Fallout Equestria: World 1,108 members · 1,186 stories
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I've had a fic idea in my head ever since I read FOE, but I couldn't get certain worldbuilding aspects down for it to ever begin writing it, and it's been driving me nuts! I've searched the wiki, skimmed multiple side-fics, checked, double-checked, and triple-checked the original fic, waded through forum threads and thousands of posts, and I've still found zilch. This is why I now turn to you guys.

The idea itself is about ponifying a specific faction from FOE that I've had this sort of fascination with, and base the fic around them (or, at least one of them): the New Canaanites.

The first problem is how the heck do I ponify the names of their settlements (first New Jerusalem, then New Canaan)? I've wracked my brain for ideas for weeks, and come up with nothing.

And even after I get that covered, how would I successfully go about altering the extreme dickitry Vault Tech put them through in Vault 70 to fit into how the pony society works (before they were the New Canaanites, they were the Mormons from Utah who signed up for Vault 70, the only Vault in the Utah area. Vault Tech dicked them over by making the jumpsuit dispensers all permanently fail after 2 weeks. Given the Mormons' cultural and religious views on modesty and decency, this caused a lot of problems for them, which gave Vault Tech more data than any other vault did).

I also have quite a few other problems, but those first two are the biggest roadblocks, for they stop me from even being able to start writing.

As for mapping, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where the best locations would be to place their settlements in the wasteland relative to everything else in the wasteland. Though I plan on this being non-canon, the biggest problem is I don't want to disrupt canon at all in doing it. That may sound odd, but I'd rather not have to alter the original material at all to get my fic to fit.

Help would be highly appreciated.

1. New Jerusamane, New Coltton. (Pick a town and picked pony related word and mix it so it doesn't sound like a mouthful to say.)

2. Try something similar e.g. sex, drugs and so on.

The first problem is how the heck do I ponify the names of their settlements (first New Jerusalem, then New Canaan)? I've wracked my brain for ideas for weeks, and come up with nothing.

Yeeah, the biblical stuff is generally hard to match to the pony world, I guess. Um. Caneigh, maybe? :twilightsheepish:

You could always just go with the themes without using anything that relates to the original names. I mean, Heroes replaced New Vegas by a city named "Dise". Still works fine.

As for mapping, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where the best locations would be to place their settlements in the wasteland relative to everything else in the wasteland.

I don't think the original locations were very well defined anyway; do remember that FO:E was written before any official maps of Equestria even appeared. There's really not that much to worry about there.

Though I plan on this being non-canon, the biggest problem is I don't want to disrupt canon at all in doing it. That may sound odd, but I'd rather not have to alter the original material at all to get my fic to fit.

That doesn't really sound odd; it's how pretty much all sidefics do it. And as per Word of God, no sidefic is ever truly "canon" anyway (since that would make it a "managed universe", like the Marvel/DC comic universes, where all stories set in it are considered canon no matter who writes it, and there are guidelines for keeping things within that canon). Not even Kkat's own side writings in the same setting are considered part of the original FO:E canon; only the original story.

5858315 I think I'll use those names. They seem to work pretty well. (I also have a plan on how to ponify the Mormon belief system so as to have it still fit in, though the plan requires a bunch of modifications.)

As for the second one, I think I may have something to work with since you mentioned those two things. The sex thing would never work since ponifying the Mormon faith and culture would still result in sex not working. Drugs would be hard to implement unless the food became tainted by drugs after week 2 ended. However, I could make them dick them over in another way: the Mormon Word of Wisdom recommends certain foods, tells members to abstain from ingesting "hot drinks" (all coffee, many teas, and even plain water heated to the point where it would hurt your throat going down (which, at the time the WoW was established, was an odd indulgence that was popular for some weird reason)), using tobacco for anything besides as an herb for sick cattle, recommends eating low amounts of meat (but not necessarily none at all) in all seasons but winter, tells members to never ingest alcohol, etc. Perhaps "Stable 70" could dick them over by making it really hard to keep in line with the WoW after the end of week 2, such as reducing the amount of grain-based food available and increasing the amount of eggs and nuts (which somehow both belong in the meat group) instead, beverages keep getting replaced with forbidden drinks, etc.

What do you think? Would that be a suitable replacement?

EDIT: The sex thing could work, actually. Perhaps the air system could start pumping pheromones into the air, making it harder for them to keep in line and control the urges. Or maybe the food starts getting tainted by some kind of potion after the end of week 2.

I'd like to hear which idea you think sounds better. But either way, it has to make the designers of Stable 70 look like the scum of the earth for forcing them to live in such conditions.

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