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Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Ah, hello there! didn't see you there. My name's professor Maple, but most people just call me the Pokemon Profeesor. This world is inhabited by creatures we call pokemon! People will sometimes catch these pokemon, and have them fight against each other! Sounds dreadful, I know, but they don't mind! People will also just keep them as pets. Now, enough about that. Who are you?

((Quick notes, no X or Y elements allowed, to prevent spoilers))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Ashe stood next to a large capsule in the Manehatten Pokemon Lab, containing pokeballs with every starter from every region.

"Having trouble choosing, Ashe?" Professor Maple asked. Ashe seemed not to listen, picking up pokeball after pokeball, trying to decide which starter to choose.

1969779 a late commer flew in and said, I'm sorry professor! I'm ready to pick up my Torchic
(I am the champion of kalos

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1969873 ((Which character is this? Cobalt?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1970093 ((Got it))
"Ah, Cobalt! Good to see you again!" Maple said. He rummaged around in his saddlebags.

"Where did I put it...." He muttered to himself.

Ashe ignored the newcomer, instead picking up a pokeball with a light green leaf on the front.

"Bulbasaur....This one seems good," He mumbled.

1970184 " hey what's your name!?" Cobalt said, his talk was very fast it was almost not understandable

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1970265 Ashe blinked a couple times.
"I'm sorry, what?"

1970291 "what's-your-name?" He said, his town implying it was terrible that he had to speak so slowly.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Ah, sorry. I'm Ashenwing. Just call me Ashe, though,"

1971166 "hi Ashe so what Pokemon are you getting?

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1971304 Ashe turned back to the capsule.

"Thinking of getting Bulbasaur....Or maybe Oshawott.....I don't know,"

1973170 "I'm getting a torchich blazkin is just too cool to pass up!" (Let me know of I mispeal these.)

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1973179 ((I request that you look over your posts before replying, as it is sometimes hard to understand what you're saying))

Ashe picked up Osawott's pokeball.

"Sure. This one seems good,"

Maple came back with a pokeball with a feather and a fireball on it.

"Alright, Cobalt. Here's your Torchic. Take good care of him,"

1969779>>1969873 A young mare with black fur and a golden mane and tail with an Ankh(symbol) within a Shen(symbol) as a cutiemark walks in. "Um...Hello, Professer, do you still have a Turtwig?" She asks timidly.

Wow! Sorry I'm late professor, I'm not to late to pick a pokemon am I?

(Says burtumber)

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1974592 Maple looks up.
"Of course we do! Ashe here was the first one here, so as long as you don't want a Torchic or Oshawott, you should be good,"

He turns to the other pony.
1975264 "And, no, you're not too late. We still have enough for everyone here, and then some,"

Thanks professor!

Ummm... Of everything here I think I'll choose... Charmander

1975623>>1975693>>1973179 She smiles and walks toward Maple. "I don't get along well with male pokemon, is the turtwig a girl?"

1975623>>1981287 "is there anything else prof. Maple?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1975693 ((We're going with the first form starters. You don't get to have a Charizard at the beginning of the game))

1988502 ( Sorry, typo. Fixed now)

I like my little guy! I think I'll call him...


Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Uh, yeah, I think so,"

1989726 ((I'm not exactly sure of this, was "Charlizard " a typo as well?))

1986530 Maple looked to the Alicorn.
"What do you mean?"

2052946 She smiles brightly. "Thank you, Professor, a friend suggested a Turtwig though she has an Infernape.

2052946 "nothing, hey wanna have a battle!?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2053264 ((Who was Cobalt talking to with the last line? Maple or Ashe?))

2053237 Maple chuckled.
"Probably so that when you're strong enough, he and/or she can battle you, and most likely win,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2053721 ((That doesn't tell me much, but I'm assuming that Cobalt was asking Ashe to battle. Is that correct?))

(Charlizard was correct)

Hey, can I battle too?

2053300 "Of course she's gonna win, it is a level 94 for Luna's sake!"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2056001 ((And what is "ok" supposed to mean? I'm sorry if I'm annoying you, but you are confusing me at this present moment))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Well, you never know. The level cap is one hundred, and once one of your pokemon reach that level, you might be able to beat her. I suggest teaching Turtwig Ground-Type attacks. Your friend will never know what hit her,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2054021 ((I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a mo. Cobalt is being confuddling))

2058513 "She also said she has a surprise for me when I get back home..." She shrugs.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2059301 Maple chuckled.
"And, naturally my mind leaps to the dirtiest thing I can imagine..." She mutters.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2064566 ((So, Cobalt is asking Ashe to battle, right?))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2066434 ((Alrighty, then))
Ashe nodded.
"Sure thing. Should probably take it outside, though. Doubt Maple wants us breaking everything in here..."

"And that is where you would be correct!" Maple says from across the room.

2054021 "And, who exactly are you?" He asks the pony with the Charmander.

2066463 "sounds good cobalt said before going out of the lab.

I am the Pegasus burtumber, master of fiery DOOOOOMMM

2060170 She blushes. "Uhh...okay..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2069174 Maple waves her hoof absentmindedly.
"Think nothing of it. Just a joke,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2066772>>2067329 Ashe follows Cobalt outside.
"Burtumber...Strange name for a pegasus...Also, what was about the whole 'doom' thing?"

2071455 Cobalt was tossing his pokeball which contained his torchich up and down in the air

2071449 She blushes heavier, obviously still thinking about it.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

2072334 Maple looked outside, hoping to find something to steer the conversation away from the current subject.
"Um...Looks like those three out there are having a battle. Why don't you join them?"

2072790 "I don't think I want to just yet. I'll name the Turtwig...Twiggy."

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