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Comments ( 23 )
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I have two questions, before I consider joining this group:

#1: Can people here disagree, without being disagreeable?

For example, I don't think homosexuality should be in kids' shows. Now, I don't expect that particular view of mine to come up much here. But if that view, or some other view of mine, does come up: Would people here get angry and throw hissy-fits? Or would they express their difference-of-opinion civilly, without anger or name-calling?

#2: Does this group allow “foalcon”?

To be clear: I don't mean something like “After Hours” by Rinnaul. In that fanfic, a teenage Scootaloo and Ruble lose their virginity to each-other. That's just a normal natural part of life. Fanfics that sexualize children, on the other hand, I'm not comfortable being in a group that allows that.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

If discussion gets too heated it might result in a temporary ban. We can't entirety stop people from being people but we do punish bad behavior.

As for the other, we don't moderate content beyond the pairing and rating. It's asking a lot to censor beyond that.


Would people here get angry and throw hissy-fits? Or would they express their difference-of-opinion civilly, without anger or name-calling?

Being against homosexuality and the depiction of homosexuality always means to be against homosexuals as well, as you are against the expression of their kind of love. I would not throw a hissy fit, but others might, and if you were to bring this up, you'd still get a stern talking to from me.
Being against homosexuality is a very outdated view and it means that you have a lack of tolerance and a hostile approach to people who are just different than others. As such, you can't really be surprised if someone isn't patient with that kind of viewpoint.

Fanfics that sexualize children, on the other hand, I'm not comfortable being in a group that allows that.

Such fics are allowed here.

If you want to know my views on homosexuality, we can discuss that in PM. Here I'll just say: My views are nuanced, and I don't entirely agree with either side in the culture war.

But honestly, I think what you said borders on pre-jugging me. Not wanting something to be in a kids' show, isn't the same thing as being against it. For example, I'm not against pornography (when it's done right, when it's not something unhealthy). Doesn't mean I want pornography in kids' shows!

But you weren't a menie-pants here, I'll take that as a good sign. Still, I hope you know how to walk the fine line between “stern, yet civilized talking to” and “being a bully”. Plus ten or fifteen years ago, homosexuality in kids' shows was seen as unthinkable. You can't expect everyone to suddenly go from “it's unthinkable”, to agreeing with you! I hope I'm preaching to the choir when I say: You need accept that other people have different viewpoints, even when you strongly disagree with them.

If you can't take harsh words from others, this probably isn't the group for you. Because you sound a little homophobic to me as well. This is not a fandom that has a whole lot of room for that. And this is coming from a straight guy.


But honestly, I think what you said borders on pre-jugging me.

I'm not pre-judging you in any way, I just go by what you said. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Homosexual couples have the right to show up at places and to do the same things in public that heterosexual couples do in public. They also have the same rights to show up in TV (kids show or otherwise) as heterosexual couples do and to kiss each other on-screen just like heterosexual couples do on TV, too.
And certainly you wouldn't mind heterosexuality in kids shows, so you already discriminate homosexuals by having the viewpoint they shouldn't appear in a kids show, while heterosexuals are fine with you for appearances there.
Exclusion, which is exactly what it means to let heterosexual couples be in shows but not homosexual couples, is a form of discrimination and intolerance.
And since you started to rationalize your viewpoint that you would rather have homosexuals get excluded from something with your response, you have also started to tread thin ice with me now. And you will with a lot of others here if you keep doing that. Homophobia won't get you friends here.

Considering that of your two criteria for sticking around, "will people be mean to me for thinking that homosexual characters shouldn't be shown in children's programming" and "is foalcon allowed," you seem to be distinctly more focused on the former than on the latter.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and "10-15 years ago" homosexual couples were being acknowledged in several shows, including "Postcards from Buster" in 2005. Hardly unthinkable, albeit extremely rare in programming primarily aimed at younger children back then.

Group Admin

As the other mod, I want to back up 6887630 : we don't control what people say or think, but I'll step in when it comes to unproductive communication (gratuitous insults, threats, repeated harassment, etc.) whichever side of an issue you're on. While Steel and I are both pretty obviously okay with gay ships, it's been a controversy since before we started modding the group and I (at least) only want the group to come down on the side of being mature adults.


"While Steel and I are both pretty obviously okay with gay ships"

To be clear: I didn't say anything about gay ships! Fanfiction written by adults, for adults, isn't quite the same thing as a kids' show.

Group Admin

Fair distinction. :twilightsmile:

(My stance on that, (which doesn't really matter) is that it depends entirely on how its addressed. I have a kneejerk reaction against making it the central focus of an episode of an otherwise apolitical kids show to teach tolerance or whatever, because I think that does the opposite.

On the other hand, my five year old watches Magpie Pony's Pinkie Tales, where f/f mane six ships are regularly used in place of the traditional romantic fairy tale characters, and I have no problem with same sex couples happening to be together on tv, like they might happen to be together in real life.

Basically, I think representation should be age appropraite and shouldn't hijack a show.)

“Don’t think homosexuality should be in kids shows.” Oh this weekend is going to be fun...

Yeah my kid and I loved the Ponyville Mysteries (I read them to my kid as bedtime stories). I've beed avoiding spoilers but I'm looking forward to the episode.

I am of the opinion that politics should be left out of kids programming.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some straight, monster mare stories to write.:raritywink:

>thinking a sexual orientation is pornographic
>actually thinking that it inherently is
>no really thinking that
Excuse me what

If you're talking about me, I think you misread my post.

6887630 6887697
To the admins: Sounds like you don't much care what someone's personal opinion is. What you care about is someone's conduct.

“We can't entirety stop people from being people but we do punish bad behavior.”

Good! In other groups: I've seen mods not punish bad behavior. They lock threads, when just one person or one side was uncivil. And they don't actuality deal with the uncivil person. Like when a teacher punishes the whole class, because just one or two kids misbehave. That's not fair on the kids who do behave, and it doesn't encourage the bad kids to behave themselves.

Simply locking threads, when someone throws a hissy-fit, doesn't solve the problem. It just gives hissy-fiters the power to silence whoever they want. If they don't like what you have to say: They can just throw a hissy-fit and get the thread locked. Appeasing hissy-fiters only encourages more hissy-fits!

There's not much room in the fandom, for my mild “homophobia”. But there's so much room for pedophilia, this site's featured box often has child erotica!

This fandom is pretty non-judgmental, when it comes to child erotica. I don't think it's in any position to judge me, just for thinking that homosexuality shouldn't be in kids' shows.

Alright dude, I was trying to be nice. But obviously it's not working. Don't join this group. You can't ignore flak and have to react to everything around you, whether it's directed at you or not. That's not a good trait to have on the internet.

Okay, now I'm confused.

Not my problem. The rule of thumb that people seem to forget lately is "if you don't like it, don't do it". If you have that much of a problem with homosexuality in cartoons, don't watch the cartoon.

"If you don't like it, don't do it" is a good rule of thumb! Another one I like is “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Unfortunately, rules of thumb don't always work. If it always worked, then it wouldn't be a rule of thumb. It'd just be a rule.

See, now it's getting to the point where it seems all you wanna do is argue. You could have easily just looked at the page and made a decision on whether or not to join on your own, yet you came in asking what WE would have you do, and you've made it painfully obvious that you have a mindset on standing on a pedestal and lecturing people on their life choices. Here's my final advice; don't join. You're just here to cause strife, we don't want it, now kindly fuck off.

I just agreed with you. You said that "If you don't like it, don't do it" is a good rule of thumb. I agreed. That is a good rule of thumb, and a very good point! I'd hardly call that “arguing”.

Thatguy. You're the only one who's arguing here. This hostility, this anger: It's one way!

For what it's worth, I'll give you an open-ended olive branch: If you ever feel like calling this water under the bridge, and agreeing to disagree (about homosexuality in kids' shows): Just send me a PM, or something.

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