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It's the near future (before 2500), and humanity has made some advancements (like we always have). How would you like humanity's cities to look like in the near future.

I'd like something like this. A bit of old stuff preserved and the future is sustainable. It's Kaliningrad (a Russian province) in the future.


if we live that long...


No flying cars. Too dangerous.

4166684 I like stuff with a bit more nature:

Clown Torres
Group Admin


Cities on Earth and in space.


To hell with all of that, give me some neo-noir Blade Runner shit. Rule of cool.

Actually i like this new green roof technology, and we already started building these.

Why would cities of the future be all that much different than the cities of today? There aren't going to be that many more people to fill them up and without population pressure there's no pressure to build. As cool as some of these gigantic buildings are, there's no pressing reason for a free society to build them. We'll probably mostly see modifications to existing buildings.

Something along the lines of high charity from halo.... Only a bit more human looking
I mean seriously how fun would it be to drive your capitol city (wich has guns everywhere) through space with a massive fleet backing it up...... Nothing short of master cheif ,chuck Norris , an army of helljumpers, and 37 Jedi knights. Are going to be able to take it out


Minus all the Swastikas.

4166980 *Draws over them with the fake, swatsika like symbols hollywood uses.*


Minus all the Swastikas.

But those are the best part. :raritydespair:

I keed, I keed.

4166833 Meh I was thinking along the lines of New Alexandria from Halo Reach but that nice too.

4166684 Kaliningrad? Isn't that the Willis Sears Tower in the background?

I hope they show respect for the architectural styles of the past and not demolish everything like they seem to have done in every single sci-fi city. You look at an old metropolis today, you see structures that were anywhere between the 20th century and before Christ. So I'd love a city where ancient and futuristic buildings can exist in harmony (with lots of greenspace and sunlight, of course). And not the downtown highways that plague LA.

Bleszinski asked his artists to create a “sci-fi” hybrid of London and Washington, D.C., but advised them to keep the futuristic well balanced with the historical. The big flaw in most depictions of the future, he says, “is that they always forget to leave in the past. Everyone always assumes that the entire world would just explode and be rebuilt in this kind of super-futuristic style. I still see old cars from the thirties and forties around, right next to things that look like they’re from the year 2000. It’s that mix that makes things interesting.”

I'm not a Gears of War fan, but this is exactly what I mean.

4166788 Sure it looks incredibly cool on screen, but it would be absolutely hellish to live in. Still, no better city to be a futuristic P.I.

4166691 Those impact craters in the background are unsettling...


Some futuristic buildings we'll have in about five year.

Tower infinity- a skyscraper with basic cloaking abilities.

Kingdom Tower- a 1 Kilometer tall building

Shape changing / rotating skyscrapers

4166684 A somewhat modern, glum, crime ridden, corrupted, polluted city with the military always watching us from above, eh.


So basically Detroit.

4169894 Yes, Detroit but everywhere, eh.


Shape changing / rotating skyscrapers

You are pulling on my leg.



We already have a rotating one that's been built too. Suite Vollard.


This seems like a bad idea.

And inside every building is a city in of itself. I'd rather have something to be built to last

4169031 while new Alexandra was cool and all that place got decimated by the covvies
So far the only thin that came close to harming it would be the grunt rebellion and that was because the grunts were everywhere in the city
The only thing able to destroy it was ..... The flood I believe been a while since I played halo 3 but sometime 2hen attacking the citedel in the cutscene I heard an elite say something about high Charity falling or something.... But that was ages ago... Last time I played that particular level I think I was 11 or 12

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