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So far I have three options:

Garble and Ember

Garble and Gilda

Garble and Adagio Dazzle

What are your thoughts?

5207497 I don't know why Adagio is being called a horse.

She's a siren, so she swims in the water. I've never heard of, nor seen, a horse swim.

Sirens have avian anatomy to an extent, or have appearances to that of mermaids, depending on your branch of folklore.

5207497 This is no brainer for me; Definitely Adagio

5207497 Adagio. Definitely Adagio.

5207510 Well yes, but if you think about it only the lower body is of fish/bird the upper is of the species in question. For the human world human upper body and for pony world a pony upper body.

Garble only sees the upper body.

5207497 An AdagioXGarble fic would be cute!

5207497 I've always been seem to like the idea of Gilda and Garble as a couple. Sure it's nowhere near my highest ships. But I think it would really cute if the two mean-asses became a couple. And come on a griffin and a dragon, just think of what the offspring would look like.

5207497 His hand. That douche doesn't deserve to be shipped.


With the right AU, maybe Sunset Shimmer.

I'd probably consider Aria Blaze over Adagio as the sirens go... Aria's the snarky one, and she and Garble have that "Lancer/Dragon" personality for the Five Man Band trope down pretty well.

5207738 Ther artist beat you to it.

5207752 Everybody deserves to be shipped.

Comment posted by Razvan563 deleted May 1st, 2016


Garble x Ember all the way.

5207497 Normally I wouldn't care enough about him to put him as anything other than single, but if I had to choose one of the presented ships, I'd Pick Garble and Adagio because I know nothing about her, there fore making her the least liked of all the character choices by default.

Though, some of that Gilda X Garble art sure is cute.

But Garble and Ember is just preposterous to me. The thought alone baffles my mind.

5207497 Obviously GarbleXGarble.

Garble and... Marble.


I kid, I kid!

5207497 I ship him with Gilda.

5207497 Fluttershy. Now hear me out. I'm a fan of 'out of the box' ships and this is one of those. While Fluttershy still has a fear of dragons, she's also come a long way with standing up for herself. So she could, upon meeting him, be able to talk him down if he tries anything. So he'd begrudgingly stop {or wait until she isn't looking.} bullying others. It could be a great bit of growth for the both of them.

5212755 Good opinion. Now with visual aids.

Garble is an adult child, and a big meanie-pants. He needs to grow up before he can be paired with anyone. Or at least: If I had a daughter or little sister, I'm not exactly going to be in a rush to get her together with Garble.

Assuming he does grow up, and actuality becomes a man: Maybe Gilda (assuming she grows up too). They seem to have similar personalities.

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