Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Okay now that is over with lets set up our future as this group

1. This group will be deleted on Sunday in order to be replaced by a new and improved group (Tricked you! there is no future as this group:pinkiecrazy:)
a. The new group will have all of this groups unfinished threads finished, but aside from the copy and paste of our rp's those will be lost and useless
b.The new group will also have several officer positions filled before hand so we can make this work smoother
2. We will have found a new home for our role playing in order to bide by the site rules (I'm thinking we'll just use an rp forum instead of something like parlingo)
3. Here are the the positions that will be available
a. 2ndary admin: Pretty self explanatory you will help manage the group ensure rules are obeyed and take over if I disappear. You also need to promote activity in the group
b. Recruitment officer: We don't need 70 role players in the group, but we do need more than 5
c. Activity Manager: Your job is to keep the group active. This means your job is to make rp's when the main one dies down as well as taking care of group discussions
d. Lore Master: You get to archive any new RPs into the group and write/choose a writer to write our exploits in story form to add to the group

I am working on the new group right now, namely trying to find a good temp banner and avatar(icon)

Group Admin

Oh another job that needs to filled

Noob Trainer.
RPing with a noob can be boring and tiresome (not to mention frustrating when they make a mary sue). So each new Rper will have to do a mock RP with you to determine if they are ready. If you deem them unworthy than your job will be to set up a noob rp to train them.
Me and the 2ndary can also do mock Rp's
( I would suggest an in rp interview to test them)

Group Admin

Found a forum we can rp on

Noob trainer sounds good, what with me being an avid rp'r in RL I think I can take it.

Group Admin

Now I just have to learn the ins and outs of rp nation
Oh and so do you

3341258 Yup, if its anything like the PFS it should be a cake walk. Already signed up so see you there.

Group Admin

Alright I'm typing up the group as we speak so we might do a mock rp to learn how the website works in about an hour

3341280 Going to go to a mates place in an hour for a firefly marathon.

Group Admin

Alright then. It'll probably be easier to figure the site out alone anyways

So how'd learning the ins and outs go?

Group Admin

It worked pretty well. I actually tested out when one of the other members this morning.
Oh by the way I'll be back on in a couple of hours so if you're still here I can go into more details about the site.
For now I have another board to do

3343039 yeah, have work in half an hour

Group Admin

Ah gotcha I'll be up for about another 6 hours so I'll seea tomorrow I guess

3343070 eyup, though I should warn you it's exam week over here.

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