Overly Extensive Editors 745 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Okay, so. Toothless's idea clinched the vote and is the thing we're gonna use. If you wanna talk about specifics or make changes to it, go ahead and suggest them. That's kind of the point of this thread - tacking things onto that idea.

-"Cleaning house" and reassigning some editors to a support or advisory position was a popular choice; suggestions on how that should be determined and what the duties of that role should be? What's the difference between the roles, and who should be placed in each?

-"Feature areas" for underappreciated and/or "most improved" stories were also recommended a lot. Suggestions on how to work that? A proposition by Shadowflash (who does something similar and would be a good person to partner up with if we go through with this):

Well, you have over 130 users in this group. All it'd take is me to advertise it (when it opens up again) so people can not only learn how to improve their writing, but earn a chance to be featured for, let's say, "the most improve writing".

It doesn't even need to be weekly. It can be monthly, in fact. Because writing improvements don't happen over a day or a week. It takes months. You also don't need to narrow it down to PB or me, persay, it can be others, too.

It's a matter of those who "have the most improved writing." That's the featured system you should go with.

To elaborate:
1 - Once a month, you talk to each of the editors.
2 - You ask them who've they all edited for and if they've notice major improvements in those author's writings.
3 - If they choose two or three people, ask them to narrow it down to one.
4 - After each editor has their top "most improved" author, put those names into a hat or perhaps an online randomize-machine or something.
5 - Whoever has their name chosen gets to have their story featured on the front of the group.
6 - If we do a "partnership" thing, I'd be willing to blog about it and feature the story in my group, too.

Then there's the issue of whether or not we should sign on recruiters, or people who browse the newest stories area offering helpful advice (and if that goes through, we'll have to set strict as hell standards on the advice because I don't want to be accused of becoming the next TWE), or other auxiliary staff positions, and how those positions should be filled. Fire away if you've got any semblance of an opinion, and don't hold anything back.

Those issues should hold us for a bit. Then there's only like two big things left we've got to talk about before we're done with all the discussion.

1120101 I think I count as an Editor/Reviewer. I'm a bit of both, but not much of either, so perhaps I could be used as an example of what an Adviser would do?

Also, I like the system ShadowFlash gave us for the Featured Crap (I wouldn't put it past a single one of you to call it that).

Group Admin

Hrm, let's see if I can make some roles on the spot...

Eldorado - The owner. You can't be him. Stahp. Staaaaaahp.

Reviewers - These guys look at the fiction after edits. Whether it's just one chapter, or perhaps the entire fiction. Then, they'll give a loaded critique to tell the author what they did wrong and what they did right. This position requires some professionalism and would need to remain without bias (IE: I may dislike KingOfSquirrelz, but I will give an honest opinion about his fictions if I needed to).

Editors - These guys edit the author's writing and give heavy critiques on areas that could use work. They may also think of you as a common pleb. Careful.

Advisors - These guys basically give you advice on areas of fictions that they specialize at or perhaps certain aspects of writing they specialize with. IE: An author is awesome at HiE and story pacing. They can give advice for those kind of things.

*Pre-readers - These guys take a glance at the stories that need to be looked at. They'll skim through the submitted story, point out aspects that need to be worked on, and they'll tell the author if they should go to another group to get a quick fix on grammar and spelling before having it submitted to an actual editor.

Recruiters - (This position may remain temporary) These guys play the role of talking to other group admins for other editing groups and getting some sort of partnership going (a referral partnership) or get permission to advertise the group in that group. They could also ask Wanderer D to advertise OEE in the Group Updates blog, too.

* - This might require some work. There might be some hiccups in the "resubmission" process, making it take longer for the other. Perhaps the author just needs to tell the pre-reader through a PM that edits have been made, and then the pre-reader can take one last look at it. If the pre-reader is satisfied with the minor edits, it'll go off to the actual editor.


It's just Shadowflash, no capital on the "f."

Awesome work Shadow. I love the idea of a reviewer, just to double-check after the edits. :twilightsmile:

Advisors - These guys basically give you advice on areas of fictions that they specialize at or perhaps certain aspects of writing they specialize with. IE: An author is awesome at HiE and story pacing. They can give advice for those kind of things.

*Pre-readers - These guys take a glance at the stories that need to be looked at. They'll skim through the submitted story, point out aspects that need to be worked on, and they'll tell the author if they should go to another group to get a quick fix on grammar and spelling before having it submitted to an actual editor.

Pre-readers and advisors seem strikingly similar, except one is a specialist. Why don't we merge the two?

Also, you forgot... Admins, Forum Moderator(s) and possibly Folder Manager(s).

Admins - These guys manage the entire group, checking in with the Forum Moderator (and possibly the Folder Manager) as well as checking the O.E.E community folder to ensure the operation is running smoothly.

Forum Moderator(s) - This/these guy(s) check every single thread before everyone else, making sure the thread posting format is followed correctly as well as PMing editors who are requested to edit.

Folder Manager(s) - This/these guy(s) act as the gateway of Overly-Extensive Editors, responsible for transferring stories shared from the author to the editor.

Group Admin


Woops. Forgot the most important roles.

Sorry, a bit rusty from my old forum scraping days.

Group Admin


We could call them Advisers overall, and just combine what they do together.

1120539 I like that system, along with Toothless's tweaks. The only thing is, with the new Adviser role, we'd have to have some way of determining who get's that role so we aren't just sending everyone everywhere with chaos reigning. We may have to implement a committee or have a vote or something along those lines. Otherwise, my vote goes to your system.

1120101 We could have the featured story thing put in as Shadow put it, but I'm just wondering if we should put the thing on the front page or in a thread. If we put it in a thread, we could always sticky it to the top so any incoming member can click on it and read it if they want to. If we put it on the front page though, the bump would get noticed more, and we could help that author out a lot more.

Another thing. If we put in the featured story, would we get someone (probably the editor or author of the story in question) to write up an entire article on the improvements they've seen, or should we just post the story description, a link, and say check it out? It probably isn't that important, but I feel if we are going to do a feature, we should somehow explain why that story is getting featured.

Food for thought...

Group Admin


With AotW's, I post a thread, their picture on the front of the group's page, my blog and on my profile page. Now, I'm not saying to do everything, but I am saying that you can just do both to make it an easier decision.

As for your second point, I agree. Maybe the editor should point out the major improvements of the author, where the author's old weak points use to be and how they've changed. Would be a lot more meaningful that way. To elaborate, I usually write up a paragraph or two as to why I featured the author. I try to check out a story or two of theirs and read through to get an idea of what I could help advertise.

Some more food for thought.

1125729 Both would work... We could even tell why we chose them on the sticky thread, and just put their name out there on the front page with a link to the thread. That way, we can elaborate without making people scroll through the front page every time they want to see who was featured. It also still makes it so the author is shown every time someone accesses the group.

By now the plate is probably starting to get full.

Group Admin


No, the plate needs to be overloaded! *stacks more decouplers and random junk onto the plate*


That'll work. Advisers it is!

I also agree with Shadow. Writing up an article about the winner would be extremely helpful. If nothing else, it makes the author feel good. :twilightsmile:

I also advocate for having some or even all of the staff members/editors blog about the featured story. That's a potential 21 sources! And some of them here have gathered quite a cult following.

I also want to change up the selection system slightly. I'll just copy and paste from the previous thread I posted it in, just to make sure you saw it. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm liking that you chose "Most Improved" over "Best". So yeah, I'll be one to vote for that when it comes around. The only thing that bugs me a little is the lottery. It seems too random, and the luck of the draw may not pick out the "Most Improved" writer every single time.

I'm thinking we should all come to a consensus about who is the "Most Improved" author through voting. Perhaps editors would submit stories and the committee would look through each one together and see how well it has improved. After that, vote yea or nay. Whichever story has the most yeas, wins. If there's a tie, we can vote again on the two stories.

Unfortunately, this will require having a back-up of the old copy. Best thing I'm thinking about is saving a copy of each story that comes through within the O.E.E community folder before sending it off to the editor.

1127435 That'd work for me. I honestly have no arguments against that.

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