Fandom RP 12 members · 0 stories
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Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

In the land of Skyrim, a Provence in the northern reaches of Tamriel, there is political unrest as the Stromcloaks, a group rebelling against the Empire, constantly fight against the Empire's iron fist. (to some)
Who will you join? Will you be able to tip the balance of the war in your side's favor? Or will you die a painful death, your name all but forgotten?

Oh, yeah, there are dragons too. Have fun!

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Ashe looked at a small caravan, his crossbow ready. His orders echoed in his mind.
Kill them if you must, but make sure that the caravan is stopped. We can't let that information get to the Empire!
He raised his crossbow, and took aim at the driver of one of the carriages. A loud twang could be heard as the bolt sailed through the air, embedding itself into the foreleg of the driver.

1370735 A black furred diamond dog wearing stormcloak armor and wielding a dwemer sword and a dwemer shield stood behind Ashe. "Now?" He asked in a low tone, he was new to the stormcloak ranks but still a good fighter.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Now!" Ashe cried as the Imperials drew their swords and bows, looking for the attacker.
((I haven't played Skyrim, but I know quite a bit about it. Please correct me on any mistakes though))

1442989 ( I've never played but know some stuff )

The dog grinned and took off running, seeming to melt into the shadows before he attacked one of the imperials.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1443007 The Legionnaires pointed at Ashe.
"There! Take him down!!"

1443044 The dog leapt in front of Ashe and smiled. "Cover me with your crossbow." He said as he attacked an Imperial.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1443059 Ashe nodded as he shot the Imperials coming up the hill. A bolt stabbed itself in the leg of one as the other continued charging.

1449213 The dog quickly dispatched the Imperial with a few swipes of Oracle, his sword, it was enchanted with frost damage. His shield, Aegis, was enchanted to absorb any magical attack.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1457532 Ashe looked at the diamond dog for a split second as he unsheathed his iron longsword. He stabbed into the Imperial soldier rushing at him, spilling the Legionnaire's guts onto the ground. He through the corpse aside, and charged at the remaining soldiers.

1459089 The dog charged with him, relishing the battle. Fighting is fun!

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1461322 Ashe impaled his sword in the skull of a Legionnaire, kicking out with his rear hooves at another soldier.

1463928 The dog continued fighting, oblivious to his numerous wounds.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1465733 Ashe whirled around and slashed at the soldier he had kicked, sending the top of the Imperial's head spinning away in a crimson spray. Ashe quickly ran to the central carriage, and started rummaging through it.

1483794 The dog follows and held the Imperials at bay. "Hurry."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"I'm hurrying!" Ashe says as arrows pierce the carriage.

1511870 "Name's Tertius Umbranatus Bellator, by the way." He says,still fighting. "Call me Bran."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Time and place!"

1520574 He grins and impales an imperial with expert ease.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1528286 A sound of rustling parchment came from the carriage.
"Alright! I got it!"

1530845 "I've arranged for some help getting the Imps off our trail." Bran says with a smile.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"We may not need help. Come on!" Ashe said as he galloped away from the carriage. About a minute later, the carriage burst into flames.

1534410 Bran follows easily, but lets out a low howl.

Two howls answer his from behind them.

"They'll pick off any survivors." Bran smiles.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1538434 Ashe leaped up with ease, and soared into the air as he pegged Imps following him with his crossbow.

1553655 Bran kept moving.

Ashe saw a few Imps randomly disappear, screaming.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1555148 Ashe cringed at the sudden lack of Legionnaires.
"The way Diamond Dogs hunt...It's always sort of unnerving..."

1573281 "Oh, they aren't dogs, they're unicorns, and Lycans."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1581405 He raised an eyebrow.
"Aren't Lycans in their wolf form sort of like Diamond Dogs, but insane?

1582643 "They look more like wolves and those two can control themselves."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1584731 Ashe said nothing, instead staring at the rapidly disappearing Imps.

1591592 Suddenly there is silence as all of the Imps are now dead.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1593214 The lack of noise from the squad chilled Ashe to the bone. He slowly turned away and walked from the gory scene.

1596535 Two mares appeared ahead of him, both unicorns, both with jet black manes, one with white fur and bright red eyes, the other with brown fur and blues eyes.

Bran grinned.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1597752 He stepped back, crying out in surprise.

1599161 "We're the Venator sisters!" They giggle.

Bran chuckles. "The brown one is Belua Venator and the white is Spectral Venator."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1615156 Ashe stepped forward, his heart pounding.
"Sorry about that. Scared me. I am Ashenwing Nicholas Salvatore. Pleasure to meet you,"
He held out a hoof.

1616037 Belua tackled him with a giggle.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1616109 He cried out again.
"M-miss Venator, please get off of me,"

1616174 "Why should I?" She asked with a seductive tone.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1616386 Ashe opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, unsure of what to say. He finally decided on something.
"Probably because it is quite uncomfortable on the ground, and the fact that I barely know you. THat might be a factor,"

1616415 "So? Barely anyone ever gets to know me."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"I will say this only once more. Please get off of me,"

1621049 "What if I don't?" She asks, pressing into him with strength much too powerful for a normal mare.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Than I will be forced to use as much force as is necessary,"

1628214 She presses into him harder. "I think I'm good."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

Ashe sighed.
"So sorry about thi-" He stopped, looking fearfully at the sky.
"Teleport. Now.Tell you sister to do the same, and tell Bran to burrow. Now,"

1633092 They all look up and growl simultaneously. "We never run." Bel growls.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Well then get off of me so that the both of us don't get killed!"

1648284 She gets up and draws her swords.

Bran draws his sword and shield.

Ven draws her dagger and her axe.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1648300 Ashe drew his crossbow as a cacophonous roar split the air.
"Find cover!"

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