Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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( I am testing out this mission style so bare with me if this fails.) (Same characters and fighting ability nothing else is from FoE) ( Do not actually state a hit on a major enemy stats will come into play there)
The cave complex has one distinct opening with makeshift guard towers and ancient pillars there are many entrances that were created by cave ins (should I make a RP master account for plot info?)
Sergeant Brightly Dim stares out at his squadron." Here's the deal Soldiers! Princess Twilight Sparkle's Chief adviser Spike has been taken hostage by the Cult of the Rising Sun. This cult is made up of necromancers and their minions. Currently the only necromancer that could give us trouble is attempting to apprehend an "unguarded" caravan that he believes is loaded with villagers hat escaped their last attack. However if he is spotted he is not to be engaged alone. He specializes in potions and played a direct hand in Spikes capture.
The battle plan is straight forward.
Private Lighting I need you to produce as powerful of a rain as you can from the area it will need to last an hour (The cloud is overcast for miles around) once combat commences get ready to zap someone
Private's Shift, Flame, and Craving are with me we will be creating a a racket over at the entrance but avoid dieing please and if everything goes according to plan the cultist will try to stop us
Assassins once we are engaged you are to slip in at different entrances and whomever locates spike needs to give him on of these." Dim hands each assassin a small flask filled with a dark purple substance)" Although he is just an adolescent dragon he will be able to escape these cultist with ease unless that potion master is there in which case I want you to make use of those knives unless you have not awakened spike"

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Dim sits behind the brush waiting for the rain to begin. Private Rageing when it begins to rain I want you to initiate combat by taking out the right tower after that the rest of you charge

"Noise eh? I can do that. I understand the big one isn't here but this might be difficult given that they have managed to capture a dragon of all things. By the way, what does the strong one look like? We really can't avoid him if we don't know what he looks like."

Group Admin

1066013 "Oh they poisoned him and the potion maser is the only earth pony in this area private"

Group Admin

1066013 " On the note of making noise I think Private flame has been itching to blow something up"

1066018 Unstrapping and loading a bolt into his heavy crossbow bow and activates it's enchantments, the wood glowing blue as rune flair to life.

(If your interested the enchantment increases the strength of the bow propelling the bolt at much higher speeds.)

Group Admin

1066013>>1066023Private fire!... Private?" Dim looks over to see Private raging passed out at the thought of blowing something up(:facehoof: offline)
Alright you have permission to start us off Private Shift

1066031 "Ah sir, I think our engineer is passed out." Sniff the comatose body of Private Lighting, Blue detects the smell of vodka (offline)

1066031 Straightening up Blue takes aim, steadies, and fires.

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1066033 It appears one of our assassins is also asleep looks over at the ninja and notices a cactus needle in his leg(offline)

1066038 Watching his bolt soar away Blue turns to his CO. "Sir how bonned are we?"

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1066036>>1066013" Off with their heads!" with complete disregard to his safety Dim charges down the hill at the confused necromancers

1066041 (What happened to my bolt?:rainbowhuh:) Reloading his cross bow Blue takes aim and fires his training coming back to him as he begins to settle into the motions.

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And stops halfway to take a drink from a metal flask found in his armor then resumes

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1066042 looking up he watches shifts bolt crack the foundation of a tower taking its two inhabitants to the ground

Nodding silently, Dark Flame did one final check on his weapons, before silently moving into the shadows and moving into a tunnel off to the side. He slowly made his way down it until he couldn't see the light from the entrance anymore, before waiting for the sounds of the diversion.

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Upon reaching his first enemy Dim cuts the unicorns horn off and continues his charge leaving the necromancer to suffer

1066043 Seeing some the necromancers recover from the shock and begin to charge their horns Blue switches bolts from the heavy steel tipped to lighter wooden ones designed to fracture in the air spraying their targets with shards of wood.

(He's switching from AV to AP)

Group Admin

1066048 (note these guys don't need verification unless you try to collapse an entrance or something)

1066049 (Ah good, let the slaughter begin:pinkiecrazy:)

As soon as the sound of combat reaches Dark Flames ears, he moves off again, reaching a large fork in the tunnel he's in. From one comes the sound of combat, but the other is silent. With a smile, he takes the silent tunnel and goes deeper into the cave system.

Group Admin

Dim continues is charge of death disemboweling one necromancer and beheading the next

1066055 Stray magic bolts ping off his amour as Blue continues his methodical slaughter, making sure to target Unicorns trying to preform rituals.

Group Admin

1066056 standing on two necromancers impaled on his sword Dim takes his flask and takes another swig. HE looks around at necromancer after necromancer being killed by bolts he shrugs again taking a larger swig shuddering as he swallows then rips his word out and starts killing again

1066060The steady thump-thump-thump of his crossbow fills the air as Blue systematically picks his targets, Unicorns trying to charge him or the Sargent explode into paste as the wooden shards traveling at hypervelocity rip through their cloaks with ease.

Blue smiled, as another pony fell to the ground his torso a pulpy mess, normally these kind of bolts were useless against any foes with decent armor, shame nopony told the cultists that.

Continuing down the passage, Dark Flame begins to hear voices, and then sees a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Curling his lips into a snarl, he makes his way towards the widened part of the tunnel, seeing two ponies and a small purple dragon. Smiling, he leaps into action.

Group Admin

1066056 Dim stares down at a whimpering necromancer as several of his friends run past them intoo the safety of the cave. "bleh" not having any ink to write with he cuts his captives arm and uses the blood to write a quick message(yeah earlier was to much)
their already retreating pathetic... Their retreating crap! we need to stop them from getting to spike

1066067 Blue watches as the cultists retreat, grinning as a fleeing unicorns head explodes, he rushes forward to press the advantage, drawing his sword.

Dark Flame jumped over the heads of the two guards, slashing one with his hoof blades and gutting the other with his wing blades as he soars past. Not breaking stride, he ran over to the body of the purple dragon and poured the potion he had been given into his mouth.

Group Admin

Dim charges in after the cultist into the cave. Upon entering it grows quite. looking around Dim sees a hooded pony starting to laugh manically holding a vial of a blue liquid." oh shi-" He never finished his sentence as the flask of liquid lightning smashes onto his armor a loud boom resonating through the cave

Dark Flame hears voices shouting from down the passage he just came from and snarls. Spike seems to be waking up, but it wasn't quick enough for his liking, and he was much to exposed for his liking.
"Come on you Overgrown Lizard. Get up so we can get out."

1066076 Seeing his CO take a hit from liquid lighting Blue draws up his crossbow, taking aim at the cackling madpony just beyond him and fires.

Group Admin

1066080 The bolt flies through the air striking the hooded pony in his chest splintering upon impact. It falls back scrambling away from the new opponent

Group Admin

Dim sputters a few times before the last of the electricity dissipates into the ground

(Can we RP dialogue from the cultists? Just wondering.)

1066084 Blue stares stunned that the pony was alive after taking a splinter bolt to the chest. Buck, must be wearing armor he thinks as he quickly pulls out steel tipped heavy bolt as he loads and fires at the scrambling target.

Dispelling one of the enchanted illusions contained in his robe Star fades into sight before the fleeing cultists and smiles at them. "Greetings. By the way, ever stepped on enchanted coins before? They tend to overload the nervous system and shut down the heart." The cultists might have enough time to look down to see a smattering of coins in their path. "Good day to you all." He begins to back track to the others in his grouping already floating out a strip of paper from within his robe. The enchantments going off and frying the hearts of the cultists he is currently facing.

Group Admin

1066092(uhh:applejackunsure: sure just keep it realistically crazy)

(It's only a bit anyway. Thanks.)
Dark Flame hurries to the side of the cave as two ponies rush in. Both look as though they have been fighting, and are panting heavily. "Good. The Dragons still here. The Earth pony would take our heads if we lost him" One panted.
With a smile, Dark Flame moved up behind them, before whispering in their ears. "He won't ever get the chance."

Group Admin

1066093The bolt strikes him in the leg sending sprawling to the ground. Growing frantic he draws a flask full of a green liquid and smashes it on the ground

Group Admin

suddenly skeletal hooves burst from the stone rising one after another revealing skeletons of ponies covered in stone

1066101 Running over to his CO Blue begins to pull him away, covering the pony as he reloads another bolt, trying to aim through the hoard of skeletons.

Group Admin

1066105 The skelatal ponies charge after shift a red glow in their eyes

Standing by the now dead cultists, Dark Flame hears a groan from behind him, and turns around to see Spike finally rousing from his position on the floor. With a simple nod, Dark Flame motions for spike to follow him. The pair move down the tunnel, before another pony, this one wearing substantially more armour than the others rounded the corner.

1066108 Firing Blue watches as the bolt ram into the skeleton. The heavy steel tip bolt rips through the skeleton as it it wasn't even their and continues past, Blue had aimed for where the pony on the other side had been hoping to finish him. However he hauled the body of his CO and reloaded as he retreated down the tunnel, not staying to confirm a hit.

Snarling, Dark Flame began to fly towards the pony, but is beaten to it by Spike, who rushes on ahead and knocks the pony into a wall. Dark Flame follows the Dragon, but is jumped by another pony. Turning to face the new opponent, Dark Flame flared his wings and hissed menacingly.

Group Admin

1066118 Not able to play posom any more Dim begins to laugh" Remind me to thank Private Star later for these enchants" standing up Dim slams his hooves against the ground at the horde of incoming ponies watching the electric flow through their bones before exploding." Suppose I should give you one to private" noting them as relatively safe Dim bursts further into laughter
(yeah I'm just screwing around if you cant tell I gave up after the second offline)

1066124 Blue reloads his cross bow and fires at a skeleton, it's head shattering as it round a corner. "Any bright idea's sir?"


Group Admin

1066127 Hmm the skeletons are unarmed so avoid any bucks and rams and they cant do anything to you" Dims ears perk up as he hears a loud thud and a bloodcurdling roar." I think we are done here actually, take a prisoner or two

Casually using various enchanted items from his personal stores Star makes his way back toward the entrance. "I really used too much energy on that speed enchant on my shoes. Hm.., ooooh skeletons in armor." He tosses a few more strips of paper from within his robes on the back of some of the skeletons. "Rend." The papers ideally unleash vacuum edged blades of wind through and around whatever objects they have landed on. He waits to see if this works or if their armor is anti-magic.

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