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Straight Shooter
Group Admin

* Wake up* Oi , were the bloody ell am I ? Am why am I tried down .. Damnit Lyra !!!

Straight Shooter
Group Admin

HELP !! SOME ONE HEEELL * Lyra stuffs gag in my mouth * Mpph udda mpphh

*hears screaming*"wonder what that is." * walks to window and sees irish tied up and knocks on the window* "Hey, need help?"

*see hes gagged* "oh ah come!" *busts through window and unties him* "what now?"

Straight Shooter
Group Admin

Aye , thanks mate .. I dont know .. Wanna mess with AJ , Rabbit ?

"...sure." *follows irish*

Straight Shooter
Group Admin

- 1 hour later - Okay .. Heres the plan .. I'm goin to .. I forgot the bloody plan , any ideas mate

"hmmm gimme a minute." *thinks up plan* "alright , lets go find her and wait until she starts loadin' the baskets into the cart and when she ain't lookin' take'm off of the cart and hide'm."

Straight Shooter
Group Admin

But I'm so tried !!! * Passes out *

*shrugs*"ok i'll just go find a tree to sleep."*go finds tree and goes to sleep with hat over face*

Straight Shooter
Group Admin

* Wakes up * Bloody 'ell .. were the fuck am I

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