Fallout Equestria: World 1,108 members · 1,186 stories
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Not sure who has seen them at conventions but I wanted to know what people thought of the Project Dead Tree version of Fallout: Equestria.
Link to website to check out Pre-Release: http://projectdeadtree.com/site/
We are playing it with one of the devs on Wednesday at 9pm on my YouTube place. But I was curious if anyone else had checked them out or thought about what they have put forward both in terms of pre-release or their final release coming out at the end of the week.

That's very cool. But I'd have to watch/listen to it get played a few times before I decided to make a purchase.
Do you have a link to your youtube video?

1. You can access the pre-release materials which is enough to run a game on the website for free. (Most game companies don't do that so this is cool).
2. Link to the live game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4OnfpusMm0
3. Link to the Story Version so far (We are behind here but if you wanted to catch up on the story this would be the easier way than watching 38 hours of streaming): https://www.fimfiction.net/story/393681/fallout-equestria-dead-tree

4. I'll be doing a full review of the game system later, once I get the release copy.

Pssssh, I'm totally down to watch 38 hours of streaming :P
Thank you for the links

Wow *is impressively surprised by this*

Don't be too surprised. I'm working my way through Critical Role and I'm pretty sure that I'm well past the 38 hour mark with them. This will be fun!

Aren't you talented and at least a graduate level reader ;)

If you got time give me your thoughts on the written version versus the live streams and let me know what to improve on.

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