502 Bad Group 55 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Just thought I'd suggest this as an alternate group banner.


But the memories burn! :raritydespair:

1037980 Yes, this is good...Very good. :3


Thanks. I always liked that banner. I actually miss it from the lineup, especially on days like this. And having an adaptation of it as the group banner seems very appropriate, Though the current one is nicely minimalistic, too...

Group Admin

That's some sick shit dude.
We're using that
I think I did a pretty good job with mine, but this looks even cooler. Where'd you get it?
Also, my only other problem with this is that the pre-existing 502 group uses as banner that's pretty much the same as this one (502 ficiton).


No problem. I just pretty much took a screenshot I had of the old site 502Fiction banner, erased the feature box, and then copied in the main portion of your already existing banner, then scaled it to fit.

And I'm not too surprised someone else had the same idea, since with the old banners, you have to figure out something to do with the feature box...

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