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Please help stop SOPA! SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Acts. In this case, all fanart will be deleted, all fan-pages, fanfics, fan made videos, etc. Please help stop SOPA. Spead the word we only have till March 19th We need 100000 right now we have 46142. It will affected you!

For more information, watch this video for the explanation:





There are already a million billion threads about this, SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKE SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP

paraspite you need to calm down about this people getting worked up about this is a good thing:twilightsheepish:

While I agree that SOPA needs to be stopped, I'm quite tired of hearing about the damn bill... It was stopped once and with the global outcry against it, it isn't likely to pass unless the idiots on capitol hill want to lose their precious political careers.


No, it's inevitable that they'll get upset, which is different. People are buttmad. Okay. I don't need 3000 fucking threads spamming up my feed to tell me about it. I already signed.

Well, get used to hearing about it. It's like a lich that keeps coming back from the dead to try to kill everything good. We just have to destroy it's phylactery (make congress understand just what the first amendment means) so that we can slay it once and for all. Sadly, this is unlikely to happen, so we must keep watch. As Jefferson said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."


I agree with 3101840. Please, for the majority of us that don't give a crap, just stop :raritydespair:

I've said this before so I'll say it again, can anyone prove SOPA is back?
No, a random petition doesn't count.

I don't see there being even a small chance at SOPA succeeding. Just do whatever you always do about it and let it go afterwards - no need to SHOUT it on the internet where most people will already know about it, or SOPA will disappear behind those who did do something while the rest of the world goes "bhuw? SOPA again? It failed? Oh OK." SOPA is the kind of thing that's just not going to work, even if the majority pretend to not care just so they don't have to do squat but still hope it'll fail, so I see little reason to worry, nor to be dramatic about it... If, for whatever banana reason it goes through with green lights all across, I think the World Wide Web is gonna hit hard back at it anyway.
Just shut up about it already!

About SOPA in short: No.
Long? : Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

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