Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2628363 Extending a hoof. "L-Private Blue Shift. You?"

"Dark Flame. Honorary private." He replied, looking at the hoof but not taking it.

2628366 Gingerly retracting his hoof Blue shrugs. "So what got you landed here?" He asks a he hands over some bits to the bar tender.

"Equestria paid my fee." He said simply, tossing a bit after Blue Shifts

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2628363 Having let his detox spell run it course Dim wakes up thinking one thing " I'M BUCKING STARVING" (Detox spells use all your food just an FYI) Dim begins a made dash to the bar before he remembers he can just teleport.

2628369 Raising an eyebrow. "Merc huh."

"Assassin." He corrected, watching as another unicorn walked into the room.

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2628371 Ignoring the two recruits dim walks up to the bartender and orders two of EVERYTHING

2628373 As he opens his mouth to reply Blue catches sight of Dim wander up to the counter and precede to order and eat more food than he thought physically possible to pack away. "Huh." Turning back to the merc next to him. "Not something you see every day."

"He looks like he knows something we don't." Dark agreed, walking over to the unicorn. "That's a lot of food for one pony."

2628372 "A tough profession, used to be a part of the H.R.T squads in the Solar Brigade." Blue says as the tracks the pony's movement.

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2628378 Raising an eyebrow Dim simply replies " This is just my appetizer"

2628379 2628380
"It's only tough if you get caught." He replied, before turning back to the other unicorn. "So who are you supposed to be then? The Dawn Brigades Glutton?" He asked wrly

2628382 Scowling at the merc Blue raises an eyebrow. "More like our CO."

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2628382 Nope I'm your boss

"CO huh? Looks like command isn't as hard as some would have me believe." He scowled back.

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2628385 *shrugs* whatever you obey me for the money not respect

2628385 Grinning Blue nurses his drink. "Oh, you want to do the honors sir?" He asks Dim.

"You're right, I only follow the money. If it runs out, I'll take my leave." He nodded with a scowl, before grabbing his drink and moving over to an unoccupied table.

2628392 Tracking the pony with his eyes Blue concentrates for a moment on the heavy whiskey bottle by his side, gathering his magic for a simple telekinesis throw he flicks his head in the mercs direction. The bottle goes flying, knocking the pony on the back of the head. (Without stats I'll leave it up to you to chose how hard the blow was.)

The bottle crashed to the floor, and Dark Flame glared down at it, before looking up at the offending unicorn, growling slightly as he walked towards him, his wings extending to their full extend. "Want to try that again?" He asked softly.

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2628395 grabbing a ham sandwich from his platter Dim turns around and leans back to watch the fun
*Guess I'll throw a shield out if one of them is about to die*

2628397 Chuckling Blue rises from the stool, stretching his neck. "Got the balls McStabby?"

2628400 2628398
Dark Flame didn't reply, instead bringing his head forward, aiming to headbutt the pony just below his horn to even the odds.

2628401 Teleporting to the other side of the cab Blue watches the Pegasus head buts empty air, laughing as he does.

Watching the unicorn disappear, Dark lashed out with his hind leg, predicting where the unicorn was going to be a fraction of a second before he reappeared.

2628403 His laugh cut off by a hoof to the neck Blue gasps for air.

Watching in satisfaction as his blow connected, Dark grabbed a whiskey bottle, bringing it down towards the stunned unicorn.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jan 18th, 2014
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2628404 Dim chuckles at The soldiers novice teleport, but the simple fact he knows how to shows potential

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2628405 Dim watches the assassin use the bottle but puts a minor shield on Blues head to prevent anything permanent. *Well at least I have two fighters with potential I wonder where the other recruits are*

2628407 Grunting as the bottle breaks over his head Blue surges forward, ramming the pony into the bar, following up with blow to the jaw.

Grinning as the bottle smashed, Dark was taken by surprise as the pony smashed into him, sending them both careening through the bar. More bottles fall to the floor and smash, leaving a pile of broken glass strewn across the cabin.

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2628412 :rainbowlaugh: I'll pay for the damages bar keep this is the best food in show ever

2628415 Taking advantage Blue grabs all the bottles, glass shards and heavy glass cups he can see and sends the raining towards the merc in storm of shards.

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2628416 Raising an eyebrow Dim puts a powerful shield around all of Darks vitals but leaving some open spots

Grunting, Dark jumps into the air, avoiding the worst of the shards but still getting a few embedded in his hide. Diving forward, he aimed himself directly at the unicorn, hooves poised to smash into his face.

2628417 Taking the blow to the face Blue tackles the merc out of the air, driving his hoof into his gut.

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2628419 (Wow one second apart)

2628421 (But Han shot first.)

Grunting in pain, Dark rolled with the blow, taking the Unicorn with him as he attempted to worm his hoof around his neck.
(True, True.)

2628421 As he felt the merc wrap a hoof around his neck Blue grins and brings his head close to the merc, his horn glowing. "Wanna see why we put the hurt in H.R.T? He says before discharging a large force blast into the mercs face point blank.

Screaming in pain, Dark was flung across the room, crashing into the wall opposite, cracking it an exposing the daylight beyond. Shaking his head, he caught sight of his bag and grinned, pulling out a hoof blade.
"Game fucking on." He growled, lunging forward.

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2628427 Not wanting to ruin the fun Dim cast a spell to prevent them from permanently injuring each other but allows the fight to go on a little longer

2628430 Tilting his head. "You're gona need a bigger knife if you want to take a H.R.T Officer." His horn glowing as he charges his magic, a great sword and heavy crossbow appearing at his side while his armor flashes onto his form. "Last chance punk, put the blade away."

Stopping, Dark Flame slinks backwards towards his bag, slowly grabbing some more items out of it, namely his wing blades. "Is that it?" He growled, slipping them into place.

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2628434 ... sighing Dim ripped the planks out from both of them before catching their tails and let them stair at the rail road for a bit

2628438 Feeling his stomach drop out from underneath him Blue yelps as he drops, keeping hold of his weapon and crossbow. "Shit!"

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