Fandom RP 12 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 355 )
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Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Y-you were asleep for three days...When you hadn't woken up on the second, I thought..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Th-there's another thing..." He said, glancing at her wings.
"Why didn't you tell me?" His face was not one of anger, or disappointment, it was one of sadness, and worry.

1157727 "P-Ponies are often put of when they find out I'm an Alicorn......"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1157755 He smiled warmly.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Cobalt. If you have anything to tell me, I'll be there for you,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159195 He wraps her in his hooves.
"Anything for you,"

1159212 cobalt looked at the little kokiri and she jeered her head towards the door as she nuzzles with ashenwing

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159242 The Kokiri's eyes widen, and she quickly moves out of the room, closing the door behind her.

1159251 cobalt smiles and kisses him

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159256 He moans into the kiss, his mind clouded by sheer bliss.
((I made a rhyme!:yay:))

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159290 His tongue pushes up against her lips.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159305 His tongue probes around her mouth, before he lets her do the same.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159321 He works his way on top of her.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159372 He leans in again, his lips meeting hers.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159404 He feels himself hardening, blushing heavily as his member brushes against her.

1159420 she blushes took and smiles up at him

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159426 He shakes his head.
"It....It just feels like it's too early..."

1159442 cobalt sights and frowns again

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"..............If.....If you really want to....I can....I can take care of you..."

1159456 she turns away. "I don't want to force you. I don't want to force any pony to do anything. That's why a forewent learning mind controll and some of the darker abilities of shadow magic."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159468 He looks dejected.
"I...I was only trying to help....."

1159484 " I im sorry." she said tearing up

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159502 He smiled warmly.
"It's okay. It's no your fault,"

1159527 she smiled too but soon broke into tears

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159583 He hugs her tightly.
"It' alright... It's alright....." He says in a soothing tone.

1159638 "I don't want to be evil..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"You aren't... And you never will be..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159672 He gives her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1159770 He smiles as he brushes her mane behind her ear.
"I love you," He says.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1161295 He smiles happily as he rest his head on her shoulder.

1161321 "I'm not sure I want to go into the forest now..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1161324 He chuckled.
"That might be a bad idea..."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1161363 He got up off of her.
"We'll head back tomorrow. You need your rest,"

1161416 she nodded "if you take me to a doctor please not the one near the west gate

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1162000 He raises an eyebrow.
"Why not the west gate?"

1162012 (twilight princess) "I really dont like that guy"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1162018 ((I haven't even gone to Hyrule yet))
"What did he do?"

1162038 "hes a money grubbing baffoon that refuses service to the needy"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1162057 Ashenwing scowls.
"I despise people like that..."

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