Writing Prompts 77 members · 0 stories
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Tags (Can be modified): Dark, sad, adventure
Characters (add some): Twilight, possibly Spike

A clang came from the hall, startling Twilight Sparkle awake. She listened, but heard nothing more. Annoyed, she closed her eyes again.
Hoofsteps echoed off the walls, and Twilight sat up in bed. Nopony was in the room except for her and Spike, but the noise continued, as if mocking her.
Twilight gulped, terrified. Please let this be my imagination. "Hello?" she called.
A soft whispery voice started repeating her name over and over again. Still the room was empty.
But as Twilight opened her eyes from a blink, a black shadowy figure of a pony appeared face-to-face with her. Twilight let out a scream, waking Spike.

Hope this sparks an idea! :heart:

~Shimmer Shy

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