Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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(Let your characters get to know each other. This is to give people time to join this mission and make their character) (Everyone post where you are on the train and what your doing. Reply to their post to talk to them this will last 2 days so start rping:twilightsmile: ) (anything not rping enclose in parentheses by the way)
The Dawn Brigade is on the train from canterlot to appleloosa (same train as the one twilight was on)

Sergeant Dim Sits still glaring out the window of the train at some unknown enemy, occasionally glancing at the map laid out in front of him

Heaven sits, alone, in one of the train cars. His eyes closed as he meditated. He relished the silence that the lack of people brought to him, as he knew that once they reached Appleloosa, he would be hard pressed to find time to meditate in such silence.

Star grumbles and mutters under his breath talking to himself in what might as well be code to any non-mage as he sketches out various arcane formula in a notebook he is holding aloft in his magic. Occasionally he looks up to check out those in the train with him before grumbling just a bit more loudly and writing more stuff down. It would seem, to those paying close attention, that he is deciding what enchantments might be appropriate for the various ponies he is riding along with. If one were to check the notebook they would see a formula dedicated to enhancing the speed of projectile weapons.

1057547 (I don't remember, is there a dining car?)

Rising from his bunk Blue Shift stretches his legs before rolling his shoulders, as part of his daily ritual he checks his bundle, oiling his amour and preforming maintenance on his weapons before heading for the dining cart.

Star looks up from where he was writing stuff down and looks for one of the knights. He has an odd gleam in his eye. "Forgot to make sure I account for the material." Star stands and starts to walk toward anyone he can spot in some of their armor so as to check something.

Raging Fire was in the dining car, eating hay chips and a fried chicken. Next to her there was an halberd and an open book that she was reading and sometimes writing something on it. She turned a page before looking at the landscape, barely containing her excitement to finally have a real mission. I won't disappoint the princess! I will show to the heretics what it cost to go against the divine will.
(Sorry if sometime I use the wrong word, English is not my main language :unsuresweetie: )

1057760 As he walks towards the doors of the dining cart through the passenger compartments Blue Shift takes note of one of the squads magi. The raggedy stallion was obviously absorbed in his work, occasionally looking around the cart before returning to what ever complex formula he was working on. As Blue Shift walks past him the magi stands up, catching each other's eye Blue tilts his head in greeting.



"Hmm? Knight, ah just what I was looking for." He looks over Blue for a moment. He reaches out a hoof to knock it against any obvious armor that might be on Blue. "You are the one with the crossbow yes? Might I see one of your bolts. I need to make sure I have the enchantments right and that requires I take into account the materials used."

1058422 "Certainly Mage." Blue Shift says with a slight tilt of his head. "Follow me, they are in my bundle."

Star nods his head and sets in to follow Blue toward his bundle of items. "I suppose in the interest of us not having an awkward conversation as I work we should introduce ourselves. I'm Star Craving and you are?"

1058430 "Blue Shift." Using his telekinesis he pulls a bolt from his bundle and presents it. "I usually enchant my own ammunition, I am looking forward to see you work."

1058430 1058401 As the mage began to work however Blue's stomach began to growl. "Forgive me but I only woke up a moment ago, I shall have to observe you another time." Not waiting for a reply Blue spun on his hooves and marched towards the dinning cart. Seeing the squad's other mage eating a chicken he sat a couple of seats over from her, ordering a sandwich and drink.
"Expecting company?" He said with a small grin, nodding at the halberd leaning next to the excited mare, making conversation while he waited for his food to arrive.

"That is alright." Star says no more as he begins looking over the bolt and determining the best enchantments to aid its flight and possibly those to imbue it based on the targets. "Hm... lightning or fire I wonder? Wind will mostly be used to enhance the speed and straighten the flight path. Water would work if we were fighting run of the mill salamanders or the like but eh, you use what you need to." He puts the bolt back in with the others as he pulls his notebook close working out the formula some more. "I think I saw a ninja on the train earlier. I need to see if they use any of those throwing weapons they are known for." He sets out to find Heaven.

1058445 Raging turn toward the knight and inspected him.
"No, it's my weapon, most of the mage only use their spells or a stick, me I rather use a real weapon if I can't use my magic. Or fire, you can't be wrong with fire, it's always useful against an heretic." she said before taking a chicken leg in her magic. "I'm Raging Fire, by the way, and you?"

Group Admin

"A cactus how fascinating... BY THE GODS ANOTHER CACTUS. who would have guessed another bucking cactus" Dim mumbled under his breath as he stared out the window. "Gah! IF I SEE ANOTHER CACTUS THERE SHALL BE DEATH" forcing the window curtain closed. Grumbling Dim climbed into bed and looked at the door. It was at this moment a stewardess came through selling cactuses...

1058456 "Blue Shift ma'am." He says with a slight bow. "And will I agree that fire is useful against a heretic I prefer pinning them to walls with a well placed bolt."

1058461 Raging looked at him with a grin before laughing. "I like you. Usually when I talk about burning someone, most of the ponies would look at me weirdly. Never understood why they don't like burning someone. It's like those Earth ponies, why don't they like meat? It's weird." she said before returning to her book.

1058468 "Who knows what goes on in their heads, honestly I don't care how anypony acts, so long as they don't harm innocents. As for burning things, there is nothing wrong with a little conflagration, as long as they are enemies." Blue smiled as his sandwich arrived and he settled down to eat.

1058473 "So long as they don't are against the Princesses, they can do what they want" she said before closing her book. "Do you think that the town where we are heading have problems with the Buffalo again?"

1058478 Blue pondered the question while he chewed. "From what i've been hearing that may be the case, at any rate it's our duty to find out. And if things go pear shape it's our job to put those who would threaten innocents down, hope that stick of your's is ready to go."

1058481 "All the heretics shall suffer the divine judgment. And my stick as you said is ready to taste the blood of the infidels." said Raging devoutly. "Have you seen the other members of the squad? I've only seen our sergeant, he seems like a pony who seen a few fight."

1058491 "I've seen our other squad mage, seems like your run of the mill spell-caster. As for the Sergeant i have to agree, he's got the look of a pony who's seen combat."
Blue finished his sandwich and took a drink.
"So I take it you're a believer." He said matter-of-factly.

1058519 "Why wouldn't I? The princess are immortal, they are far more powerful than us. It is our duty to eliminate their opponents. The new princess is also the Element of Magic. Are you an atheist?"

1058535 "No, I believe in the divinity of our rulers and the sovereignty of the holy thrones. Kind of hard to be an atheist when the gods themselves walk among us."

"Explosive bolt enchantments it is." Star declares to no one in particular other than perhaps the voices in his own head. "Or at least on initial salvos into the packed opposition. Hm.. ooh cacti." He stops to chat with the stewardess who was selling cacti. "Do any of them dance? For that matter, how much for one of the little things?"

1058550 "Unfortunately, some ponies don't think that." said Raging before looking at her halberd. "And I won't let anyone said bad things about our Princesses."

Group Admin

Bleh way to go Dim you could have just bought all the cactus and destroy them but noo you had to throw your last bucking bottle of cider at her or you could have at least one of the empty ones. Well noones watching...:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

((Hm.. shall I just assume I can purchase the cacti? Please, are you controlling all the npcs or can we control them during interactions that are as minor as Star buying a cactus?))

1058568 Blue takes an interest in that last part. "There is no place for the weak willed or hesitant. Only by firm action and resolute faith will ponykind survive. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery too small. Book of Luna passage 42-36. Faith. Honour. Vigilance." He recites.

Group Admin

(1058592 You can control npcs the only ones that only I can control are hostile or plot devices)(Yeah thats right I control who gets plot:trollestia: I'm going to make a questions thread to avoid clutter)

(1058601 To what limit can we control them? Also plot, ha!)

1058596 "Your knowledge of the book is impressive. I've read them, but I think it's more through action that we prove our faith than by reading a book." she said with a grin."And as I said, I won't let my emotions interfere with my faith, if that's what you wanted to know. Everyone is equal when facing the divine judgment."

Group Admin

1058606(well umm thats a good question so here we go
In intermissions you can spawn NPC's that belong there (waiters restaurants drunks at bars you get the idea) and you just have to make it believable if you want a long term npc talk to me. during missions if you are promoted to a leadership position you will be given soldiers but keep that realistic as well)

1058617 "As a knight of the realm we are expected to learn the books and fortify our minds and hearts." He grins back. "Good to hear, though we did learn more than how recite scripture at the Academy, I can show my faith in battle as readily as any other."

Dark Flame slowly skulks into the Dining car, casting his eyes around the room before making his way to a pile of food. Grabbing some, he walked over to a section in the far corner and sat down, removing one of his wing blades and inspecting it as he hastily ate.

Group Admin

1058592(also dont call me please thats too common of a word "Long name guy" is a great substitute)(deleteing conversation in 15 minutes)

1058633 1058637 "That's good to know." said Raging as a pegasus enter into the dining car. "It seems that we are not the only ones hungry."

At the mention of this, Dark Flame looked up, catching sight of the other occupants of the car and giving them a terse nod, before returning to his meal.

1058637>>1058650 "It would appear so." Blue Shift turns around and call out to the visitor. "So which of our merry band might you be?"

Dark Flame raised his head again, locking eyes with the Unicorn, before simply replying, "Dark Flame."

1058670 Blue returns the stare, his grin fading. "Blue Shift."

Dark Flame reluctantly put his meal down, fixing his wing blade back in position. He approached Blue shift.
"Did you want anything in particular?" He asked sullenly.

1058681>>1058683 Raging was looking at them, interested in what will happens.

1058683 "What's your skill set, if we're going to be fighting together i want to know what my squad mates are capable of." Blue said as he narrowed his eyes.

"Assassin. Yourself." Dark Flame asked, looking reluctantly at the seat next to the pair before sitting down. "Who's your friend anyway?"

1058697 "Knight, and I would rather that she introduce herself." Blue says coldly. "Wouldn't pick your kind as joining the brigade."

"What do you mean 'My kind'?" Dark Flame asked, narrowing his eyes.

1058697>>1058691 "I'm Raging Fire, a mage." she said with a small grin. "Do you believe in the Princesses?"

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