Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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This will be a side RPG till our fearless leader returns. Premise is, the Dawn Brigade after saving a noble on an adventure have been offered an all expanses paid vacation in Manehatten in gratitude.
Has no bearing on FoE cannon unless Pleaseworkforonce says so, lets have some fun.
Location: The lucky Dandy, a high roller casino/hotel in the rich part of Manehatten

1206367 (Are we together or not?)

1206398 (Sorry let me fix that)

1206421 Raging was at the bar, drinking a drink that she forgot the name. Why am I even here? Oh, yes right, free vacation. Still, it's boring.

Comment posted by Serendras deleted Jul 2nd, 2013

Star sat around at one of the tables in the bar just watching the ponies go by. He had never been enamored of wagering his money on luck, and for that matter as an enchanter wasn't allowed to play most such games, or drinking spirits so he mostly contented himself with the shows here and there during their trip. He had considered testing if his magic was good for any sleight of hoof tricks, ie pick pocketing, but decided against it given that it would likely cause too much trouble. "Burning, how much do I have to pay you to set the bar on fire? I'm booooorrreeeedddd."

1207130 "Considering the fact that I'm bored too? Nothing. But I don't want to pass my vacation in jail. Do you think that if I burn the bar you could bribe the cops?" said Raging before she light up her horn and use it to draw on the bar.

"I have a bit of money left after paying the assassin but not that much. Too expensive these days. I found that out two months ago after I..... accidentally shoplifted that gem. Tch... I miss the days when you just had to worry about one or two little town wardens or whatever to deal with."

1207569 "It sound awesome, unfortunately with civilization come organized justice and bureaucracy." she replied before sighing. "Well, if I end up in jail I could always ask a member of my family to help me, but it could be long. Any idea of what we could do to entertain ourselves without causing too much trouble?"

"Magnetize the stripper's horse shoes to get free shows? I kid of course. Anyway, I suppose we could pass the time plotting out scenarios where you get to burn everything and I get to make use of my fun little toys. For that matter, do you happen to recall why I got so burnt on that other mission?" It would seem he didn't entirely recall how he had been set on fire back during their little trip to Sweet Apple Acres.

1207760 "I have absolutely no idea of what happened to you." she said, looking away. "Anyway, do you have any good story to share with a looooooooong time friend?"

"Sure. Did I ever tell you of the time I pissed off a hunter I was working with and wound up with seventeen arrows in my back? It was only a stroke of luck, a timberwolf, and my enchanted robes that kept me from dying that time. I can recount the entire grand affair for you if you want." ((One might notice a theme of friendly fire if they listen to enough of his stories... or formerly friendlies firing on him depending.))

1207942 "Why not? It's not like we have something better to do after all. And I love your stories."
(I wrote it and forgot to post it :facehoof:)

(Heh, I've done that before. I did it once years ago and found out I didn't actually post the thing... a week later.)
"Okay, pull up a seat and I'll regale you about the time I was almost killed...for the 7th time by someone I had been working with. I think I've mentioned Garrote Wire the unicorn, yes? Most would think with a name like that he specialized in strangling his prey with traps but they would be wrong. He was actually one of the finer archers back in the day. Now keep in mind we didn't have those cross bows or anything so he was a very good shot. In fact galloping at full speed with a long bow he could take down a speeding griffon. By the way, ever had griffon? Its good meat and even better when you just managed to kill it when it was trying to eat you.. but I digress. One day we were teamed up for a small little village on a commission for the local pegasus warlord to bring in a rather large boar that not only was the warlord obsessed about getting a bite of but had been trashing the farms attached to his perceived territory." He settles back in his chair to play story teller without a care for who might be hearing his story.

1208139 "Interesting" said Raging as she leaned toward the enchanter.

"Well, me and Garrote were in the woods following the pig's trail while shooting the breeze since we could tell it would be awhile before we found the critter. In fact if I recall correctly we didn't even believe there actually was a boar the size this one was rumored to be out there. In the middle of the conversation I happened to have mentioned to him about this one mule who tried to trick me at a bazaar with this card game. I don't remember what kind of game it was too long ago now but I happened to mention that I saw him pull a quick little trick and switch out cards on me so that I would lose. So when I tapped one of the cards I put a quick little explosive enchantment on it. This resulted in me having to of course buy new robes since I got mule all over the one I had been wearing at the time. Not an unusual story back in the day all things considered given the kind of cutthroats and charlatans you could find on any street corner. Next thing I know I get kicked in the face. It turned out, surprisingly, that mule I had mentioned was Garrote's blood brother. Apparently some story about how the mule's little tricks had gotten him out of a jam back when they were teenagers or some such rubbish and he had heard about the guy getting killed trying to scam an enchanter."

He sighs here at this moment. "Back in those days something like that was a bit more common than it is now... and I'm still not sure if that is a sad thing in either direction. So here I am with almost none of my bag of tricks with me since I hadn't expected a need for it and had only brought the bare essentials for enchanting Garrote's arrows for the hunt and him wanting my blood. I tried to fight him a bit on a one on one level but I'm a mage not a warrior so that didn't go so well in my favor. I decided to beat a retreat and used on of my robe's illusions of a fog to escape and run for it. That was a mistake obviously and is why it's now firmly in my personal rule book to never run away from an archer."
(Whoops, now I've got to get ready to head back into town again.. for the third time today. This car business is beginning to tick me off.)

1208323 (I hate the paperworks)
Raging laughed before saying "It could have been worse, you could have rushed into the pig."

1208415>>1208323 Blue wanders in and takes a seat. "Who's a pig?"

1209497 "The one who thought that it would be awesome if we went in vacation here. I'm so bored that I would even be happy to hear Dim."

"I'm going to buy him another cactus. Heh. So, anything on the agenda today or more of me and Burning here being tempted to cause enough chaos to likely get the entire platoon executed?"

1209609>>1209497 "If you don't have any idea I will accuse random people of cheating."

"At least check and make sure they aren't packing a holdout first. Griffons are rather fond of those mini crossbows up their sleeves."

1209609>>1209657 Blue shrugs his shoulders. "No idea haven't spent much time in this part of Manehatten in a while."

"How about we hit the streets then? I can't do much in a casino as they expect me to cheat. As they should, admittedly, but I don't like being singled out before I've done anything yet."

1209751>>1209735 "Why not? I'm sure that we can find a group of thieves, thugs, drugged or something like that. "

1209751>>1209771 "Bit of street justice, I like it beats sitting around doing nothing."

"Aye, sounds good to me. See the big city, walk its streets, beat people up, collect their wallets... errr yeah... Anyone know how to signal to the musicians to play 'Ain't No Rest for the Wicked' on our way out? Sounds oddly appropriate."

1210134>>1210066 "If we steal something that was stolen, are we bad guys or good guys? Cause you never have enough bits."

1210134>>1209771 As the adventurous trio began to walk out of the casino the were stopped by one of the security guards, the guards were dressed in suits that did nothing to hide there intimidating stature.
"Youse three are those do gooders that what save Mr Pearl right?"
Blue nods. "Yeah...whys that?"
The stallion grunted. "An associate of his wants a word, privates like."

1210147>>1210134 "Well let's see what this 'associate' want. When someone want a word in private, it usually means money. Or secret, and secret means more money!" said Raging happily.
(Should I add that after the Princesses and her family, burning things and money are her two favorite things in the world?)

"Or cement shoes and a trip to the Hoovser Dam... wait that is Las Pegasus. Alright, this should be interesting."

1210176>>1210134 A pair of security guards lead the trio into an elevator and inserts a key before pushing the penthouse suite button. As the old style music panders in the background Blue taps a hoof on one of the guards shoulders. "So what's this about?"
The guard just glares at Blue before turn back to the door. "Don't worry bout it, Mr Sweet will explain everything."
The elevator arrives with a ding, the doors open with slight hum to a hallway, guards standing in twos or threes all along the corridor. "Alright this way."
The guards lead the trio towards the big set of double doors at the end of the hallway. Knocking before entering the Guard opens the door and gestures that the trio should enter. "Mr Sweet's waiting for you."

1210251 Raging entered inside the room, inspecting it.

"If Mr. Sweets turns out to be a machine and wants a platinum chip I'm siding with Yes Man." Star follows Raging.

1210270 1210270 The trio enters the room sees a very well decorated room, filled with expensive paintings and vases, the far wall is almost entirely window, looking out over the city. In front of the window is a large ornate desk, a stack of papers and casino chips. Behind the desk in a large expensive looking chair is a well groomed silver stallion. He dismisses the guards at the door with a gesture. "You three must be members of the dawn brigade that saved my friend Mister Perl correct?"

"Yes we are, may I ask what this is about sir?" Blue asks.

Star taps his back left hoof out of seemingly nerves while waiting to find out what is going on.

1210342>>1210270 "You rescued my friend not long ago, he remarked that were very, efficient at what you did." The stallion leans forward in his chair, bracing himself on his fore legs. "I like efficient."

Blue raises an eyebrow. "And?"

"Put simply, I have a few problems i need resolved, messy problems that I can't be attached to."

1210430 "Everything come with a price, but I'm sure that you can make sure that we will compensated for our work, right?"

1210449 "Of course." Mr Sweet gestures. "Money is no object, I can promise that you will be handsomely rewarded."

1210486>>1210342 "Sounds good enough for me."

1210600>>1210342 Blue steps forward. "No, thanks for your offer but last time I checked were not mercenaries."

"Oh? So you're that kind of stallion. Well i'm sure there is something you want-"

"Listen to me, we, are, not, interested." Blue turned around and began to walk away.

"If i were you I'd watch your back." Mr Sweet says with a scowl. "

1210898>>1210342 "Maybe you are not a mercenary, but that doesn't mean that I'm not." said Raging before looking back to Mr Sweet. "I will take care of your problem."
(I'm off, need to sleep :ajsleepy: see you later)

"Hm... interesting. Sorry Burning but I'm going to have to duck out of this one. The last time I was in a conversation with a lead in like that I was left holding the bag and trying to explain why I had some forbidden magic fetichs on me." Star starts to turn around to leave as well. "Then again, if the pay is anything interesting, such as some rare magic books or the like, I might be willing to at least back you up regardless of the legality."

1211172 "You know that with money you could buy a rare magic book, right? Anyway, even if I'm alone, I'm sure that it won't be a problem. I can always call some friends of me." she said with a toothy grin.

"Those friends made of animated fire? Good point though. Hm.. Eh, at least this way I won't be probably killing anyone before lunch." He returns to standing beside of Burning. "Besides, this could be amusing."

1214869 1210898 "And more important, I won't be bored. And no matter what you want me to do, it's always something better than what I can do when I'm bored. Cops don't like it when I give them for reason 'because I was bored'."

"It still flies better than 'He had it coming'. Unless you are in Appleloosa. It still works there."

1215053 "It's a charming town, usually I go here during my vacation, they have buffalo. I still want to learn the secret of their shamans. Even if they don't use a lot of fire, they are still interesting."

"You don't happen to partake in their ritual use of peyote do you? I only ask as I find myself in need of some and if you have a hook up we might need to talk. Some hallucinogenic gas and some illusions could do as much harm as the most lethal of spells."

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