Friendly chatting and other random crap 38 members · 46 stories
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Y'know, there's always been a fued between cats and dogs. But there's also been one between cat lovers and dog lovers. Let us use this thread to decide which it actually better. Post pros about the side your on and cons against the other side. I'd prefer cats, because they are quiet and clean, easy to take care of. Dogs however, are messy and noisy. They drool and if they aren't potty trained they will pee and poop all over your house. You can't even trust them to go where thy want in the house until thy are grown up and don't hew on EVERYTHING anymore. Okay! Your turn

Dogs > Cats.


>Replying 4 weeks later
I don't need to say shit, dogs are loyal and will protect you, a cat will chew on your corpse.

1590148 Well, my cat is fun, cute, and loves to hang out with me.

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