Pony RPGs 185 members · 74 stories
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Hi there, everypony :twilightsmile:

This is your friendly neighbourhood Jadeile who is thinking that she is being helpful but actually she's probably just obnoxious and she's doing this mostly because she's bored by doing this little advertisement.

So, the people in this group are interested in role playing, right? How about actually doing it yourselves instead of just writing about it? Interested yet? Here are nine RPs that I think have potential:

Roleplay Gateway
A completely fresh RP group, started today! Seems to be one of those Everything Goes games, so if you want to just RP in general, this is the place to go!

M/M Role Players
This is an awesome place if you like to play as a stallion who loves other stallions! This group has been active for a good long while and is still going strong. Btw, I'm an admin in this group, it's just that great.

Maretropolis roleplay
In here you play as superhero ponies! Just how amazing an idea is that, right? This ship is slowly sinking and fighting hard to stay on the surface but new players would surely lift it right back up! So if you're interest, please join and save the RP!

Supernatural Pony Roleplay
Vampires, wereponies, zombies, all that stuff. Find that right here. Not very lively but I think this can be lifted right up if new people join.

Alternate Universe Role Playing Group
All kinds of interesting AUs here for you to try out. Really, just check it out for more info if AUs strike your fancy.

Fallout Equestria Related Roleplay
As the name says, this has to do with Fallout Equestria. The group is kind of dying but they're trying to lift it back up into new glory, so how about you help them out if you're interested?

RP R us
Looks like your general Everything Goes RP. Has a good handful of members already so seems like a solid place to play in.

Just Rope Playing
Yet another general RP. It has some impressive sized threads that are still alive and everything so I'm just going to have to assume that some of the active members are made of awesome. Worth a try, right?

OC Roleplay
The biggest living RP in this site. Focuses on OCs only. Doesn't need more advertising than this because it's already doing well.

Have a nice day, everypony :pinkiesmile:

Those links seem to all be roleplays taking place on FimFiction.

This particular group is for stories about ponies roleplaying, or stories crossing over with existing roleplaying games.

Whoops. Must be my sleepiness getting to me. I modified the post a little bit to be just an advertisement to RP groups without labelling this group as one. If that helps.

No worries. I advertized my own Unknown Ponies campaign taking place on Roll20.net; I can't begrudge you advertizing games taking place on the same website! :twilightsmile:

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