Simply Derpin' 21 members · 25 stories
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Hey guys, I just updated A Turn of Events, and now I need more ideas for Your New Life.:twilightblush: Because I have no idea what to do :applecry:

he's humen we get out of are problems in simple ways.

A. the threat of war. humans do not fuck around and a 3rd world nations army alone would be more then a match for the ponys. your why out of it. hell i talkd my way out of jail time you can to.

c. humans are stronger then horses by weight, and ponys dont' way much

d. humans have a better education then the ponys thay stop after gradescool (primaryschool) once done with gradeschool the ponys go to learn things evolving a "ass mark". so just use a riddle our calculus, and while there trying to figure it out escape and save that there sanity.

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