Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

You are a member of the Dawn Brigade. The races that are accepted are the following: Unicorns, Pegasai, and Earthponies.
attribute points removed

Might as well get this party started and begin character creation.

Name: Blue Shift
Race: Unicorn
Class: Knight
Stats: I-3 A-2 S-2
Appearance: Blueish-white coat with a short cropped ice-blue mane and tail. Has forest green eyes and a grey shield over top a sword pointing down as a cutie mark.
Preferred armaments: Bastard Sword held on person (in mouth, hoof when neccassary) for defense and cqc, and a Heavy crossbow held in magic grip for ranged and squad support.
Preferred spell usage: Makes heavy use of magic infused into crossbow bolts for maximum amour penetration, also uses shield spells heavily in close combat

Focusing on ranged combat to put his enemies down Blue Shift prefers hanging back and pounding on enemy defenses from afar, however the slow nature of his attacks can leave him vulnerable to large groups of enemies. Knowing that his unicorn heritage left him at a disadvantage and well aware that there would come times when his enemies would get to close for comfort, Blue Shift trained extensively with all manner of martial weapons, as befit a knight of the realm. He eventually settled on a Bastard Sword due to it having a more weight behind it for heavy strikes when fighting much larger foes like Minotaur yet remaining small enough to effectively parry with when engaging small and faster foes like Deer and Zebra, and a Heavy Crossbow it's large bolts capable of puncturing through all but the thickest and toughest amours, especially when he used his magic to give it a bit of an extra kick.

Properly trained, armed and ready for whatever the world could throw at him Blue Shift left the relative Safety of the Canterlot Training Academy to throw his lot in with the Dawn Brigade, and only time will tell if his preparation will pay off.

1039180 Just to be sure, the Dawn brigade is the "army" of Twilight, right?

Group Admin

its more of a squad considering people who make characters are going to make up its troops

1053858 Ok, in this rp, Twilight is a princess or is she still a unicorn? Because I want to make a fanatic, they are always fun.

Group Admin

Shit I forgot about that:facehoof:
shes a princess oh new post in a second you should read some lore will be reveled and a promise for more lore

Alright, I think I have this all squared up. Let me know if I've got something too over the top or not.

Name: Star Craving
Race: Unicorn
Class: Mage
Stats: Int: 5 Agi: 2 Str: 1
Appearance: Green in coat with wild brown hair that looks like its never seen a comb or brush, tends to be seen wearing somewhat old looking brown robes that seem to be laced with what appears to be images of the Zodiac
Cutie Mark: A silver ring with garnet jewel bearing a magic star within a octarine glowing energy field
Bio: Seems to be aiming on becoming recognized as a wizard due to his reliance on some rather lengthy, for war time standards, rituals surrounding enchanting objects. The enchantments he prefers to cast though are somewhat slow to wear off. Some detractors refer to him as Star Craving the Mad due to his habit of claiming to be a temporally displaced prehistory unicorn mage but no one listens to those rants other than to laugh. Threw in his lot with the Dawn Brigade after having encountered trouble making ends meet selling enchanted trinkets in one of the villages near the East. He knew that war meant a need for capable enchanters to enhance the tools of the rank and file. This he can work with to get in good with the government and hopefully access to the archives in Canterlot. Can be a bit rude to others not out of a desire to be so but because he is so busy holding four conversations about various aspects of magic in his own head with himself that he isn't entirely aware others are interacting with him and he finds them distracting.

Name : Raging Fire
Race : Unicorn
Class : Battlemage
Stats : I-3 A-2 S-2
Preferred armaments : War hammer, spears, halberd and specters.
Preferred spells : She mostly use fire and thunder spell, but can in rare occasion use arcane magic.
Appearance : Short blue mane and tail, Light-blue coat, yellow eyes, always smile and look ready to burn things, wear an armor of plate.
Bio : Raging Fire was born in family of fighters who worship the Alicorns, she rapidly learn how to use polearm and fighting magic, she always loved more the fire magic and the warhammers. She earn her cutie mark by setting ablaze a bunny because she was hungry. At her majority, she passed a test which consisted at killing a manticore. Even if she is devoted to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, she is mostly loyal to the Princess Twilight, the Element of magic, and thinks that all those who don't respect her are heretics and must be purged with fire, it was only natural that she joined the Dawn guard to serve her and annihilate all her opponents.

Group Admin

1054357>>1052850 as a unicorn each point you put at strength is only worth half

1056324 I thought that we had two points to assign and only gained 0.5 points in strength when we level up?

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Jun 1st, 2013
Group Admin

1056432 nope their still only worth a half point (however depending how you complete a mission may get you a bonus to a stat like doing alot of melee would get you a bonus in strength while magical fights int ect ect )

1056459 Ah thanks for that will change some stuff around

Group Admin

1054357 Also you start out as a mage since this is the first saga (Its very complex and will be explained as it happens)

Name: Heaven Star
Race: Pegasus
Class: (Ninpo) Assassin
Stats: A-4 I-3
Preferred armaments: Anything that will enable him to attack from the shadows.
Bio: Heaven Star is a Pegasus of few words, preferring to take action then to sit and talk. He rarely speaks to anyone, and would rather sit in a silent room meditating then to partake in any social gathering.
(Pardon the short Bio, I couldn't think of much...)

Ninpo is the Ninja art of Ninjustu by the way.

Comment posted by ZeirMakavar deleted Jun 2nd, 2013
Group Admin

so any family history or anything of the sort? Its not required just nice if you make one let me know so I can catalog it

Name: Dark Flame

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Class: Assassin.

Stats: 3-A. 3-E. 2-I

Appearance: A dark Brown coat complimented by a dyed black mane often styled in a Mohawk. (Original colour is a bright red.) Is almost always seen wearing a full body set of leather armour that covers everything except his wings and head.

Bio: Dark Flame was raised in relative isolation on the very edge of Northern Equestria by his single mother. After a raid by a Gryphon tribe, Dark Flame left his homestead and fell of the grid for almost a year. After he re-emerged, he was no longer the child that disappeared, but rather a skilled assassin, who almost instantly threw in his lot with the Dawn Brigade.
Dark Flame is of questionable morality, seemingly relishing in the death he can bring to unsuspecting foes and often sinking back into his Northern roots more than most ponies around him would like. Is often extremely quiet and brooding, preferring the dark dank corners of a room to the loud centers, and if there is a party or social gathering on, that is where he will almost always be found. There are a few times he will come out of his shell, but those times are few and far between.

Preferred Weapons: Wing Blades and Hoof Blades

1058618 You didn't use your 2 stats points?

I thought I did, what do you mean?
(I am so confused by this. :twilightblush:)


Pegasus- special:flight primary attribute:Agility secondary: strength or intelligence but lacks other

Basically you have 3 points in agility, and you can choose either strength or intelligence to be your secondary stats. The secondary stats have 2 points and the third only one. After that you have 2 points to put in the stats you want.

Ah. Thanks. I'll edit my post quickly.

He keeps quite about his family, so no. Maybe someone could probe him for it... :trollestia:

Group Admin

dont look at my guy he kills cactus for fun

And Heaven is trained to kill anything...

Group Admin

1060759 Does he kill cactus due to the fact he watched his 2nd best friend (the first ones death is actually cannon in this saga but you'll see later) be impaled on a cactus and survive just to have another cactus thrown onto him by a buffalo?

No, mostly because he doesn't have many friends, and the ones he does have are also Ninpo.

(Here's one of the main things you should no about Ninja's. The only person they are loyal to is their Sensei. Beyond that if you don't pay them good, you should check your drinks. ergo is alignment would be around Chaotic Neutral.)

Group Admin

1060795 Awww I wanted a friend killed by cactus buddy
oh by the way everything I just said is hardcore ooc

I figured as much.

Group Admin

1060852now that I think about it my character was pretty ooc on the train ride as well (then again he is drunk)

Group Admin

COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and a lack of sleep = me right now so yeah

Coffee is good.
Sleep is for the week.
Now get back to RPing, I'm bored.

Group Admin

Alas my character is asleep and would undoubtedly chew out whoever was to wake him

Name: Lightning Shot
Race: Pegasus
Class: Freestyle ( Combat cloud engineer)
Stats: A-3 I-4
Preferred armaments: Standard issue short sword, light crossbow
Appearance: light blue mane and tail with one yellow stripe and a orange coat. His cutey mark is a black cloud with two lightning bolts.

After serving in the Stalliongrad Defense Force as a combat cloud engineer Lightning Shot volunteered to join the Dawn Brigade due to his skills in cloud and lightning manipulation. Trained to manipulate lightning clouds to be used as an offensive weapon, and if given clearance siege weapons Lightning shot is able to provide much needed heavy fire power to his squad mates. He got his cutie mark when he stopped a runaway storm cloud from striking his family home. His favorite drink is vodka and claims to be able to drink most stallions under the table.

Group Admin


His favorite drink is vodka and claims to be able to drink most stallions under the table.

You and Dim are going to have fun in one of the intermissions:pinkiecrazy:

Name: High Shine
Race: Earthpony
Sex: Male
Statistics: 4 3 1
Class: Knight
Fights with a claymore and wears Dawn Brigade's traditional armor
Appearance: Pink with gold hair. Cutie mark is a sword in front of a book

Bio: High Shine was nearing adult hood when he earned his cutie mark. The towns library and librarian was being torched by the town because they were listing to a zealot claiming that it was heresy to record knowledge not of celestia. Shine had run to the Library's defense tackling the zealots leader drawing the attention away from the librarian giving his family time to escape.
I had hoped that just tackling him would break them out of it. As I realized that did'nt work my father began to yell "kill the heretic" I never like the man but I was still screwed. To this day I still cannot make it up to the librarian for coming back and saving me (even though he insisted that if anyone owed someone it was him to me).
The entire disaster caused me to not even to notice my cutie mark until days later of running with the librarian's family. From that day I pledged to protect those who are persecuted for knowledge. That is why when I was drafted I was adamant that I was put under Princess Twilight's division

1080709 People are usually to busy trying to kill him to mock his coat

Group Admin

Name: Greenwall
Race: Unicorn
Sex: Female
Slim mare with white fur and mane, but with dark green highlights. Cutie mark is a leaf
Bio: (Coming soon)

Group Admin

The New group can be found here
OR rather here
Also look at the your going to live thread on here

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