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The "final" version of the Ex3 core book PDF isn't done (it still needs fancy stuff like hyperlinks and bookmarks, the cover it comes with isn't the final cover, and they may need to update with errata), but the initial version of the corebook PDF for Exalted Third Edition was sent out to Kickstarter backers today. Only two years behind schedule!

I squee'd pretty hard when I got the email. There was also this: A Report on the Disappearance of the Scarlet Empress.

Yeah, I've been running a game with the leak for a while, been pretty fun. It's such an improvement over 2E that words alone cannot describe it. My players are currently trying to figure out how to get to Luthe so they can reset a overloading manse so it won't cascade through a geomantic network and offline their home base. They think they're only going to be dealing with a deity of some kind in the form of the Great Whale God.

4801111 I'm one of his players. And as a player who unlike most of the others is well versed in Exalted lore....I can't wait to see their reactions when they find out the truth. Let's hope none of the others are going to bother looking at this thread, eh, Alanith?

Still, the book looks good so far, even if there's some...uh....questionable art decisions....

Just tell them to pick up the trident in the throne room. I'm sure the Great Whale God will be pleased.

I'm pleased overall with the art. The quality varies, of course, but that's a given.

A buddy of mine is thinking about doing a Halloween one-shot, which may be my first attempt with the new system.

Mm. Exalted. So want the third edition now.

You can buy it as a PDF or PoD hardcover now. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/162759/Exalted-3rd-Edition?src=slider_view

The only thing that's not done for the Ex3 core book is the orichalcum edition with gold foil-trimmed paper and a gold-plated cover.

5234961 Yeah. Pity that it's roughly $70 when you add shipping in for the POD version. God, Onyx Path's gonna have more of my money than the university at this rate.

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