching his neck. "All ready had a fight with the first instructor. Though if you want a spar you've got one, hoof to hoof combat?"

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2923422 Dim draws his sword and says "Nah I feel like drawing some blood, so as I said no restrictions, well no killing people. Who knows maybe I should bring my medical students out here for a lesson in first aid." Dim stops talking to Blue for a second and looks at the students "You each get two dummies, they should obey your orders so get to practicing. Oh they can also turn into anything short of a dragon."

2923531 Blue raises an eyebrow. "Okay?" He says as he walks over to the dueling fields, drawing his sword and sticking on his helm, snapping the face visor down. "Ready when you are sir." He says as his body begins to thrum with a blue aura.

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Smirking Dim teleports behind him, then beside him, then in front of him, then a bucket of weapons above him, then he teleports away from him.

2923578 Blue calm waits as the weapons plink off his armored hide, his sword floating next to him.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014
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2923603 Bad move Dim thinks to himself. Gripping all the swords falling off of Blue in his grip he sends a large amount of magical energy into them causing them to explode. Metal fragments are flying everywhere and one even manages to imbed itself halfway through Dims hoof guard several yards away.

2923621 As the shrapnel cloud clears Blue calmly walks froward, the paint on his armor scratched, revealing a dusty black. "Nicked some Black steel plate from the lads, it'll take more than that to get through." He says as he walks forwards before crouching for a second, the blue aura around his gear flash bright for a moment as he leaps forwards, a cloud of dust kicking up around his hooves.
As he speeds forwards he swings his greatsword forwards towards Dim, flicking it up at the last moment so that it approaches flat side up.

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2923686 Dim raises an eyebrow before he summons a small shield directly in front of the sword. He also moves his sword forward pointing directly at Blues chest. This entire time Dim has been smirking and saying "Volcanic Aurum, hope you like watching armor act like butter"

2923740 As Dim gloats Blue quickly closes the distance before dropping to his left knees, sliding under the blade. As he finishes his slide his thrusts himself up, driving his shoulder into Dim's chest. (Gloating is for Saturday morning cartoon villains, also talking is not a free action.:raritywink:)

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2923869 Dim raises an eyebrow as he sees Blues shoulder coming at his chest. Taking the blow in the chest Dim uses the momentum to launch himself backwards before he flicks his dagger at Blue (I'm not sure if I've mentioned the dagger in this Rp yet). Landing on his hooves Dim brushes himself off "well at least you're not a complete idiot with decent gear." Meanwhile Dim wraps the shield he had summoned around blues sword around it before he teleports it to God knows where.

2923959 Blue rolls to the right, dodging the dagger. (Has Blue been teleported?)

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2923978 (No but your sword is gone)

2923984 (Ah that's fine. Also sorry had to help move some junk.) Blue gets to his hooves quickly, attempting to summon his blade with a command word only to be dissapointed. Damn, must beyond my reach. He thinks as he leaps at Dim, blinking as he does, appearing on the medic's right.

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2924573 Dim sends a telekinetic wave around him throwing everything back

2924598 Blue feels the wave hit him, rolling with it he tries charging again. Only this time Blinking right in front of Dim, plowing his armored bulk directly into the stallion's face, wrapping a leg around the him as he does so.

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2924655 Dim just teleports out of the grip allowing Blue's own momentum to drive the stallion into the ground

2924671 As he falls forward Blue turns the momentum into a roll, allowing him to rise up from he ground at a run. Looking around he blinks over to Dim again, grabbing him by the neck he uses his momentum and strength to sweep the stallion off his feet, tumbling the two of them to the ground.

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2924716 Dim sighs as the stallion grabs he again. "Quite the brute are we?" Dim summons another shield to stop thier momentum. As the stallions crash into the shield Dim shoots a beam of pure magic at Blues chest (Point blank beam of magic to the heart=bad btw)

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