Overly Extensive Editors 745 members · 0 stories
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Hello everyone,

I posted a message here about three weeks ago seeking assistance for editing my story Somepony to Love (Fimfic link). I haven't had any responses thus far but I still want your help.

I am writing two stories at the moment. The one mentioned above is yet to be finished but I am about half way there (11 chapters done.) I have done a story plan and I am confident in the direction and flow of this story. The writing is okay, but it could still improve greatly. I am very keen to learn and improve my skills as an author.

Here is the google links for this story, broken up into the various chapters and a folder that shows the story plan.
Somepony to Love

The second story is a DBZ crossover story. It's more geared towards a character development story. The plot of the story is that this DBZ character and the 7 dragonballs are brought to the MLP universe. The character's memories are sealed so he has to rediscover who he is. Unfortunately a lot of those memories are painful ones so he is reluctant to remember. Behind the scenes there is a greater evil force at play wanting him to become a monster. To give the story a real point of difference, I will be introducing a character (original) that helps to explain the link between the two universes use a few star constellations to establish a mythology.

I have a lot of ideas surrounding this story and themes I could introduce, and subtle ones for the main character (such as dealing with PTSD). With the way it is going, it feels like it could be a real epic and I feel I could turn my idea into a series of books.

I've written 5 chapters including the prologue and a bonus chapter. My main problem with this idea is the story planning. I know what ideas, I want to include but I don't know how best to sequence them all in a meaningful manner without overloading the reader and taking away the enjoyment.

I want to share this self-discovery story.

Here is the link. Sun Rise: A New Dawn

I haven't published this story yet because it was intended to be a sequel/spin-off of my first book. So I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this story a classic whilst respecting both aspects of both universes.

I am asking please for your help.

Thank you.

Group Admin

OEE Staff
I encourage you to be proactive and ask prospective OEE staff members via PM if they'd be willing to help you edit your story(ies). While I would normally volunteer my services, my editing queue is already quite heavy and overwhelming. If, in the unfortunate event that the other staff members do not volunteer to help edit your stories, then I encourage you to try the other editing groups on this site for assistance. I'm wishing you success in your endeavors.

Overly Extensive Editors Administrator


Thank you. I'm just a little nervous in doing so. But thank you either way, and I'll try.

Group Admin

5943533 Have confidence in yourself and the stories that you're writing. While whichever editor you 'sign on,' may suggest different plot directions/routes, word/phrasing choices, etc. don't get discouraged, but learn from it. If that editor is worth their salt, then they're going to have a valid reason for suggesting what they're telling you. While an editor's personal preferences may influence their suggestions, you have full control of the story which you want to tell. I make suggestions to the people that I edit for, and despite me being a senior OEE staff member and administrator, there are those who don't accept my suggestions for whatever reason.

Plus, being proactive about approaching our editing team will show your sincerity and passion. That you care about your story enough to approach our editing staff to request their skill, knowledge, and experience.

And should you find that editor who is worth their salt, then I encourage you to let them know that their efforts are appreciated. It will go a long way towards keeping them as your editor for your story and any other future stories you will want an editor for.

Also, if you haven't heard from your editor for awhile, then I encourage you to contact them. This too, will go a long way to getting your stories edited, because then your editor will know that you're still serious about getting your story edited and published for your readers. However, if they have a heavy editing queue, as I do, then please understand that they'll get to your story in time, but queue placement, writer proficiency in story elements and grammar comprehension (or lack thereof) are going to affect how quickly an editor may get to your story.

Anywyas, I hope this was somewhat helpful and encouraging. Have confidence in your worth as a person, as a storyteller and the stories you want to tell and go get that editor!


5943753 AuthorGenesis,

I really appreciate these words of wisdom. I won't lose faith. Just got to mare up :rainbowdetermined2: and get over it! Thank you, you are awesome!

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