Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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"Hm.. I should have ate breakfast." Star grumbles to himself as he starts directing magic into the sword to analyze its already standing enchantment to make sure he understands it before recharging it. One only tries to empower unknown enchantments once before either being dead or wiser for it.

As Dark Flame walked by Brightly Dims room, he caught the unmistakeable aroma of Rum coming from the room. Smiling, he filed that particular piece of information away, before returning to his own room.

Group Admin

Uhg guess I should get rid of this stuff" dim slired before lighting his horn the smell began to dissipate and was gone in 2 minutes.
deciding that remaining awake is only inviting more trouble Dim promptly passes out onto his bed

He dreamed of cactus that night

Having spent so many hours meditating, Heaven sighed. He then heard voices out side his room, which meant that there were ponies in between him and the diner car. Sighing again, he adjusted the cloth that obscured his face. Opening the door silently he headed off towards the diner car hoping to get something quick to eat before he returned to his room.

Finishing up reenchanting the sword as well as bolstering said enchantment with a scootch more power that it originally had, Star turns to another personal project. "Well now, whatever will I do with you Sir Cactaur. Hm?" Some of his magic reassembles the pot it was in into two separate smaller pots. "Perhaps a bit of an enchantment on these to induce speedy growth, yes? And then take some elements from the buds and I'll have me two cacti." As he says this stuff aloud what his magic is actually doing is arranging all the needles on his room's table and setting up paralysis enchantments into each individual needle.

Group Admin

1057650>>1057760>>1058709>>1058710>>1058691 A letter appears before each member under Brightly Dims jurisdiction
We will be arriving in Appleloosa in one days time. Once further briefed on the situation you will be split up into three groups to look for suspicious figures. Before engaging with any suspects you are to contact me. Ensure your weapons and armor is in top condition. Knights and mages are required to activate their ceremonial armor illusion up arrival. Assassins are to remain inconspicuous and are to keep a magical link with me at all times. You will be briefed in person before leaving.

Sergeant Brightly Dim out

Don't screw this up
The writing appears to have nearly ripped the page at some points
(I will post what the illusion makes you look like when I find a good picture)

1061326 Examining the letter Blue returns to his bunk to strap on his gear.

Glancing over the note, Heaven sighed. Having quickly reached the diner car quickly afterwards, he silently sat down and ordered food. He ignored the majority of the ponies there, glancing at each one for only seconds.

"Heh, cute. Alright then." He sends a letter off to Dim telling him the sword is ready and he will be in the dinning car for the next 30 minutes before leaving his enchanted needles on the table. "Time to eat." Star leaves his room and trots on into the dinning car. He looks around and spots the assassin he was looking for earlier but first he places his order for some food with the chef. "Meat. Lots of it. I don't care what its from either. I overdid it on the magic a bit. Also, got any sunflowers? I could use some of those right about now." With that he meanders over toward Heaven. "Hello. I believe you are the ninja right?"

Group Admin

1061471 (Hmmm someone appears to know why unicorns eat meat congrats for figuring it out also you need to reply if you want them to see your message

Star looks over the assassin to verify his already asked question for himself. "Might I check your equipment so I can account for whatever kinds of enchantments you might need? It'll only take a moment."

Heaven glanced up from his seat. Looking over Star he sighed. "Yes, I am Ninpo." He replied, returning to his meal. "Enchanting not necessary. Skill is."

"I see. Alright then." Star shrugs and walks back over to where he placed his order to see if his food is ready. "I'll need some water too come to think of it. Can't rightly eat without something to drink." His order comes up and he takes his food, a glass of water, and finds an open table to begin eating. The racket he makes eating and his obvious lack of table manners probably don't help the other patrons of the dining car with their meals while he is too busy staring off into the ether to care.

Having finished his meal in relative silence, Heaven got up to leave the dining car. Glancing over at Star he sighed again, shaking his head. As Heaven left a dagger appeared on Star's table, missing Star's head by a millimeter, just as the door to the rooms slid shut.
Now back in his room, Heaven returned to meditating.

1061326 Raging read the letter and memorized it before burning it. Well, it's time to get ready.

Group Admin

Pain. Pain is the only way I can describe what my head is going through. These thoughts ran through his head. Growling he sat up shielding his eyes from the light." I guess medical training does have some advantages" he mumbles as he increases his blood glucose levels. headache dieing off Dim goes to the dining cart for some food

Dark Flame quickly scanned the letter, before ripping it in half and disposing of it. Clambering out of his bunk, Flame began to pull on his leather armour, before attaching his various blades to his body. Incognito heh? His favorite type of mission.
Rummaging through his possessions, Flame found a large cloak, that would adequately cover both his armour and his wings. Replacing the clock, Dark Flame slipped out of the room towards the dinning car.

Comment posted by Balancer deleted Jun 3rd, 2013

1061622 His armor in place and his weapons equipped Blue exits his room, entering the dining cart again he approaches the bar again to order a more substantial meal and drink. Approaching the squad's other mage who was eating rather...uniquely he sits down. "How did the enchanting go mage?"

Making his way into the dining car, Dark Flame caught sight of Blue Shift talking with a pony that he hadn't seen yet. At least he was busy occupying the knight. Silently, Dark Flame made his way over to the opposite end of the bar, grabbing a plate of food and sitting down in the corner he had claimed yesterday.

Group Admin

Ambling up to the final transition to the dining car Dim organized himself to be presentable and walked in. looking around he noticed most of the squad were also here. trying to be as subtle as a fully armored pony can be he walked up to the counter. Coffee no sugar no creamer, taking his coffee he finds an empty table. He summons a book on assassination techniques for some light reading

1061990 Seeing his commanding officer walk in Blue shift rises and salutes. "Sir."

Group Admin

Dim looks at blue "at ease soldier" before returning to his reading

1061999 Blue nods before sitting back down at the bar where he summons a small copy of The Art of War, flicking to the section on dealing with larger, stronger foes.

Group Admin

1062002 Heh I didn't take you as a-" His voice dies down as he sees the section hes reading...
"really". The factors of a hangover and someponies apparent desire to to kill some buffalo broke Dim. He promptly slams his armored head into the table cracking it in half... He just sits their staring at where the table had previously sat. The still functioning part of Dims brain had the sense to summon more of his shrinking supply of bits and drops them on the counter

1062008 Blue looks up sharply at the sound of wood splintering. "Sir!" He shouts concerned as he rushes over to his CO, thinking him hurt or poisoned.

From his corner, Dark Flame watched Dim break the table. Interesting technique at least.
He smirked at the sight, before going back to his own meal. He really hoped they got to Appleosa soon, the claustrophobic feeling of the train annoyed him.

Group Admin

1062011 Dim still stares at the table ignoring blue

1062017 After his CO fails to reply Blue turns and calls out. "Something's wrong with the Sargent, someone fetch a medic!"

Group Admin

Buck My Life" he says before teleporting to the next car and walking away
I think a march to tarterus would be preferable to this trainride to hell

Dark Flame reluctantly walks over to the frantic pony. "Whats the matter?" He asks in an exasperated voice.

1062031 "Nothing, thought our Sargent had been attacked but it appears he just has a flair for the dramatic." Blue grumbles as he realizes he's made an ass of himself.

"Great. So does he do that often?" Dark Flame asked, scowling at Blue Shift

1062044 "Wouldn't know." Blue says as he pointedly ignores the scowl being shot at him by the peagsus.

"I thought you military types like to stick together." He said pointedly. "But as you said, I wouldn't know much about that."

"Only just meet the guy, besides i though sizing up ponies was your field of expertise." Blue retorts.

"Sizing them up and knowing them is different. You don't need an good relationship with somepony your trying to kill. Just need to know physical attributes, which I can usually find out without talking." He replies, a hint of smugness creeping into his voice.

1062051 Blue scowls a little before shaking his head. "Anything else you wanted, or are you done looking for my soft spots?"

"Ah, good. Thanks." He picks up the knife seeming to ignore that it almost hit him and begins to inspect it to determine what might work best with it. "I wonder if our assassins use poisons or not. If not there are such fun enchants to put on weapons like these."

As he was looking it over he notices Blue Shift enter across from himself and the Sergeant not too far behind. "Its been going well so far. I have already helped to recharge one of the standing enchantments while making progress checking out equipment to determine some of the best enchants for possible situations. Your bolts for instance could be enchanted to explode on contact should we find ourselves facing down a rather large number of opponents. Ideal for if one has an army bearing down on them. There is another I'm working out that might be fun to see but it would be less useful unless we are trying to only incapacitate."

Watching Dim he just sighs. "I do believe our commander is having issues with something. Last time I saw someone do that it was because he was trying to win an eating contest with a fire elemental. Side note, never try that. You will lose."

"Well actually I came over to help per your plea for it. But as the need has past I'll leave. Nice having this chat Shift." Dark Flame replied in a sickly sweet tone.
Dark Flame past by the new arrival, stopping just behind him. "Poisons are to slow, and enchantments take the thrill out of the kill. Where's the fun in killing anything with anything but skill."

Blue gives a vitriolic look at the assassin before turning to the mage. "We should be prepared for all circumstances."

"That depends on the poison regarding its speed. If I had found it earlier there was a drug I could have made as a base for an enchantment that could have been fired into the midst of an enemy camp that would have left them dazed and out of it for hours. As for the other, well I prefer to stay alive and keep as many others that way as well. Then again, enchanting is my specialty so I'm partial to it I suppose."

"Aye. A shame the Sergeant didn't stick around. I could have given him back his sword. Now I'll have to hunt him down."

"If a poison is slow acting I find it useless to me, and if it's quick acting it can be more of a liability to yourself than the enemy." Dark Flame said, turning to face the mage. "I respect you for your enchantment though. I hope they hold up. Wouldn't want our knights to fall in combat." At the last bit, he short a glare at Blue Shift, before returning to his own table.

"Best of luck with that, something tells me our leader doesn't want to be found."

"Ah, the old double edge of poisons. That is true. I remember once a hunter I was working with got nicked by a paralytic poison he laced his darts with. Poor guy was heavy. As for my enchants, no worries about that. If anything its more an issue of if I have the time to set up than if they will hold."

He nods his head. "I'll have to remember to tag him with a small tracking enchant in the future."

1062078>>1062082 Blue's ear perk up at the last part of the assassins comment, he gives the pegasus a suspicious look before shaking his head. "Keep an eye on that one mage, least you find your enchantments turned on you."

Group Admin

1062046>>1062044>>1061878>>1061641>>1061622Once again a letter is delivered to each member of the squad
We are on the final ascent to appleloosa you are to equip your armor immediately and meet me at the front of the train in five minutes and no we do not believe we will be dealing with buffalo but rather a group of highwaymen blocking passage. However since certain soldiers has notified me of concern that buffalo are the culprits I am required to tell you you cannot engage with foreign troops until HQ has given the are note to enga If a ponies life depends on your actions I will take any punishment the military would have put onto you
Since that order alone was illegal this message will combust when your eyes cross over thi

1062085 Blue Shift blinks momentarily as the piece of paper turns to ash, snorting he heads back to his bunk and grabs his weapons. After checking that his sword, cross bow, bolt pouch and field kit were in place he heads to the front of the train.

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