Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
Comments ( 73 )
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Group Admin

We've got an admitted changeling like three posts above yours, and you're hassling Rarity for failure to comply with a trivial requirement of the ID card program?

Group Contributor

Seeing as how the Changeling: Threat Or Menace? scare has been spreading all the way over to the Upcoming Harshwhinny Fic Thread, I am showing my ID in compliance with our new witch hunt author verification policy.

I trust this will settle the matter of my qualifications.

Group Contributor

:pinkiegasp: CHANGELING


1953283! 1953705! It's hugs and pitchforks time!!

Group Contributor


For feathers' sake, that's my family name! Old Canterlot nobility. Dad maintains the barony and everything.

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

I was hoping that for once, in the forum of one of Equestria's most notable aesthetes, I wasn't going to have to get into a huge shouting match to justify myself yet again. But here we are, so here I go.

I'm descended from the Nightmare hunter Abraham Van Gelding — you've heard of him, right? — except the 'd' got dropped somewhere in the 2nd Century in a bureaucratic snafu, and in the transition from Germane to Canterlothian someone misread the "V" as a "≤".

Say it with me. (shan GHELL ingue).

*sigh* I bet you think Changeling National Park got its name from the bugs, too.

Group Contributor

Um … One thing I don't get, Horizon. If you're a actually a pegasus descended from a well-established family of minor Canterlot royalty, how come you have a "Class M" license? Isn't that for mythi*#$!__^H^H!#134n,f03zsxm,51


Group Contributor

** This user has been banned for the previous post **
Reason: He's not a changeling. Lay off the witch hunts.

Group Admin

The main thing I'm concerned about is whether the date stamp is accurate, and since the year is listed as THE FINAL BLACKNESS AT THE END OF ALL TIME WHERE THERE IS NO MOTION OR LIFE OR SOUND, MERELY THE UNRELENTING HOWLING DARK OF THE VOID WHICH LASTS FOR EVER AND EVER (at least that's what I assume the black box means) your license is obviously good, as we have not yet reached that point.

Group Admin

Doesn't the name "Jules" mean "Infiltrator" in old Latin?

Group Contributor

Not to pick on young Lord Changéling, but "D.O.B." is Date Of Birth, so the only conclusion to be drawn here is that he was spawned from the FINAL BLACKNESS, UNRELENTING HOWLING DARK, etc. That being the case, we must assume that he is in fact living backward in time.

Sadly, since the license expiration date is two years in the future, that means his license is expired.

Group Admin



2055884 I got my pitchfork!

Because that other guy is clearly a changeling! Get him!

Group Admin

Wait a second. Where's your I.D.?

Group Contributor

2055369 2055884 2055985
For all stars' love. I'm not even certain whether to dignify this with a response, but I'm just too curious.

Assuming for purposes of argument that I was born in the howling void of chaos at the end of everything; that my flyer's license DOB notation is an accurate representation thereof, and not simply a redaction at the perfectly innocent and wholly incomprensible request of H.R.H. Celestia (who I have most likely never met, all glory to the Sun), in order to prevent mass panic from that very fact becoming public knowledge; that I am somehow living backwards in time while still responding to conversations in proper chronological order, which is flatly impossible without time travel and thus an especially risible suggestion; that a license with a future expiration date can, in any sense of the word, be said to be expired (see above re. time travel); that any changeling would be insane enough to brandish a Class M license as a cover story, which marks the possessor as a greater existential threat than any mere shapeshifting bug; and that the universe would permit the cosmic irony of a scion of the Changeling family being replaced by an impostor …

… Assuming for purposes of argument all of these things, any one of which is sufficient grounds for the dismissal of this accusation with great prejudice (and derisive laughter) … I still want to know:

In what possible way does displaying an expired license indicate one is a changeling? :facehoof:

Group Contributor

In the eternal language of the stars, which whisper honeyed truths through the cracks in spacetime that have been heard by madmares throughout history, inspiring them to greater and greater lengths of desperate depravity to mask for a few moments the inescapable meaninglessness of their existence; in the eternal language of the stars, which cannot pass mortal mouths, lest it flay the flesh from your cheeks and set your blood afire; in the eternal language of the stars, bellowing utterances of raw power to shape and twist the very shadows pulled screaming from the Land Beyond and binding them to the mortal world that we may live in innocent disregard of the ceaseless torture permeating every atom of their silent bones, it means "beloved."

2056029 Here it is!

No, wait, here:

Shouldn't have shown you that...

Ah ha!

There it is! See all correct and everything.

Group Contributor

hay 2060222 ho'wd u get my liesense???! i hard 2 wriet my best fic 2 ern that

Group Contributor

Wait, you're Rarity? Luther "My Harshwhinnial" Blissett from Greenville? You're actually Rarity?!

Group Contributor

2066174 no,, my lescince was teh 2econd tihng. w/ith the 4 poines

2066164 Listen buddy, what I find carelessly thrown away in a dresser in an upstairs bedroom in a locked house is mine for the taking if I'm the guy that found it.

Group Admin

Instead of answering your question, I would like to give you this official "first time straight man" pin.

Group Admin

Luther, hon, is there something you'd like to share with us?

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