SpikeBelle 705 members · 186 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Let's face it. Our little green friend is taken for granted. We can pretend that he's a lady-killer like Big Mac, but that counters how he's portrayed in the show, with snarky comments and comic relief.

How does that make you feel? Discuss!:moustache:

2295399 At least Applejack looked back at him in shock. Rarity didn't even pay attention to him; I guess AppleSpike might become canon... I hope.

But yeah, I hate how the writers are treating him... but at least he's there.

2295423 To their credit, it gets me to laugh every time.:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, the Spikabuse is a guilty pleasure of mine :pinkiehappy: (started with FiW)
As long as they don't abuse too much of it


Spike is like Sokka in Avatar the Last Airbender

If Spike becomes popular then Equestria will erupt.

At least he is not a dog :pinkiesick: .


Honestly, I don't think the writers really know what to do with Spike. Let's face it, this is still a show for little girls: The focus has never been on male characters, and absolutely not on adolscent boys, but Spike is still so close to Twilight they kinda have to keep him around anyway.


Sokka got way more respect.

Completely deserved, of course, but still.

I can pretty much relate to him, but the fact that he's taken for granted is kinda sad.

Spikle Jackson!!

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

2295900 I'm with you on that one. hated that.:flutterrage:

The Fields of Ice
Group Admin

2295423 Agreed. AppleSpike may not be my favorite, but at least he's not with Rarity... Now we just need to correct a mistake named Flash Sentry.

Though, I think it'd be pretty cool if Spike became a total bad ass for once.

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