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Ponified version of the legend of Zelda universe. Every pony is placed in castle town Zelda is an alicorn. Epona is the hero of time instead of link

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1126742 Ashenwing gallops towards the Hyrule Castle Town gates, trying to reach them before nightfall.

1126750 "your not making it in tonight traveler" a clocked shekila said. (Cobalt Shadowlord)

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"No! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!" He extends his wings to jump onto the gates.

1126898 he ends up flattening himself against the wall the mare struck a stone and lit a fire. " Stay by me and you'll be safe."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1126916 He looks at her, a wild look in his eyes.
"Safe??? There's no 'safe' around those things! They'll just keep coming and coming, never stopping!"

1126959 " honestly! Clam down" she takes out a lyre pucks a few notes and it becomes day

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1126987 He looked around.
"First, how did you do that? Second, wouldn't that fuck the natural balance of the world up the ass?"

1127029 "it's a song I play to travel time to the next morning so natures balance is still the same"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127209 He watches as the gates lower, allowing entry. Ashenwing sighed in relief.
"First I had to put up with the bullshit at Death Mountain, then I almost got murdered by skeletal whatever-the-hell those things are. This was not a good day. What's your name, anyway?"

1127227 "ponies call me either shadow or Cobalt it is your desicion"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Alrighty then, Cobalt. Pleasure to meet you," he says, bowing low.

1127294 she giggles and removes her hood her zebra stripes cross her face

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Now, we should probably get moving. I've always wondered why day seems to last about ten minutes here, yet lasts about forever anywhere else,"

1127348 she shurgs and walks into town with him

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Now, where was it?" He mumbles.

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"I'm looking for the potion shop. I was sent to gather herbs from Kokiri Forest, and somehow ended up at Death Mountain. A couple hours later, I was here, fearing that I was going to die,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127525 he tips a nonexistent hat.
"Thank you kindly," He says as he walks in.

1127551 she walks in as we'll she mumbles something to the ower and he hands her two small viles

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127567 He walks up to the counter.
"Here are the herbs I retrieved," He says as he slides the herbs onto the counter.
"Now, about my payment,"
THey talk and argue for a while, and Ashenwing walks out with a bag of Rupies.

1127598 she smiles " can I by you a drink?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127661 He raises an eyebrow.
"We've known each other for roughly five minutes, and you want to buy me a drink? A bit quick, don't you think?"

1127682 she chuckles "maybe i like you... Perhaps I'm just in heat.."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Maybe," He looked at her.
"But it would be rude to turn down an offer from a mare, isn't it?"

1127716 "she nods and giggles "come on."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127719 He looks down at his side, and the scabbard that was strapped there.
"Should probably put this away. Wait for me, 'kay?"

1127736 she noded and it vanished into shadow

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1127746 He looked down at his side.
"Where'd it go?"

1128912 "here"
She holds out her hand a the sword and scabbered forms in her hand

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1133204 His face made it obvious that his mind was blown.

1133281 (hoof not hand) "I have power over shadow, manily in turn physical objects into shadow then back again, sometimes relocating said object. I makes sense if you say it's magic dont think about it."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1133307 He looked up.
"Where did you even put it, anyway?"

1133336 "in your shadow As you see shadows are everywhere. Sometimes I try to make shadows bend and move but I'm not so good at it yet."

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Holy crap that's useful,"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1133457 He attached the sword to his side once more.
"On second thought, this makes me look more impressive, don't you think?"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"Thank you. Now, about your offer..."

1133570 she smiles "this way." She leads him to a small pub

1133570 she smiles "this way." She leads him to a small pub

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1133600 His sword drew a couple eyes, but they ignored him. Ashenwing looked about, being new to a bar or anything resembling one.

1133632 cobalt went up to the counter and ordered a couple drinks

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1133640 Ashenwing sits down at a stool, still wondering why everyone is looking at his sword.

1134583 cobalt sits down and offers him a drink

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

"So, Cobalt, all I know is your name. Who are you, really?"

1134717 "I'm pretty much a wanderer. I'm trying to get find texts about shadow magic and other magics"

Subatomic Seal
Group Admin

1134744 He half-listened, his eyes travelling up and down her body.

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