Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2632708 "Odd." He said as he raised an eyebrow. "H.R.T, Heavy Response Teams, we're the Solar Guard's heavy hitters. You know they guys you call in when some crazy cultists or Zebra bio weapons are wrecking shit. Would've thought a nip would know that, we've tangled with you lot a couple of times."

"Nip?" Heaven said, raising an eyebrow. "And last I checked, my clan was loyal to the princesses. All of them." She said sighing. "Normally we don't get involved with the disputes of the world, but our services can be bought, at a price."

2632756 "Sorry, combat slang." Blue rubs the back of his head. "Anyway I don't much mind your lot, it's the others that only think with their purse." Looking around the damaged room he smirks. "Already had a run in with one of them, Pegasus goes by the name Dark Flame or something. Thinks himself some sorta tough guy."

Heaven chuckled shaking her head. "If this Dark Flame is a stallion, then I understand." She sighed, looking down. "Most stallions think that way, get a little bit of power and they think they are all that. Don't know what to do when real power hits them in the face."

2633052 "Yeah, I'll drink to that." Blue searches around for an unbroken bottle of anything. "If i can find something that is. Ah, never mind."

Group Admin

2633052 Dim ( I keep typing dusk as my name wtf) grumbles before he falls from his chair still unconscious

((You never answered if it was okay if I used the A New Equestria version of Heaven Star... Well, Post-ANE.))

"I should have a bottle of Cider in my room..." Heaven mused. "Always make sure to have some. Don't know why..."

Group Admin

2633186 (I have no clue what you are talking about, but the time line simply reset and you can change your character)

((In my story, which can be found here, Heaven was one of the two ponies that Green Hunter used as his henchmen. He, being Green Hunter, had control over them by use of Blood Magic. And, in A New Equestria, Heaven also knew how to use Sigils, one of the oldest forms of magic that any pony can use.[The sigil magic is optional.]))

Group Admin

2633330 ( soo you want blood magic in other words?
Ahh what the hell go ahead)

2633186 "If you've got alcohol what are we doing here?" Blue says as he rises from the stool.

((Ah, no... I saw that you've included blood magic and I thought about Green Hunter, he uses the blood magic. The sigils that Heaven uses are for Spatial Magic, as in the shortening and lengthening of perceived distances. And is Dim in the same room as Blue and Heaven?))

Group Admin

2633437 (Yes
and after I update the skill/spell books we will talk (Also the blood magic is based off of dragon age origins)

Heaven chuckled, nodding her head. "I'm assuming we are sitting?" She said, a soft smile on her face. "But, drinking does sound nice." She said, as she turned to lead Blue to her room for the drinks.

Group Admin

2633428 (your spell and skill book has been updated please message me an updated Bio since you have changed some background story)

Group Admin

2633581 (Your skill book as been updated please send me any changes you would like to be made on your Bio( Like is there any point in this universe that you pretend to be male)

2633627 Will send you one later tonight.

2633581 Following the pony to the room Blue looked around, taking note of any notable items in the room. "So what clan do you belong to?" He asks as he accepts a glass.

"That would be Star..." She sighed, giving him the glass. "As in my last name." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Why do you ask?"

2634267 "Like I said, I've had run ins with your lot before. I know how close ninpo clans can be, just making sure I haven't killed anypony's brother."

"I'm not that close to my family." She sighed, shaking her head before looking away. "And my brother is very much alive."

Finds the remains of the cacti. "Ugh... well lets collect some needles. I'm sure they'll be handy." He sets his magic to sorting out a few of the cactus needles and binding them into his mane and tail.

2634648 "Oh well congrats then." Blue says, taking a drink. As he does he takes note of the mares expression. "Something the matter?"

2634960 (Cacti armour +4 to Natural AC)

((More like a hidden touch damage trick as he will enchant those to cause sleep later.))

Group Admin

2633428 ( Dim comes to and finds he is in a dark room tied to a chair. Suddenly a masked man appears on the screen and says " Lets play a game". Realizing that he probably does not want to play said game Dim uses his magic to untie himself and teleports back to the train. " Well thanks for watching me while I'm down jackasses" he mutters to himself

(Thats just a joke BTW I'm still out cold at the bar)

Noting the time Star heads toward the dinner car to get some food. As he steps in he takes a seat nearby and pulls out a small pouch that he keeps at his side and starts to pull out some notes.

((Ah, Saw was a good series.))

"No nothing really." She said, shaking her head again. "I... just don't like talking about my past that's all." She said, before looking down. "It's a sore subject. Along with my family."

2635394 "Understandable, thanks for the drink." Blue says as he stands and goes to exit.

Group Admin

2635278 (yeah I'm still trying to figure out a way to wake up without being too stupid)


((Well, I think this maybe my last post for tonight. I need sleep.))

"You are welcome." Heaven said smiling. "And thank you... for talking to me. I rarely get the chance to actually talk to other ponies. Seeing as I usually have to avoid them because of my job."

2635677 2635740 (That's cool, cya.) "You welcome." Blue says with a smile before leaving, heading to the Bar cart. "Some water." He asks the bartender.
"Certainly sir." The pony replies as he pulls a glass from nowhere and fills it with water from a tap.
Taking the glass Blue splashes it in Dims face. "Rise and shine sir."

Group Admin

2635772 Grumbling Dim growls "what

Group Admin

2635911 (It's been pretty quite for an hour or so)

(Fair enough. I'll just wait for things to pick up.)

2635912 "You've been out of it for a while sir, we're coming up to mission briefing soon."

2635914 (We got enough peps to do that Griffon mission yet?)

Group Admin

2636027 (Bleh I'm almost out again I'm thinking we'll start the mission in twentyone hours

Star orders some food while looking around to see who else from the group is eating right now. "Might as well get preparations underway by asking them if they need any enchantments."

Dark flame walked into the food cabin, hoping to grab something without having to see Blue, or any other unicorns for that matter. Unfortunately, as he walked in he caught sight of the only other occupant, and scowled as his eyes fell on his horn. Walking over to the bar, Dark sat down, grabbing a plate of food and shoveling it into his mouth.

Star observes the pegasus take a seat before his own food arrives and he begins to chow down on his order of roast duck and pulls over a few notes to begin jotting some things down. "If I shift this bit here and tweak the output there... 10% more efficient per charge. Ah conflict, how you spur advancement so."

Tearing the last bit of meat off the bone, Dark chewed thoughtfully as he watched the other pony eating meat as well. It wasn't common to find ponies that ate anything other than vegetables, but it wasn't unheard of.

Star nods his head to Dark when he notices him looking over before returning to his own meal. "I wonder if this one is friendly or not. I've met Dim before and he's kinda nuts."

Sighing after Blue left she took a short nap before she got hungry. "Well, might as well head back there..." She mumbled to herself, before beginning to head over to the dinning car once again.

Looking up to take note of the new arrival in the dinning car, Star nods to her before returning to eating and checking his notes.

2636702 Blue walks back into the bar cart, his stomach growling as he sit down at the bar.

Heaven nods to Star as she passes him, and sitting at a table near the center. "Thank you, I'll just have some apple juice." She responds as somepony approached her with a menu. She chuckled as she saw Blue walking into the dinning car as well. "Guess he's hungry..." She mumbled to herself, sighing.

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