Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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"I believe they exist if thats what you mean." He replied

1058709 "Sell swords, trading loyalty for profit." Blue states.

"And knights fight for whatever they are told to with no individual thought." Dark replied.

1058715>>1058716 "If he is loyal to the Princess, it's all that matters."

"I'll fight for them as long as my fee is paid." Dark Flame replied. "I'm guessing you believe then?"

1058719>>1058720 Blue stares down the assassin. "We fight for an ideal higher than ourselves, though I guess your lot wouldn't be able to grasp that. So long as the crown keeps writing your pay checks I'll watch your back, but don't expect me to be happy about it."

1058728 "Yes, and if you say anything bad against them, I will burn you, as must be killed all the heretics." she said with a smile.

"That's fine by me." Dark Flame replied coldly, locking eyes with Blue skies for a moment, before returning to the corner where his food was still waiting.

"Just try it." He said from his corner.

Stewardess: "Of all the nerve. He might be military but it doesn't give him a right to... oh hello. No, they don't dance." She gives Star an odd look that indicates she thinks he might be crazy before continuing on. "They are about 12 bits a pot."

Star Craving: "Good good. Got any that are about to bud?" He asks while looking for any that appear to be somewhat like columns or what could almost be mistaken for small off color bell peppers.

Stewardess: "Sure, I have two that are about to bud. Would you like to purchase one of them?"

Star Craving: Having found none of the ones with the psychoactive chemicals he was hoping for he nods. "Aye. I would like to buy one of the budding ones. Something tells me it might come in handy in the future." He purchases a cactus and then continues on to the car containing Heaven to check up on the assassin's equipment.

1058731 Blue watched as the assassin left to his own table, turning to the waiter he ordered a whisky. "Assassins." He grumbled as he took a swig from the cup. "I hope our leader knows what he's doing let him tag along."

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Dim looks at the last of the cider sadly giving the bottle a salute he walks back to bed "Ah screw it maybe they have some of the good stuff at the dining area"

1058737>>1058735 Raging looked at the pegasus for a few moments before turning back to Blue Shift. "We always need someone that can go behind the enemies lines, even if I always thought that burning them is more efficient."

Finishing his meal, Dark Flame stood up and walked over to the bar, grabbing a bottle of Vodka and tossing the necessary bits on the counter before skulking out of the room.

1058745 Blue sighed. "I said I would back him up, if our Sargent thinks he's necessary I wont argue. Doesn't mean I wont watch my shadows."

1058750 Raging looked outside and groaned. "I hate those like him, but after all, we can't kill all those who don't believe in the Princesses. Even if I would like that."

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1058750 Dim walks up to the counter and sits down . "give me the strongest stuff you got"
So why does the assassin look ready to kill you private

1058761 Blue salutes. "Because i'm giving him the same look, sir."

Group Admin

1058763 just dont kill each other until your tour of duty is over

1058769 "As long as we keep paying him he's got nothing to worry about, sir."

1058769 "Do you know when we will arrive to the town? I'm getting bored and the less we stay in this train, the less there will be fight between us."

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1058772 Dim smirks at the statement before returning to his drink

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Well id get comfortable we still have a day and a half before we arrive at appleloosa" Dim shutter slightly when he says the name

Comment posted by Balancer deleted Jun 2nd, 2013

1058791 "Do you think that we would have to fight buffaloes? I heard that they were good warriors."

Back in his room, Dark Flame began to work on his weapons, reverently removing them and beginning to sharpen then each in turn, before dulling the sheen down on them. He intermittently took long swigs from the Vodka, before placing it to the side and getting up. Time to see what dirty secrets he could find out about the others. Never know when todays friend could become tomorrows enemy.

1058801 (I like this guy :pinkiecrazy:)

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All we know is that we haven't had contact with them in a month but being an earthpony settlement they only communicate through hoof mail. So more than likely its just a group of highwaymen holding up the roads" Dim ended by finishing his drink

1058824 "Let's hope so, last thing I want is to be facing a Buffalo stampede."

Group Admin

1058833I wouldnt put to much thought into it I've met their chieftain before. He is quite honorable and wouldnt break the treaty of Appleloosa if his life depended on it

1058841 "Who say's he's still in charge."

Group Admin

1058847 The last report we received anyways I need to talk to our other mage so I bid you good day
*whispering* Have a bottle of rum sent to my room barkeep but discretion is important
With that dim leaves the room

Dark Flame made his way down the corridor, passing out of his carriage and entering the next one. As he walked past a door, the name on it caught his eye. Smiling to himself, Dark quietly slid the door open and slipped into Blue Shifts' room. Lets see what the cocky knight is hiding from the world.

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1058736 Private Star are you in there" Dim yells as he bangs on the door

Dark Flame looked around the room, being careful to avoid touching anything. From what he could see, there was nothing in the room that looked like it could be used against Blue Shift. There was a sword against the wall, which he guessed would be useful to know if they ever fought, and he could see the tell-tale signs of small indents in the wood where arrows had been laid, meaning he either used a crossbow or a normal bow. Sighing, Dark Flame moved over to the door and placed his ear against it, checking that nopony was coming.

As the banging on the door sets in a small illusion of Star Craving appears before the door. If one looks closely they can see its being projected by a bit coin that had been tapped to the door. "If you are looking for me I've set out to check on some of the equipment the various members of our troop use. I need to make sure I have everything ready just in case. I should be back in a moment since this little enchanted item included a little spell to notify me if anyone disturbs the door. Just hang on a moment." Dim can hear some hoofsteps coming in his direction given that Star had only just entered the next car before he came a knocking.

1058847 "Well, it was nice to talk with you, but I need to finish this book, see you later." she said before taking her halberd and her book and leaving the dining car. Now where was my room?

Group Admin

1058971 "ah hello private star nice enchantment by the way"

"Ah yes, it is a charming one isn't it? I put that one together the first time when I was 12. Kept my sister out of my room. So how might I help you Sergeant?" Star answers as he walks up. On his back rests the cactus he bought from the stewardess earlier and if one looks closely that can already see that he has etched onto its pot the name 'Sir Cactaur'.

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"Ah yes I was wondering if... " Dims left eye twitches as he looks at the cactus "you c-could" Dim is now smiling in earnest " check this ench- actually can I see that cactus

Star shrugs. "Sure, I don't see why not." He levitates the cactus over to Dim.

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1059018 So how much did this cost you" Dim asked as he took the cactus with his own magical grasp. His eye is twitching again

"Only 12 bits if I recall correctly. That or one charged kitchen knife that vibrates so as to cut easier. I forget which. I think the second was a theory of mine though rather than anything I've made yet." (Think an electric knife.)

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1059040 bleh" with a sigh dim tosses at ;east 16 bits on the ground before sending a magical wave into the cactus causing it to explode" Don't keep cactus's near me" his grin growing even bigger as the cactus guts rain down upon them

Content that nopony was near the door, Dark Flame slipped out, making his way down the corridor to return to his own cabin.

"No, Sir Cactaur!" Star starts trying to collect bits of the cactus. "What did he do to you? He was so young. Oh... wait.. hm.." He stops mid rant to analyze something that likely only he can see in the remains of the cactus and its pot before looking back up with a much more serious expression on his face. "By the way, I assume you didn't just show up to kill my newest pet. What were you needing me to look at?"

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1059074 Uh ah yes thank you I almost forgot. My swords enchantment seems to have worn off and I was wondering if you could renew it. its a cold enchant by the way." Dim presents his sword to star
(And I'm gone for the day)

"Aye, I can do that. It'll take me about an hour though. Come back then and I'll have it ready for you." He takes the sword in his magic and walks into his room. Some of his magic taking up the bits Dim had handed over, the remains of the cactus, and the taped bit he had left on the door before placing a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door handle. "Hpmh.. and the ponies of this era thought we were barbarians back in the day. Fie. Now then, lets see about a heart of ice enchant for this one. I think I have what I need to set that one up."

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Elated of his victory over the dreaded cactus Dim trots merrily back to his room, where a bottle of rum awaits him

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