The Wolfpack 522 members · 192 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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What up everybody. I know the majority of you guys and gals have no fucking idea who I am. But that is irrelevent. The addmins have comitted a huge diservise to an awesome author. His only stories are Red Thrush Private School, and Getting You Home. The author's name is Azurini. He has been on the most popular list several times for RTPS as well as its sequeal, Getting You Home. But its time to get to the point, which is that because his stories don't technically have anything to do with FiM aside from the use of names, the have forbiden him from publishing the rest of Getting You Home, and all viewer need to know a password to view both stories. So please, go read this dudes stories and if you can, join the fight to help him out. Because of this, he has lost the will to write anything else. He's been crushed, his spirit broken. Don't do it because some random ass dude is asking you to, but do it to say a fellow author, a fellow Brony, keep doing what makes him happy. That's all. TTUL. Later.

The password for both stories is polarbear. Thank you everyone for reading this, and please help this awesome author get his work back.

Pyrefly out.

Group Admin

602804 Already did, and gettin' mah warface on. :twilightangry2:

602804 SCREAMING EAGLES!:flutterrage:

Group Admin

602804 i liked this guy's story's, and i've seen several stories before that did the same thing he did!
as in, humanized ponies on earth/ in a university

A prime example of this is a story called Trottingham University. When I first read it, I honestly thought the author got his ideas from RTPS. His chapters where that similar.

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