Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1256737>>1258872 Sounds good

(Well we are sneaking up on the guys, while being invisible ourselves, in the suits so I guess we are waiting on you for what happens next.)

1259468>>1259625(so are you still here?)

(I am. I'm just not sure what we are to do. We are sneaking and invisible so right now I think we are waiting on the ponies to do something to find out if we have the right ones or what not so...)

1280600>>1280614 (sorry bout the wait, uni caught up with me.)
The ponies at the bar are looking around nervously. "Do you think their out there boss?" A smallish looking one asks.
One of the ponies in suits, the only one wearing sunglasses, smacks the smaller one across the head. "Course they is Runt you idgiet, Mr Peal wouldn't have us stand here if he didn't 't think they would be."
"But sir what if they come back." Runt asks.
Sunglasses grunts. "Thats whole point ya nitwit and if they do then we treat em to some right proper hospitality don't we lads?"
One of the other suits laughs. "Give'em a hoof sandwich on the house boss."
"And a dip in the river with a complementary pair of concrete shoes." Another one pipes in.
"See Runt, the boys got the right idea, don't worry bout those street punks if they coma knocking we'll remind em who owns these streets no worries."

1283506>>1280614 (It's alright)
That's not our targets...

(Sorry for my delay. A friend of mine is actually running a real D&D session and I'm kind of helping him out. I am one of the players but I'm having to guide him along in how to DM. Doesn't help that I've never actually used the proper rules myself.)
Indeed. Shall we wait to see if any arrive or step in and get to know our comrades?

1286326 No, our orders are clear, we must follow the punks to their base and find their leader, but we could use them to see how strong our opponents are. But I wonder who ask them to be here, I doubt that they were hired by the same guy than us.

Perhaps we will find out with some more observation. At the least we get a show out of this.

1289414>>1283506 Yes, I wonder if those guys have any form of training, they don't seem really strong.

1289414>>1294049 One of the suits looks like he is about to say something when a loud clanging sound comes from in side the bar. "What the-" He says before an orange blur shoots past him, spinning him around as it rocket off in to the sky. "Shit it's that Ember bitch." Sunglasses yells as the orange blur banks around and zips over the bar again, dropping a clutch of brown flasks.
The suits bolt as the flasks break open on the ground releasing a thick cloying smog that leaves the unfortunate ones who get caught reaching and stumbling as there eyes water.
"What the fuck is this stuff!" Sunglasses yells.

"A little going away present." The hired pony spins around to see Ember hovering above him, hold a lit lighter.
"Nooo-" Sunglasses yells before his world goes up in flames as Ember takes a moment to admire her handy work.

Of course its a speedy little pegasus. I hope those horseshoes of mine are up for this. Shall I risk trying to tag her before she leaves or do we chase her?

1294338>>1294371 I'm not really fast. Can't you cast an enchantment on her that could allow us to track her? I don't want to fight a hot mare, after all, I'm one too.

Cute joke. Star reaches into his robes to pull out a magnet that he had set up for a just in case situation. He flicks it toward Ember's back legs in the hopes to tag her shoes with it. If successful, or assuming she even wears any, it should stick in place long enough for them to be able to trace it.

1295485>>1294338 (you should reply to Balancer too.)
Let's just hope that she will go to her boss, and not stop to get a drink or something, I don't want to stalk her all the day. Or the night.

(Whoops, sorry about that.)

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1209609(There may be death when that happens)

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