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Hello everypony! First thread, woot!

Anywho, I have some ideas for some fanfictions, like: One where Rainbow Dash becomes a Wonderbolt, but is just SOO much better than everypony else on the team, that they lose their cupcakes and slowly kill each pony close to Rainbow Dash, then Rainbow Dash is over come with so much grief that in the end, she goes crazy, dives into what she thinks is the sky, which us actually a bunch of live wires, and is shocked to death
Great idea right? Right.

Story I plan to start but need a super-duper awesome proofreader because, well, this is my first fanfiction so I'll be pretty horrid! Anyways, it'll be an Octavia x Vinyl Scratch fanfiction, in which they are both previous friends, and when Lyra comes to town, they set her and Bon Bon up together! The couple stay together for a while, but start to notice both Octavia and Vinyl Scratch coming over more frequently, to the point where it is almost everyday. Lyra and Bon Bon realize they are overcome with loneliness and set them both up with a mare of their own, little do they know that they set each other up! Octavia is skeptical when she first finds out who it is, but by the end of the first date, she decides that she'll give Vinyl a chance, although she thinks the DJ is a bit too..."loud"..."rambunctious"...etc.., and thinks it will go nowhere. After a while they fall in love, then one night Octavia gets a little too drunk and making out with an OC called Tommy Trombone, (just because I already hate the guy) and Vinyl Scratch sees, runs away sobbing, stays away from Octavia after a week or so, then Mr. Tommy knocks on her door and tells Vinyl she should just kill herself, and taking it to heart, she writes a note saying that she was sorry for wasting everypony's time and that nopony would ever have to deal with her anymore, Vinyl crafts a noose then hangs it from a beam and stands on a chair, and when she puts it around her neck, Lyra and Bon Bon come through the front door, wanting to console her, but then save her and then take her to Octavia and they make up and they date a while longer, then meet each others parents who are very accepting, and it ends with Vinyl proposing just because I can make her.

Group Admin

What in the nine circles of hell did I just read?:rainbowderp:

It's not bad or anything it's just, good god man, thats a big wall.

So many words, amazing words but so many :rainbowlaugh:

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