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Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Well, as I said before, I'll grab some stuff, and then we'll head out. Sound good?"

2399882 "I'll wait outside." She says before trotting outside.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2399928 ((Skip to the exodus?))

2400749 [*sage-nod*]

Shen trots along the path, happy to have company. "So, who's your favorite Pokemon?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Well, I would say Rayquaza. Just the idea of a flying serpent just kicks the most ass in my mind,"

2401396 "Mine is Luxray, they're so majestic and regal. What Pokemon do you have?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2401459 Maple checked her saddlebags.
"Venusaur, Feraligatr, Swampert, Empoleon, Serperior, and Raichu,"
She looked to Shen.
"Being a pokemon professor has it's perks,"

2402573 "Their levels?" She asked quietly.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"All level sixty. And if you're worried about me stomping everything, I have a Snivy in the Ponyville Pokemon Center PC, so I can use that,"

2405450 She let's out Gaea. "Hey there, I'm Shen Ankh, I'm your trainer, I hope we have lots of fun together." She giggles, and the Turtwig seems happy, though it was silent.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2405761 Maple smiled
"It is quite an adorable little turtle thing, isn't it?"

2675246 Said turtle-thing glares at Maple.

"I don't think it likes you..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2675543 ((On a side note, school can go fuck itself with a killdo))

"No, I don't think it does. Ah well. It's not it's fault it's blind," She said in a completely over-the-top, stereotypical pompous manner.

2682813 It tries to tackle her.

Shen giggles. "Gaea, please, don't."

It stops.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2682927 ((This is a killdo, by the way.))
"Oh, wow. She really doesn't like me,"

2685043 "She is obviously sensitive." Shen says, barely concealing a smile.

[Holy shit, what the fuck]

1969763 ((I feel as though I missed out. Is it too late to do anything on this thread?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2727079 ((Not at all. It's always good to have someone else here! Be warned, though, Professor Maple is not at the lab right now))

((Well then, where is the good Professah?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2728999 ((Somewhere in the not-here place))

((Then where do I get my Pokémon?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2731469 ((Well, the Professor left her assistants in charge at the lab))

2732012 ((Then off to meet the lab assistants I go! BTW, just what region are we in?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2732094 ((The small (ish) region of Equestria. All the pokemon from all the generations (save for X and Y, to avoid spoilers) are there))

2732274 ((Alright! Time to start my adventure in the Pokémon world! *insert sprite shrinking*))

Nikolas arose from his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his grey eyes as he looked at the clock. Oh dear Arceus, is it that late already!? he thought as he quickly changed clothes and ran downstairs. He decided upon a simple black beanie and a black jacket to make his outfit. After getting a light breakfast from his mother, the boy sprinted out of his house, praying that he hadn't missed it. After all, he'd only recently gotten his Trainer License, so it wouldn't do for him not to have a Pokémon. He made his way into Professor Maple's lab, going up to one of the assistants and asking for help. "Excuse me," said the brunette haired boy, "Would you happen to know where I could find Professor Maple? I was supposed to get a Pokémon today."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2732339 ((Just a quick thing, from the words you're using, it's sounding like you're character is a human. When I said that this RP takes place "in the small (ish) region of Equestria", it was supposed to be implying that all characters are ponies))

((I know, I just don't like having my characters nekkid, is all. He's all Earth Pony.))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2735896 ((Alrighty then. Sorry for the confuzzlement))
"Professor Maple? She just left with somepony, and left us in charge of the lab. I think they went towards Ponyville or something. I can't remember where exactly," The assistant said.

"Me and Saltshake could help you. I'm River, by the way,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2685314 ((It's a Killdo!))
"I can most certainly see that. Now, let us continue moving, shall we?"

2741411 [It's scary as shit...]
Shen grins. "So, what was the next town again?"

"I'd be glad for the help," said Nik, somewhat disappointed that he couldn't meet with the professor, but still appreciative nonetheless, "Where should I go to get my first Pokémon?"

((That Killdo is pretty terrifying.))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2743758 River gestures for him to follow.
"Come along with me,"

The colt followed River, wondering which Pokémon he could get. He hoped that it would be fun and cool!

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2749261 She brought him to a medium-sized pylon with fourteen pokeballs around the middle. There were eighteen slots total, but four of the pokeballs were already taken.

"As long as you don't want an Oshawott, a Turtwig, a Torchic, or a Charmander, we have whatever starter you want,"

"Any starter..." Nik muttered as he eyed the Pokeballs. So many choices...

That one.

The young colt was inexplicably drawn to a single ball. He picked it up in his hoof, then threw it down and watched as a Cyndaquil popped out in a flurry of light.

"Cynda!" he cried as it eyed the young trainer, seemingly sizing him up.

"Cyndaquil... I like him. Can I?" said Nik, awestruck, to the assistant scientist.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2750428 ((Wow. Thanks for making me feel inadequate at RPing. That sounded aggressive, and I am sorry))

"Sure thing. You can take whichever one you want," River says, as Saltshake, a sky blue pegasus comes to see what's going on.

"Who's this?" He says.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2741619 ((So, for some reason, I can't go back a page on the thread, and I forgot where they were headed. It was Ponyville, right? Or was it Canterlot? I honestly can't remember))

2756249 ((You're good. I usually write out my RP like a book, so...))

"My name is Nik, and I'm a new Pokémon trainer," said he to the newcomer. He then turned to Cyndaquil and asked him, "Would you like to travel with me, little guy?"

"Quill!" he chattered happily, seeming to be saying yes.

2756587 [ponyville]

Shen was quiet as she waited for an answer.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2756697 ((That is also how I try and do things in RPs, thus the feeling of inadequacy))
"He already seems to like you," River says, looking at the Cyndaquil.

Saltshake holds out a hoof.
"Nice to meet you, Nik. I'm Saltshake,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"I do indeed believe we are headed to Ponyville. Quite a walk away, but we should make it by tomorrow or so,"

2757670 Shen nods. "Gaea, let's keep moving." She says, the turtwig hopping onto the mare's back.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2757748 ((Time-warp to night?))

"The pleasure is mine," said Nik as he shook Saltshake's hoof, "and yes, Cyndaquil does seem to have taken a shine to me."

((Also, is this going by the game or the anime?))

2758208 [sure]

Shen sits by Gaea, who was munching down her food, the mare yawned lightly.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2758321 Maple was checking a map.
"We should be reaching Ponyville by exactly six AM tomorrow," She seemed very precise on her estimations.

2758787 "Okay." She says with a smile.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2758999 Maple let out a yawn.
"I'm gonna set up my tent. I am saying good night in advance,"

2767167 "Here, lemme help." Shen says, getting up and helping Maple.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2758317 ((Going by the games, for those game first))
River pulled something from her labcoat.
"Here," She said, giving the red object to Nik. "It's a Pokedex. It will come in handy on your journey,"

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