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Hey I'm E. L. Coulter. Counts named after the main character of my fic cuz i eventually took him as my Ponysona. Haha So hope you all can help.

Basic Plot.
twilight is asked to help Luna get a friend of hers uncrystalized.
only she can do it thanks to a protective enchantment he placed on his book of spells,
first she must relive bits of his life sense he fears the powers he elarned might hurt the user or otehrs.
not all his life is nice.
one smal love bit, he reveales he loves Luna only for nher to reject him, he goes to battle nay way
the final battle with sombra, where he inact gets crystalized protecting the sisters

he comes back with masive ajust ment isuess including.. atttacking discord, cadance and shinning
he suffers from ptsd and interacts with some of the other charicters around pnyville.
eventually leaving sense he doesn't feel he belongs, and had lost sight of who he should be, currently not liking who is.
wipes the others memory after words, setting up for the second story.

its not a happy story, there's hope but still its a bummer. love is one sided for the most part, Luna feeling more guilt than anything. she does that. twilight is the one to interact with him most over all, and tries hard to help. though ultimately she cant. Shinning and Cadence actuality get through to him more.
battle, fighting, magical explanations and lots of feels.

its not finished yet, and aims to e round 11 chapters about 12 pages or 2500 words each.
I can take criticism and have no problem talking and answering questions.

the story
the password for all unpublished chapters is

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