Overly Extensive Editors 745 members · 0 stories
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Project Name: Black Feather
Genre: Adventure
Size: Epic multi-year effort

I'm seeking one or two new team members to join my adventure project which takes place in a unique, original universe.

This project already has three years of progress and growth with at least that many years still to go. The project is extremely well-organized. Many people have been a part of the effort, but things have been a bit too quiet lately, as only a couple of us are really active in discussions on our Discord server these days.

If you're knowledgeable in writing, especially if you are good with emotive storytelling and enjoy grand, sweeping adventures, I want you on my team. If you enjoy fully realized, detailed, rational, and internally consistent fantasy universes, I want you on my team. If you like stories with vast, desperate stakes and well-balanced powers, I want you on my team. If you enjoy a range from sweet, tender, emotive moments, to heart pounding tension, to ruthless vengeance, to massive front-line battles, I want you on my team. If you are a big fan of elaborate lore, tying together all the various historical backstory mentioned in MLP in a way that actually flows with a consistent, airtight causality, from the very beginning, through many ages, through the MLP era, and beyond, into the distant future, I want you on my team.

Black Feather is a pretty big project. If I had to guess, it's probably one of, if not the largest currently active projects on fimfiction at this time. The scope and structure of the entire thing has been recently redesigned, and I'm seeking some people, not to be mere editors, but to become friends who want to share in the experience of this unfolding universe.

As such, this request is fairly unorthodox. I'm not looking for proofreaders. I've got that covered. My draft prose is already publish-ready for the most part, though the final drafts I always have many sets of eyes look over before committing. What I am looking for is someone who is good with emotive subtext and can help me see the strengths and weaknesses of what I write. As mentioned earlier, I've been writing this for three years already. A good portion of my life during this project has been dedicated to improving as a writer, so I won't be needing any of the help typical beginners need.

What I'm really needing is for people to join and get to know the story and its characters. To really get to know them in a way where you can tell when I'm portraying someone out of character or if you think I'm assuming too much about the reader's ability to follow along. This project has been an exercise in theoretical perfection. I put a great deal of time and energy into these characters and their circumstances. It is all very thoroughly planned. Still, I'm fairly new at writing good presentation. My most recent efforts have been in providing the reader with a vivid environment and detailed scenes and characters. Things have progressed dramatically in that area all through this year, but I'm still without enough people to help me know if I'm on the right track with things.

So if you think you'd enjoy being a part of a very lengthy and detailed adventure story, be sure and let me know.

Lastly, while several chapters of this story are currently published on Fimfiction, just ignore that for now because it is in the middle of being rewritten to my new standards. The two most recently published chapters are good, but everything earlier than that is due for a rewrite. I am currently working on the prologue of the story. It is probably about 15-20% complete.

In regards to this prologue rewrite, please consider it as an example of the kind of prose I'm currently drafting. You can read through this right now and see if you think it could be better. An important factor is whether you, as a fresh set of eyes, are able to really "get" the vision for what I'm trying to portray in the world building as well as the characterizations. The plot hasn't engaged yet in this sample of prose, but you should be able to get a specific vision from it.

If you do understand this prose, and its vision... if you like what you see and think you understand what I need in order to better express it... then I want you on my team. :twilightsmile:

I'm intrigued.
I'll probably go through reading the chapters that are up after I finish writing this, but so far you've gotten my interest and I'd love to work on such a project.
But you'll probably need some reference as my page doesn't have any stories on it at the moment.
So here are some (self-proclaimed) strengths and downsides you'll face if you allow me to join.

+ I'm literate (Not much but hey, it's a start!)
+ I have several experiences in expansive worldbuilding, and I love tying together lores.
+ I can be passionate.
+ I've been told I'm a funny amicable person (Or I'm actually not and people are too nice to tell me otherwise. Which may be the case. Probably.)

- I can be stupidly stubborn.(And stubbornly stupid)
- I'm not from the states so you may experience time zone problems.
- I most likely won't be able to talk in a voice channel, due to well- timezones and school.
- I'll pester you to mail me pancakes until you relent or go insane.
- I often have too much fun when I'm writing stuff like this.

So... yeah.
Contact me if you want an extra hand and you have pancakes to spare.
That part is optional by the way.
The extra hand part I mean.

send pancakes :pinkiecrazy:

Hi there. Thanks for your interest! I wish you had tagged me in your reply because I only just now saw it, two months later, due to being tagged in ArtistFire12's reply (above). I'm most definitely interested in having a chat with you about this.

ok? :derpytongue2:

Not sure what you're saying with the 'ok'. Was there a comment you had? Something you'd like to contribute to the project perhaps?

Ask yourself if you want someone like that "helping" you.

Indeed. That thought had crossed my mind.

What project are you talking about?

I take it you did not read the OP. What were you replying to in the first place?

You can't be serious. The original post... The one at the top of this thread. The one you replied to...


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