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Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Exactly what it says on the tin. Just thought that people might like this.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Nightshade dug her rapier into the chest of the large theropod-like beast in front of her. The rest of the Jaggi brood looked on, unsure of what to do. They all came to a shared conclusion, however, when they saw that the Great Jaggi the unicorn was fighting was weakening.

1376879 Venator, a young unicorn mare wearing full leather armor and carrying a medium bowgun watches from afar, waiting to see if Night needed a well placed peircing shot.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1442840 The jaggi leaped at her, ripping at her armor.

1442901 Ven fired two piercing shots, one at it's throat and the other at where it's heart would be.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1442910 The great Jaggi roared in pain, stumbling a little bit before collapsing. Night slashed at the Jaggi surrounding her.

1442959 Ven took out a few that tried to go around and behing Night.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1442972 Night looks around as t=she frantically slashes at a Jaggia that got too close.
"Where are you???"

1443032 Ven let out a shrill whistle and kept firing at any that were getting too close.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1443049 She looked up at the hunter.
When did he get up there?

1443112 Ven let out a small chuckle and took out the last jaggi before hopping down and walking over. "You looked like you needed help."

(Ven is a mare)

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1443206 Night smiled.
"And indeed I did. Thank you, by the way,"

1449691 "Belua Venator, at your service." She smiles before reloading her bowgun and slinging it over her back.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1457514 Night smiled, bowing low.
"Pleasure to meet you, Belua. I am Nightshade, but I'd prefer if you call me Night,"

1458083 "And you can call me Ven." She looked around cautiously.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1458089 Night tilted her head.
"Something wrong?"

1459129 "Not safe around here, ya know."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1461314 Night immediately started looking around nervously, a if she would hear the beat of leathery wings any moment.

1463901 Ven suddenly paled, grabbed Night and ran, dragging her along. "RUN!"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1465728 Night struggled to catch up.

1466154 "BIG! BLUE! AND IS VERY HARD TO KILL!" She keeps running.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1466189 Night looked behind her.
((Is the whatever-it-is behind them?))

1466452 Night saw the king of the seas moving into the area to nap.

"I almost got killed by that thing multiple times! RUN!"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1511424 Night's eyes widened in fear as she ran even faster.

1512004 Ven stops when they are at a safe distance, the village.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1515018 Night looked at Ven.
"Do you think it'll come here?"

1520845 "Nope, wanna come with me, I've gotta make some armor?" She smiles.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1528294 Night tilted her head.
"Um...Sure, but why do you want me to come along?"

1531034 She shrugs. "Dunno." She walks to the blacksmith.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1531835 Night lagged behind, mostly for the "View" of Ven's backside.

1537052 Ven noticed, but hid that fact and walked with a hypnotic sway of her flanks.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1538398 Night continued staring as she bit her lip.

1553314 When they got to the blacksmith she gave him materials and money and he started working.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1555152 Night didn't notice that Ven had stopped, and bumped into her.
"So sorry!"

1573348 She smiles. "It's fine, good view, huh?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1581382 Night's eyes widened.

1582834 Ven gets her new armor back and her new Aquamatic Longshot. She starts walking to her place. "You can come with if you like."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1591575 She smiles and keeps walking.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1593216 Night followed, slightly lagging behind.
"Um...Is there anything that we're going to do...?"

1596439 "I'll try on my armor and we could brag about our best kills." She smiles.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1597730 She smiled slightly.
"Not much to brag about for me..."

1599154 "I've killed a few Quru."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"I've killed one or two I think...But there is one monster I have set my sights on,"

1615945 "And what is this creature called?" She asks with a smile as they get to her small home, and she enters.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"It usually comes around Loc Lac once a year, and they even have an entire festival of it's coming. It's called the Jhen Mohran, and it is the largest creature we have ever discovered. It resembles a crocodile the size of a large whale. I was intending to go to Loc Lac soon, but I had to finish some last things. You're welcome to join, if you want,"

1616129 "What a coincidence!" She says, taking off her armor and putting on her new set of Loc Lac armor, with Hunter's arm armor and helm.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1616395 ((Gettin' real damn tired. 'Night ya little shit))
Night rubbed her arm absentmindedly.
"So...Would you like to come with me?"

1616485 "Sure, I'm runnin' low on Mohran parts anyway."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1620523 Night smiled softly as she looked around the house.

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