Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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"No worries. I think he was just being truthful. Don't always be that suspicious... at least not so openly. Best to grin and play. Besides, I'm more worried about the fanatic mage I've heard is with us than either of the assassins."

Reading the note he laughs as it burst into flames. "And I thought I have a flare for drama. Well then boys, time to suit up I suppose. See ya in a few." He leaves the dining car to get ready.

Returning to his room he packs away his stuff in his panniers and activates a few of the enchantments on his robes. Doing that he starts to set out to the meeting point before stopping and facehooving. "Can't forget you guys." His magic picks up all the cactus spines he had enchanted and left on the table before weaving them into his mane and tail. He then grabs Dim's sword in his magic and sets out to the assemblage.

1062085 Raging read the new letter before it burst into flame. He took my job. Well I better go meet the others. she thought before leaving her room with her halberd.

Dark Flame smiles as the note bursts into flame. Adopting his usual scowl he swept out of the Dining car, stopping by his room to grab his cloak, and doing one final check on his wing and hoof blades, before making his way to the front of the train.

Having spent the night in his common meditative trance Heaven sighed, shaking his head. They should be arriving at the destination at any moment, and he wanted to make sure he had everything ready. Checking each of weapons he sighed, looking around. He was missing a single dagger, the one he tossed at the annoying one.

The cling of vodka bottles hitting the floor rings through the room as Lightning Shot jerks awaken to the smell of burning paper.
"What?" He mumbles, as he looks, the room spinning. "Ehhh, note to self, lighten up on the vodka." He chuckles, as he straps on his light armor and weapons. "Lighten up on the vodka...good one."
His gear in place lightning walks out of his room.

1065772 Walking down the hallway Blue stops as the door opens and an orange stallion half walks half stumbles out smelling of pure alcohol. Scrunching up his nose Blue ignores the stench. "This way solider, CO wants us at the front of the train for briefing."

lightning straitens up in the presence of another team member. " Right.. so what time is it and who are you?"

1065778 Blue raises an eyebrow before walking down the hallway, "Are you drunk soldier?"

1065781"Just because I smell of vodka doesn't mean I'm drunk!". Lightning replies. "I'm Lightning Shot storm cloud manipulation expert and vodka enthusiast. You?

1065790 "Blue Shft Knight of The Realm." He shakes the soldiers hoof. "Good to meet you let's go meet the sarg."

1065796"I smell burning somepony been playing with fire?"

1065800 "No, that would have been the letter. Though if you have hesitations about fire you are going to love one of the squad mages."

1065802" let me guess. Trigger happy magic boy with strange love of flame?"

1065820 Blue smirked. "Magic girl." He corrected. "Come on Sarg must be waiting for us."

Lightning and Blue walk to the front of the train to meet the rest of the grope

1062470 1062085
Arriving and the meeting point Star looks around for Dim and Heaven. He has to return their tools to them after all. "Hm.. am I the first one here? Really?"

1065962 Blue walks into the room, seeing the mage he smiles. "Greetings mage."

"Hola knight." He chuckles to himself. "Or should I say aloha? Ah salutations. That works best I suppose. Who is your friend there?"

1065977 Blue gestures to the orange pegasus. "Lightning strike, our squads Combat cloud engineer."

"Ah, then hello Lightning. My name is Star Craving and I seem to be our crew's enchanter given that I haven't met any others so far. That reminds me I forgot to activate the ones on my shoes." He directs some magic to his horse shoes to activate the enchantments they contain. "There we go."

Dark Flame skulks into the carriage where they were told to meet, and instantly smiles as the smell of Vodka assaults his nose. His smile disappears when he see's Blue shift, but he ignores him in favor of standing off to the side, carefully looking over each of his comrades.

Sighing, Heaven gets up to search around for the annoying one, to retrieve his missing dagger. "I suppose he would be in the front car..." Heaven mumbled to himself, having glanced over the note from Dim. He chuckled to himself, as he headed towards the front car.

As Heaven enters he will find his dagger floating in front of him hilt first with the blade pointed toward Star. "Here you go. I do believe this was yours." He smiles at the assassin. "Thanks for letting me check it over. Now then I just need to find the sarge and give him his sword back and I think I'm pretty much all set until I know who I'm assigned with."

Heaven blinked, taking the dagger. "Thank you." was all that left his mouth, before he turned and took a seat far from the others, one that shredded him in darkness.

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