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Clickbait title is clickbait.

Still, I feel that not only can we recreate dinosaurs, but even genetically domesticate them. Chickens were already domestic, but with a few lines of genetic code, we might go from psycotic killing machines to pets. Pets that we can render completely subservient to us through extensive modification and even mind control implants, because nothing says bad day like a rogue prehistoric killer.

Age restrictions apply.

Their combat effectiveness? Meh. We have guns. And they don't have the same plot armor as the movies. Some of their larger specimens may require more dakka, but they'll go down.

Or just a really big bullet. Overcompensating, ho!

Perhaps their combat effectiveness would be higher pre-gunpowder or before modern arms. Riders, and the like?


Whatchu guys think of a dino-human teamup?


I've wanted this since my very early childhood. Yes.


I suspect there might be a certain amount of bias on your part there.

Chickens were already domestic, but with a few lines of genetic code, we might go from psycotic killing machines to pets.

I take it you've never owned any chickens.

4758022 Reminds me of that book series, what was it called? Dinotopia or some such?

Eh, anyways, its premise was a fantasy world were humans could speak to dinosaurs and vice versa. They had sort of a roman styled society with some fantasy tech thrown in.

4758022 ill just leave these here


I always wanted to have one of these as a pet.

The Pachycephalosaurus was my favourite dinosaur growing up, and I still have a fondness for the species today.

I can imagine riding one into battle.


I take it you've never owned any chickens.

No, but I was saying was not as crazy kill loving as the raptors in the show. Seriously.

Had to be pointed out, though. I wouldn't be willing to be in the same room as a chicken my own size for even a minute. Chickens are violent, vicious dicks. Bird-brain isn't an insult for being untrue.


No, the first old-fashioned dinosaurs to walk the earth again will be small chickensauruses, with the restored snout, limbs and tail.

The point of that was to criticize your analogy. Chickens make awful pets. Birds in general do, generally worse so the more intelligent they are. Whatever good arguments there might be for this, that isn't one of them.

Group Admin

4758022 Is old Jack still going on about getting dinosaurs from atavistic mutations?

Now that you mention it, in a now cancelled fic, I was planning on having the company from Jurassic Park still be around when the Reaper War began in Mass Effect, and contributing such dinosaurs to the war effort.


That's a weird setting to stick InGen in.

Yeah, in Mass Effectt canon, humans had pretty advanced genetic engineering before joining the Council and having to submit to Council law.

So I thought about what genetic engineering company from fiction would be fun to throw in.

Then I remembered a sidequest in ME3 where you recover the skull of krogan dinosaurs to clone and use as mounts for the krogan during the war.

that gave birth to an idea where an InGen employee says this, "It feels good to get back to the company's roots, we promise this will turn out better than previous...incidents. After all, rampaging dinosaurs couldn't possibly make the situation worse! Haha!"


Maybe have some of that hybrid things to make "controlled" dinosaurs? Or flash clone a dino brain to be used in the make a sort of scout AI unit.

I for one would like to ride on of them dinosaurs.

Yeah, those sound like good ideas.

Or maybe mass clone raptors and use them to zerg rush the enemy.

Or have a tank-Rex XD. No really.

How are you guys using pony faces?

4759323 Newfag is new, anyway, you see that smiley face next to the 'Sp' on the type box thing? click it, and you will be able to make 'pony faces' as you say.

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