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... In all seriousness, I never really get that feeling of Terrans. It's usually Vanu that are kicking my teeth in. I usually kill a few Terrans before going down. Terrans just don't seem as big a threat vs Vanu.

2882956 What server you play on ?


Forget the exact name... Matherson? Matterson?


Mattherson TR is bad, they got crippled after The Enclave left

I play on Waterson, home to the BRITS, ANGRY ARMY, CGUG, ODAM, TRAF, and all sorts of things. Usually NC outnumbers Vanu and TR by a good 10% because everyone jumps on the LOLMOARDAMAGE bandwagon.

Not to mention, the excessive amount of greenhorns we get shuffled in with, on each faction.


I joined the NC because I like their philosophy more than the other two. At the time I thought there wasn't anything different between the three. When I found out that our guns did more damage, it was more of a bonus than a reason. I do have characters on different servers though. I think I have a TR Ninja on Watterson to play around on.

Also, I remember someone on my clan saying some other group is starting to fill the place where the Enclave once was. Cannot confirm who or what they are though.

2883112 Don't forget PHX!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: The 4th Faction!

3196654 I hate PHX, aswell as PXP.

3197367 We can't help it if we are so awesome!:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

3197890 PHX, were probably the most well oiled NC machine on Waterson.

3198051 Id give that to POTP personally, scree PXP. It 's an oligarchial nightmare.

3198835 Well, technically most of POTP's officers were once PHX.

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