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Of Hooves & Wings (Part One), by PSPsky
Romance; Comedy; Drama

(Following details may vary)
Pages 146
Words 62702
Characters 366972
Characters excluding spaces 304980

Featured Characters: Mane Six, Celestia, Luna, Discord, Octavia, Wonderbolts, Vinyl Scratch, Royal Guards
Featured OCs: Summer Breeze, Iron Ore, Trusty Hooves, Snazzy Tux

Preface & Brief Description:
Less than a year ago, I originally meant for this story to be much longer, but after a major writer's block (crash, rather), I have ultimately decided to present what I have currently as Part One of the romance between the pegasus Rainbow Dash and the earth pony Summer Breeze. The name "Summer Breeze," by the way, was a name I came up with independently, and that any usage of the name in other fanfictions, forums, art, etc. is purely coincidental. This Part One, in short, will act as the prequel) to the later romantic adventures of Rainbow Dash and Summer Breeze. Half of the story occurs on a train to Canterlot, followed by five of the Mane Six's attempt to bring Rainbow and Summer together at the Gala. The basic plot will go as follows:

  • Mane Six go for a train ride to the Gala, when Rainbow Dash has a certain confession to make to her friends.
  • After Rarity helps Rainbow make the confession that she is gay, her friends will get to learn more about this new side of Rainbow.
  • This discussion will eventually lead up to the subject of Rainbow Dash's secret special somepony (crush) by the name of Summer Breeze.
  • After friends get to learn more about this Summer Breeze, Rarity teaches Rainbow how to formal dance.
  • Rarity will then orchestrate an elaborate plot to ensure that Rainbow Dash gets the mare of her dreams, a plot in which each friend plays an essential role.
  • After a brief stroll and carriage ride through Canterlot, during which Rainbow receives more words of encouragement, the Six finally arrive at the Gala and put their scheme into action.
  • Friends must work together to make sure Rainbow Dash gets together with Summer Breeze.
  • Rarity's plot will suffer a minor set back, but quickly gets back on its proper course.
  • Pinkie Pie will successfully give Summer a grand introduction of Rainbow Dash and depart to leave them alone with each other.
  • Summer and Rainbow talk, dance, spend time in the garden, watch the Wonderbolts airshow, etc.
  • The story ends with Rainbow asking Summer on a date and Summer says yes.

Rainbow's dating experiences will come in PART TWO

Additional Notes:
Large sections of the story may have to be redone, such as in Rainbow's dance lessons with Rarity, or maybe not. I feel I should have more Q&A for Rainbow and somehow make time on the train seem longer than I attempted already. Also, this story started out as wall text, and took three editors to complete the first edits and formatting, and I am looking now for one single editor to work from start to finish and ready this story for publication on this site. I feel that everything I want in the story is there, but I may need help also to make it work better, if that makes sense. This will probably be more of a process of refining the story rather than revising, but I will let my next editor put that into consideration. I look forward to finally bringing this story to completion.

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