Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
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Group Admin

I'm looking for two admins for the Silver Spoon group.

Why do we need admins?

- to allow the group to respond quickly to current events
- to fix mistakes made by me or other admins
- to moderate threads (you'll rarely need to, everyone is generally pretty nice and sensible)
- most importantly, to prevent all the group power from remaining in the hooves of a single individual, which has often led to problems in other groups.

What can admins do?

- change the group front page
- change the group banner
- modify threads
- delete comments in threads
- edit folders
- post to folders that are restricted to admins
- promote other users to admins (run it by me first, though!)

That's pretty much it! Reply here if you're interested in becoming an admin for the group.

Group Admin

I'm familiar with the drill, if you're interested in having me as an admin. Though keep in mind that I am an admin in a bunch of other places too...

Group Admin


I'm down, yeah.

Group Contributor

Okay, sure...

Group Admin


Welcome then to our two new admins, PONY 2012, Br0ny1Delta, and arcum42! I was looking for two, but arcum42 is an experienced admin already so I'm fine with having an extra hoof.

I have also been thinking of offering an admin position directly to HollyFern, who is actually a massive Silver Spoon fan (I'm surprised he didn't create this group first, but maybe he doesn't want the responsibility :) ). However three is more than enough right now, we'll see if things change later.

One thing which has worked well in the Apple Bloom group (which reminds me, I need to add Br0ny1Delta's story...) is a special thread for admin discussion, so that we can keep each other informed of what we're doing. I'll create one in a moment.

Group Admin



And believe me, I've run into more trouble with not having enough active admins then with having too many. Even with Twilight's Library, where there are ten admins. Well, alright, especially with Twilight's Library. It requires more in the way of active admins then a lot of groups.

Of course, part of it depends how much and what each admin is doing, and what holes in admin coverage aren't being covered.

Group Admin



Group Admin


Oh, fiddlesticks. But... wait, no, I need a liaison to The Diamond Cutters! They're convinced that we're going to elevate Silver Spoon into some kind of Diamond-destroying demigoddess, and that's almost totally not true!

Group Admin


Why would be need a liaison? Every single admin here is a member of that group.

And if you need to show good faith, here. This is an unpublished fanfic I'm in process of writing that stars Diamond Tiara[1]. The three chapters are drafts, but the fact that I'm writing it should show that I'm sympathetic to their cause.

Actually, come to think of it, most of what I've done in it so far could be construed as Diamond-destroying, I suppose. But it's in a sympathetic manner, so that shouldn't count. :scootangel:

[1] As an experiment, I've tossed a few unpublished fanfics on my user page without passwords. Most are cancelled or on long-term hiatus, but this one still seems to be wanting to be written at the moment...

Group Admin


When I put up an ad for this group in the DT group they seemed kinda annoyed that SS was getting a group too, since Silver Spoon seems to be the more popular of the two Sugarlumpbumpers. I guess they felt I was stepping on toes.

Regardless, we still have a beachhead in their forums to support the continued annexation of the DT group in the name of this glorious empire. :duck:

Group Admin


Eh, that's silly. Related groups should try to cross-pollinate, like me and SweetAI Belle were trying to do with all the various CMC groups, by spreading Related Groups postings in all of them. Of course, we discovered in the course of that that two big CMC groups[1] are effectively dead due to missing admins. We're still trying to get that sorted out, but apparently fimfictions admins don't believe in answering PMs.

Well, if we do need a liaison, Br0ny1Delta has been a member the longest of us.

[1]Sweetie Belle's admin is locked out of his account, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders admin is MIA.

Group Admin


Why would be need a liaison? Every single admin here is a member of that group.

Because liaison sounds more impressive! And as PONY 2012 says, good relations are important. There was some concern about this group within The Diamond Cutters, and I don't want to upset our fellow comrades until Project Argentum is actually ready to deploy.

Regardless, we still have a beachhead in their forums to support the continued annexation of the DT group in the name of this glorious empire.

Okay, if we are going down the glorious empire route, we're going to have to do something about our security. In future, please use a small font when discussing invasion plans.

Group Admin


A small font? Shouldn't we use spoiler tags?

And my trouble is that my backup for this sort of thing would usually be SweetAI Belle with the devastating power of her hugs. But she hasn't joined the group, due to a bad previous history with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Group Admin


Shouldn't we use spoiler tags?

That's not how we did things in the Fluttershy School of Subterfuge and Covert Operations.

And my trouble is that my backup for this sort of thing would usually be REDACTED with the devastating power of REDACTED. But REDACTED, due to [The rest of this message has been redacted.]

Ah yes, well, I hear she's got a lot on her plate at the moment what with the whole time travel thing. Still, she could be useful in mediating groups between the two groups. As a CMC I believe she's impartial to either side.

Group Admin


Actually, following how things are going with that, I might be able to persuade one of her future selves to join with her present account, since it sounds like she's at the very least, working with future Silver Spoon now.

And I can see your point. Her with Silver is one of the most popular Silver Spoon ships, too.

Group Admin


Just as an update, I talked future!SweetAI Belle into joining. Just keep in mind that present!SweetAI Belle isn't interested in the group, just her future self.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, my future self probably isn't going to be around for a while, so don't expect too much. Here, I'll get Silvy to join..

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