Apple Bloom is Best Pony 932 members · 1,695 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

Here's some figures:

Scootaloo: 223 members, 288 stories
Sweetie Belle: 63 members, 23 stories
Babs Seed: 38 members, 18 stories
Apple Bloom: 9 members, 11 stories

Is this really all there is for poor Apple Bloom? The de facto leader of the CMC? The filly who braved the Everfree Forest by herself to try to cure the Mane Six of poison joke? Who wasn't afraid of Zecora even when her own big sister was? Who can turn a run down old shack into a fully functioning base of operations? Who was taught karate by Rainbow Dash herself (and apparently knows kung fu as well)? Not to mention the experience and good health that comes from working on a farm.

In short, Apple Bloom is best Apple Bloom. I'm going to try and hunt down some more stories - if you've read an AB story recently that you think should be here, feel free to add it!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I kinda thought that was strange, too.

Though Apple Bloom hasn't actually gotten more then a couple hours karate training from Rainbow Dash. (I feel for Scoots. Rainbow spent more time that day training Apple Bloom then she's ever spent with her.) And she likes kung fu. That doesn't mean that she knows it.

She has actually visited Zecora more then once, though. And she's the real moving force behind the cutie mark crusaders. Without her, life would have been a good deal more boring for us.

Group Admin


I found quite a few AB stories (including what seems to be an unofficial On A Cross And Arrow sequel, hurrah!), so there's clearly not a lack of stories. We've got more than Sweetie Belle now! The membership, on the other hoof, that's more difficult to increase. I'm not even sure if a dozen crying Apple Blooms will help, but I'll give it a try:


Group Admin


Well, all the Apple Bloom fanfics you added will help, as often people join a group when they realize their fanfics have been added to it. And the more members you have, the more you tend to get as the group becomes more visible.

And SweetAI Belle, why don't you post a thread on the Scootaloo group pointing out related groups, including this one?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Lets see, the Cutie Mark Crusaders group, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. And Babs Seed, I guess. Alright, will do.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Ok, posted it. By the way, why is fanfiction spelled "fanficitons" on the main page?

Group Admin


Thanks for that (and welcome, to new members!). I'm not actually an admin in this group so I can't correct anything, although ANGRY_RainbowDash does still seem to be around so hopefully he'll see this (if not, I'll message him).

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin
Shirley Not Serious
Group Contributor

791261 Will get on that. Thanks for the correction.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


No problem. I decided to post my related groups post in some of the groups listed, too. so I'll be putting a modified version here...

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